Removal Of Atheroma: Available Methods And Their Benefits

Removal Of Atheroma: Available Methods And Their Benefits
Removal Of Atheroma: Available Methods And Their Benefits

Removal of atheroma

Indications for radio wave removal of atheroma
Indications for radio wave removal of atheroma

Atheroma, or wen, is a benign cystic formation located on the surface of the skin. Its hallmarks are inactivity and almost complete painlessness.

Often, atheroma becomes a cause of psychological stress in a person and a source of regular nervous disorders, since it is a clear cosmetic defect. Imperceptible at first, the wen grows or becomes inflamed over time. Therefore, doctors recommend removing atheroma as early as possible. Today there are three popular methods of treating cystic formations.

Surgical removal of atheroma

Surgical intervention is indicated if other methods have not yielded a tangible effect. The operation is performed under local anesthesia for 5-10 minutes and includes the following stages:

  • Preparation and treatment of the affected area with disinfectants;
  • Anesthesia of the periatomic area;
  • Micro-incision over the wen;
  • Removal of atheroma through a puncture (entirely with a shell, or in stages);
  • Hemostasis - stopping bleeding from damaged vessels (if any);
  • Treatment of wounds with disinfectants;
  • Suture and aseptic dressing on the operated area (if the incision is small or the operation is performed on the scalp, the bandage is not applied).

Thanks to the surgical method of treatment, it is possible to get rid of even large wen, while the postoperative scar is usually absent. The disadvantage of this method is that when removing atheroma on the head, shaving of the hair is required, and this causes a negative reaction in women.

Radio wave removal of atheroma

One of the most effective and safe methods is radio wave removal of atheroma. The advantages of this method are obvious:

  • 100% guarantee against relapses, that is, reappearance in the same place;
  • No need to suture;
  • The fastest possible rehabilitation period. According to reviews, when removing atheroma in this way, recovery occurs already in 3-5 days. For comparison, in a classic operation, the sutures are removed only on the tenth day;
  • Excellent cosmetic result, since after exposure to radio waves, the scar is practically invisible, and after about 2-4 months there is no trace of it;
  • The procedure does not require a hospital stay;
  • The patient's ability to work is not impaired;
  • When removing atheroma on the head, you do not need to shave your hair.

The operation is performed under the influence of local anesthesia on an outpatient basis and takes about 15-20 minutes. With the help of special equipment that generates radio waves, the cells of the neoplasm are evaporated.

Radio wave removal of atheroma is contraindicated in the presence of a pacemaker or if there are metal objects in the patient's body (prostheses, pins, etc.). This is the only prohibition on the procedure.

Laser removal of atheroma

The laser method, as well as treatment with radio waves, is very widespread, since it has a good cosmetic effect and does not leave scars on the skin, which is especially important when eliminating neoplasms on the face.

Removal of atheroma - patient reviews
Removal of atheroma - patient reviews

Small wen (up to 5 mm) are removed using a carbon dioxide laser by evaporation. In this case, evaporation occurs layer by layer: first, the contents of the cystic formation are removed, and then the entire shell.

Removal of atheroma with a laser can be carried out in conjunction with surgery. This method is used in the case of a large wen in order to remove it together with the membrane and prevent reappearance.

Other advantages of the laser include disinfecting effect, painlessness and bloodlessness of the procedure, as well as a short recovery period. In addition, the operation does not require shaving if it is performed on the scalp.

The procedure for removing atheroma with a laser lasts about 20 minutes, while the beam does not damage the surrounding tissues, but acts exactly on the target. There is no skin contact, which means that the risk of infection is excluded.

Treatment of atheroma can be carried out in any phase of the disease. It is wrong to think that only those fatty tumors that have reached large sizes are subject to surgical removal. If they are not operated on, they will grow and become inflamed, and this will complicate treatment and lengthen the rehabilitation period. Timely removal of atheroma, according to reviews, helps to avoid complications and get the expected cosmetic effect.

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