Nicotine-free Cigarettes: A Way To Quit Smoking Or Just Another Addiction?

Nicotine-free Cigarettes: A Way To Quit Smoking Or Just Another Addiction?
Nicotine-free Cigarettes: A Way To Quit Smoking Or Just Another Addiction?

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Nicotine free cigarettes

Nicotine-free cigarettes are not a cure
Nicotine-free cigarettes are not a cure

Smoking is the scourge of a modern person, a harmful act, dangerous both for the smoker himself and for his companions - the so-called "passive smokers". Quitting smoking is very difficult for two reasons. The first is the nicotine content of cigarettes, a substance that causes chemical addiction. At a time when a person reduces the number of cigarettes consumed, his body reacts to the lack of "doping" with withdrawal symptoms, popularly called "fragile" - an extremely unpleasant and painful condition.

The second reason for the dependence of a modern person on smoking is based on a psychological factor. The habit of taking a drag on a cigarette in a friendly company, after a cup of coffee, during stress, in order to calm down, causes extremely positive emotions in the smoker. And psychological dependence on this ritual in your life is sometimes much more difficult to overcome than the reaction of the body.

In order to get rid of nicotine addiction and help a person cope with the habit of smoking at certain points in his life, such gadgets as electronic cigarettes and nicotine-free cigarettes were created.

What are nicotine-free cigarettes? These are ordinary cigarettes, which are not stuffed with tobacco, but with medicinal herbs that do not destroy, but cleanse the lungs. A person for whom smoking a cigarette has become a habit can still smoke in his usual situations, but at the same time his blood gets rid of tobacco tar, which has the strongest carcinogenic properties, while being enriched with useful substances.

Nicotine-free cigarettes will not help those people who are not going to quit smoking to get rid of the addiction. The absence of this substance does not

Nicotine-free cigarettes - a way to quit smoking
Nicotine-free cigarettes - a way to quit smoking

bring much pleasure to the smoker, however, it allows a little "calm down" their reflexes. It is advisable to resort to the help of such means in the case when a person seeks to quit - but for this he lacks a little bit of willpower. Otherwise, smoking cigarettes without nicotine will not bring any results.

Of course, cigarettes without nicotine cannot be called a medicine - after all, the toxicity of carbon monoxide, whether it is smoking ordinary cigarettes or cigarettes with herbs, has not been canceled. However, the transition to such cigarettes is the next step towards their goal - to overcome the attachment to poisonous and so unrestrainedly attractive tobacco.

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