Removal of keratomas

The skin is a rather vulnerable organ of the human body. Specific neoplasms often appear on it, causing certain problems. Among the various skin defects, keratomas are distinguished - a kind of skin growths. They are small areas of skin with an overgrown epithelial layer, which gradually takes the form of a crust. Although these growths are usually asymptomatic, keratoma removal is a highly demanded procedure. This is due to the fact that if the upper layer is accidentally damaged, the growths can bleed, some of them are capable of malignant degeneration. In addition, this is a significant cosmetic defect.
Causes of keratomas
There are several reasons for the development of skin lesions. Any of them contributes to the appearance of rough growths on the body. In most cases, this inevitably leads to the need to remove keratomas. The main reasons are age-related changes in the body and the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays on human skin. Usually these reasons are interrelated.
With age, the skin loses its natural moisture, its surface layer begins to coarse, which makes it difficult to slough off dead epidermis. As a result, in some places, a kind of growths of epithelial cells - keratomas are formed. Striking
exposure to ultraviolet rays exacerbates this process. Neoplasms that have a brownish tint gradually become covered with a crust, which can be very dense or, on the contrary, flaky. In the event of damage to the upper layer, the growths, as a rule, become bleeding and quite painful. Some types of such growths can cause cancer.
Removal of keratomas is a kind of prevention of possible complications. In addition, this procedure also solves a cosmetic problem, since neoplasms are usually located on open parts of the body and are often multiple in nature.
Types of keratomas
Among a fairly large number of skin neoplasms, the following types of keratomas are most common:
- Senile. It consists of multiple growths covered with a grayish crust, which are prone to inflammation, which causes severe itching. Most often, these skin defects are found on the face, neck, hands;
- Sunny. The development of the pathological process in the skin begins with the appearance of many flaky spots, which are covered with gray scales. As the name implies, ultraviolet rays become a provoking factor. The removal of keratomas of this type is necessarily shown in connection with the possible danger, because there is a risk of degeneration of the neoplasm into a malignant tumor;
- Seborrheic. The defect usually occurs on the scalp. Dark skin growths can also appear on the neck, face, limbs. The upper surface of such anomalous formations is covered with deep cracks that flake off and often bleed. With this keratoma, removal, reviews of which are very positive, allows you to avoid serious consequences, and, above all, oncological.
Laser keratoma removal
There are various methods for eliminating skin lesions. The most effective of them is considered to be such a procedure as laser keratoma removal. This method is characterized by painlessness, quick achievement of the desired result, and the absence of complications in the form of scars or scars. This allows it to be used on any part of the body, including the face.
During the procedure, the laser beam is directed exactly at the keratoma, while it burns all layers of damaged skin to healthy tissue. As a result, there is a blockage of the vessels supplying the keratoma, which excludes bleeding.
After the removal of a keratoma with a laser, the healing process of the wound surface takes place quite quickly, within 10-14 days. During skin regeneration, you should not take baths and, moreover, be in the bright sun. After repair of the epithelial layer, ultraviolet radiation should also be avoided.
There are different opinions about whether or not a keratoma needs removal, while reviews of people who have undergone a similar procedure indicate a significant improvement in well-being, both physically and morally.
Removing keratomas at home

Many try to practice self-removal of skin neoplasms using folk remedies. It should be remembered that such treatment can be effective only with small sizes of keratomas, at the initial stage of their development. Since there is always a potential risk of cancerous degeneration of such skin defects, you should definitely consult a doctor.
The process of removing keratomas at home includes the use of both external and internal remedies. For the treatment of damaged skin areas, wipes moistened with celandine juice are most often used, which are regularly changed. They also make applications based on coniferous oils. Such procedures help soften the growths, which reduces bleeding and relieves itching.
Inside, herbal teas and decoctions are taken, which help to improve metabolism, which has a positive effect on the condition of the skin as a whole. After the removal of the keratoma, it is necessary to avoid the negative effects of sunlight on the body.
It should nevertheless be noted that self-treatment of skin neoplasms takes quite a long time and, at the same time, rarely leads to a positive result. Given this fact, it is much wiser to seek medical help to remove keratomas, especially since there is an opportunity to choose a method of treatment. This will quickly get rid of the problem and restore physical and mental peace.
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