Smoking pills
Anti-smoking pills are herbal and artificial medicines intended for the treatment of nicotine addiction.

Features of the action of pills from smoking
Smoking pills are not a panacea and are not intended to provide an instant cure for nicotine addiction. These drugs are an adjunct in the treatment of psychological and physiological dependence on nicotine.
Pills for smoking received positive reviews as drugs based on effective substitution therapy. Such drugs as Tabex, Cytizin, Gamibazin, Lobelin and others contain alkanoids that replenish the body's need for nicotine.
After taking pills from smoking, biochemical processes similar to the use of nicotine begin to activate, but the side effects associated with its effect on the body are completely absent.
Also, good reviews of pills for smoking have as substitution drugs that prevent smoking, causing dizziness, spasms, rapid breathing and increased heart rate when using nicotine.
As a result of the impact of these pills, in the subconscious and at the level of reflexes, an understanding of the danger of nicotine consumption and the occurrence of side effects is formed.
Types of pills for smoking
There are several types of pills for smoking, which differ in the principle of action, effectiveness and cost. The price of pills for smoking depends on the dosage, the amount in the package and the degree of effect on the body.
Basically, the price of smoking pills shows how effective they are at stopping nicotine cravings. Usually cheap counterparts are only temporary substitutes for cigarettes.
These drugs can be divided into two groups: nicotine-containing and alkanoid without nicotine. Smokers with more than 3-5 years of experience should take drugs of the first group, and novice smokers are prescribed the second group of pills for smoking.
Medications that contain small amounts of nicotine are designed to reduce cigarette cravings and consumption. These tablets can be addictive and have a number of side effects.
Another group of pills for smoking contains the alkaloid cytisine, which is similar in effect to nicotine and causes an overdose when smoking regular cigarettes. Cytisine has an exciting effect on the body, increases blood pressure, stimulates the release of adrenaline, increases the pulse rate and respiration. Alkaloid pills can completely cure nicotine cravings.
Currently, new drugs have been released that do not contain nicotine and nicotine substitutes. These new generation tablets contain bupropion and are practically harmless, but they cannot completely rid the patient of nicotine addiction.
Instruction of pills for smoking
Anti-smoking pills should be prescribed by the attending physician in accordance with the patient's diagnostic indications. It is necessary to take pills for smoking strictly according to the instructions and in the prescribed dosage.
The effectiveness of taking drugs directly depends on the willpower of the patient and his desire to overcome nicotine addiction. Otherwise, the tablets will not lead to the desired result.
According to the instructions, pills for smoking must be taken daily (regardless of food intake) 1 mg 2 times a day. In the presence of chronic diseases or the appearance of side effects, the dosage must be reduced or canceled.
The course of treatment is usually 12 - 15 weeks, but can be repeated after a short interval.
Contraindications to the appointment of smoking pills are individual intolerance and the presence of allergic reactions to the components of the drug, oncological diseases, mental disorders, hypertension, peptic ulcer, severe diseases of the cardiovascular system, renal and hepatic failure, atherosclerosis, serious diseases of the respiratory system, pancreatitis, pregnancy and lactation period.
With caution, drugs are prescribed in old age, as well as with a tendency to bleeding and in the postoperative period.
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