How to quit smoking once and for all

Bernard Shaw said: "Quitting smoking is very easy, I personally have quit a hundred times." As is usually the case, there is a lot of truth in this joke. Quitting smoking once and for all is difficult enough, especially if the person has been smoking for many years.
Smoking, like any addiction, has two components. The first is physical dependence, and the second is psychological. To understand how best to quit smoking once and for all, let's first deal with physical addiction.
Substances that constantly enter the body over a long period of time are included in the exchange. Of course, this will already be a pathological metabolism, and nevertheless, the body gets used to functioning with this load. Therefore, the abrupt cancellation of the inhalation of what has already become "one's own" will inevitably cause changes in the state of health, and at first, as a rule, in a bad direction. You need to be ready for this, and do not be afraid.
The mechanism here is approximately the same as when you stretch stiff muscles after a long sitting: despite the excruciating feeling of stagnation, at first the warm-up dramatically increases the discomfort. As soon as toxic substances cease to enter the body, after a short confusion, the metabolism will return to a normal, "smoking" state. Doctors estimate that it takes five to fifteen years for a smoker's body to fully return to a healthy state, depending on how long the smoker has been. However, most vital signs return to normal

within a month after you quit smoking once and for all.
With psychological addiction, everything is much more serious. A smoker gets used to grab a cigarette in difficult or boring minutes, it disguises hesitation in conversation, awkwardness and shyness, and other not very comfortable states. When you quit smoking, all these minor inconveniences remain, and habitually hiding your face in a puff of smoke is no longer possible. What to do? Yes, just realize what you needed the smoke for. What was behind him? Usually, an honest answer to this question to yourself is enough to stop smoking anymore.
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