Removal Of Genital Warts - Possible Methods And Their Benefits

Removal Of Genital Warts - Possible Methods And Their Benefits
Removal Of Genital Warts - Possible Methods And Their Benefits

Removal of genital warts

Removal of genital warts with nitrogen - advantages and disadvantages
Removal of genital warts with nitrogen - advantages and disadvantages

Condyloma in medicine is a viral disease caused by HPV (human papillomavirus). It manifests itself in the form of small growths with a diameter of one to several millimeters in the genitals and anus, less often in the oral cavity. Infection with a similar virus occurs through contact with infected skin or mucous membranes. Its occurrence is based on the same processes as in the development of tumors. That is why the removal of genital warts cannot be delayed for a long time: their presence can mean a precancerous condition. Today, there are several effective methods for eliminating such neoplasms.

Removal of genital warts with a laser

Laser removal of genital warts is currently one of the most common ways to get rid of this type of tumor. With this procedure, the laser energy acts on the tissue of the condyloma. The main radiation force is directed to microvessels, which supply the neoplasm with blood.

Usually, when removing condyloma with a laser, the patient feels only a slight burning sensation. The need for repeated procedures directly depends on the severity of the disease. The session itself usually lasts from 10 to 30 minutes.

Sometimes, after the process of burning out, scars remain at the site of the removed warts, which can be called the main disadvantage of the method. However, the presence of scars also depends on the degree of neglect of the disease. Often, laser removal of condyloma is carried out using local anesthesia.

It is worth saying that after such an operation, the patient quickly returns to his usual life. To do this, you just need to follow all the doctor's recommendations. Basically, they imply a refusal within a month and a half from:

  • Hiking to the bathhouse;
  • Trips to the sauna;
  • Solarium visits;
  • Lifting weights;
  • Sexual contact (sometimes).

It should also be remembered that laser removal of genital warts is not a complete solution to the problem. Often it is required to eliminate the virus itself, which provokes the appearance of such neoplasms. Therefore, along with the procedure for their removal, it makes sense to undergo a course of treatment that is aimed at blocking the infection.

Removal of genital warts with nitrogen

Less effective in comparison with the laser method is the method of removing genital warts with nitrogen. Although this procedure is relatively inexpensive and painless, the likelihood of a recurrence of the neoplasm in the same place is rather big.

Nitrogen, which is used in the procedure, is obtained at special factories, where it is transferred from a gaseous state to a liquid state at a temperature of minus 196 ° C. This method is characterized by the freezing of condyloma tissue using low temperature liquid nitrogen. The neoplasm is pressed with an applicator dipped in this liquid, after which it collapses and dies. A wound at the site of removal of condyloma with nitrogen usually heals after 1-2 weeks.

This method has practically no contraindications. Among them, only acute allergic reactions of the body to cauterization with cold or individual intolerance can be noted.

In addition, before choosing the elimination of condyloma in this way, it is necessary to determine the state of the patient's immune system. Sometimes, in order to increase immunity, in this case, treatment is supplemented with the intake of immunocorrectors, the transition to a healthy lifestyle. Often, doctors also recommend ozone therapy.

Nevertheless, the high probability of re-manifestation of the infection is a big disadvantage of the procedure for removing genital warts with nitrogen.

Radio wave removal of genital warts

Perhaps the most effective modern method of getting rid of such neoplasms is the radio wave removal of genital warts. First of all, this is due to the fact that during this procedure the instruments do not come into contact with the patient's body: they are replaced by high-frequency radio streams.

Under their influence, the tissues of the warts move apart, the skin does not overheat, the vessels do not bleed, and all kinds of microbes die instantly. Thus, the tumor is easily removed, and the likelihood of further development of the virus is completely excluded.

We note other advantages of radio wave removal of genital warts:

  • Complete painlessness;
  • The speed of the procedure;
  • Exclusion of the occurrence of edema and infiltration;
  • No postoperative complications;
  • Absence of scars at the site of removal of condyloma;
  • Fast rehabilitation period.

Anesthesia is required before starting the procedure. Usually the method is chosen by the doctor from the following three:

  • Anesthetic cream application;
  • Using an anesthetic spray;
  • Injection under the base of the warts.

The very process of radio wave removal of genital warts takes from 10 to 30 minutes.

As noted above, condylomas most often affect the genital area and anus. In addition, in men, such neoplasms are most often found in the area:

  • The glans of the penis;
  • Foreskin bridles;
  • The inner layer of the foreskin.

In women, condylomas are usually observed:

  • In the area of large and small labia;
  • On the clitoris;
  • On the hymen;
  • In the area of the urethra;
  • In the area of the cervix;
  • In the vaginal area.

Removal of condyloma of the vagina and other genital organs often frightens women with pain. However, the radio wave method in this case is the most effective and causes minimal pain.

Warts removal methods - reviews and recommendations
Warts removal methods - reviews and recommendations

But you should know that removal of genital warts and other genital organs in this way is contraindicated in the following pathologies:

  • Inflammation of the skin;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Exacerbation of any disease.

In addition, it is important to remember that in no case should warts be eliminated with the help of radio streams during menstruation and pregnancy.

It should be added that the removal of neoplasms of this kind does not completely relieve the patient of the disease. Therefore, whichever method you choose to eliminate condyloma, you should also undergo comprehensive treatment to block the virus.

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