About The Dangers Of Smoking Electronic Cigarettes

About The Dangers Of Smoking Electronic Cigarettes
About The Dangers Of Smoking Electronic Cigarettes

About the dangers of smoking electronic cigarettes

About the dangers of smoking electronic cigarettes
About the dangers of smoking electronic cigarettes

E-cigarettes were invented in 2004 and were received at first with suspicion, then with increasing enthusiasm, fueled by the widespread fight against smoking. "Absolutely harmless", "WHO approved", "no harm from smoking electronic cigarettes" - these and similar statements sound from the pages of newspapers and magazines, the Internet is full of them.

Is it really possible to find a means to make a bad habit, if not useful, then at least neutral? Let's try to figure it out.

To understand whether there is any harm from smoking electronic cigarettes, it is necessary to determine those substances that enter the body during this activity. So, what is a "completely harmless" e-liquid made of? It consists of water, propylene glycol, glycerin, nicotine and a complex flavor, the composition of which is usually not specified for some reason. None of the medical organizations that have examined e-liquid, including WHO, have taken the responsibility to declare that this composition, when heated to a state of vapor, when directly inhaled into the lungs and gets into the blood, is harmless.

After the examination of electronic cigarettes, WHO issued a statement in which it demanded that all sellers of such products remove from the description the line that the permission of this organization had been obtained. The maximum, as experts say, that such substances in the concentration suggested for use as a single dose are less harmful than ordinary smoke from ordinary cigarettes. Isn't there a big difference between this statement and the fact that there is no harm from smoking electronic cigarettes?

Proponents of electronic cigarettes for the most part also do not insist on their benefits, emphasizing that an electronic cigarette is a transition from regular tobacco smoking to giving up, and that it, they say, simply allows you to do it painlessly. Is it so? An electronic cigarette contains nicotine, which is a poison for the body, regardless of whether it gets there from a regular or electronic cigarette, and nicotine addiction in this case does not decrease. The psychological aspect of addiction generally remains intact. Therefore, smokers should not delude themselves that there is no harm in smoking electronic cigarettes. The harm from smoking electronic cigarettes is simply not yet obvious and insufficiently studied, and you should not become a laboratory mouse to study it.

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