Fat burning bomb
Instructions for use:
- 1. Composition
- 2. Mechanism of action
- 3. Indications and contraindications
- 4. Method of application
- 5. Reviews
"Bomb" is another of the means used for weight loss. This drug is positioned by manufacturers as an extremely effective remedy for weight loss and body shaping. For a month, weight loss should reach 6-12 kg. It is assumed that fat will disappear from the waist, sides and other problem areas. What is this medication? Should you try it in the fight for the perfect figure?

Fat Burning Bomb Pills are not a drug. This, first of all, means that no studies have been carried out to prove the effectiveness of the drug and its safety. It is also known that the production of drugs, their composition and storage is more closely monitored than the production of biologically active food supplements such as "Bomba".
This drug contains several herbal components. This is a set of Chinese algae (Fructus Canarli, Basehr Nuts, Fructus Euodiae), as well as the capsaicin alkaloid of capsicum. Both algae and capsaicin are widely used in various weight loss programs. They are credited with pronounced fat burning abilities.
In addition, Bomba pills for burning fat contain a large dose of levocarnitine, an amino acid that is synthesized in the body and belongs to the vitamin-like group. Levocarnitine is used in medicine to activate fat metabolism and correct metabolic processes. This amino acid can promote weight loss under certain conditions.
What other substances are included in the "Bomb"? In recent years, there have been several reports in the press about the confiscation of drugs with the same name, containing sibutramine, which is prohibited for free circulation in Russia. Sibutramine-based preparations are used all over the world to combat obesity. This powerful substance acts on the central nervous system. Its main effects are believed to suppress appetite and increase the production of heat by the human body. Therefore, a person does not eat, new calories are not supplied, and the accumulated fat is burned. Sibutramine helps to lose weight quickly in the first months of use. Further, addiction is most often formed to it and the weight is stabilized. Sibutramine has a number of side effects and contraindications for use. Therefore, any drug that contains sibutramine should be prescribed by a doctor.
Mechanism of action
According to reviews, "Bomb" for burning fat helps to lose weight quickly. The mechanism of action of the drug is associated with a complex effect on the metabolism in the body. The most active weight loss can be promoted by levocarnitine, which helps to utilize adipose tissue in conditions of physical exertion.
If sibutramine is present in tablets, then it suppresses appetite, increases heat transfer. The herbal components of the Bomba preparation have laxative and diuretic effects. These substances eliminate swelling and constipation.
Indications and contraindications
The indication for the use of this biologically active drug is obesity.
Overweight does not always require treatment with pills. At the initial stages, it is enough to change your lifestyle and nutrition. In the event that these measures are unsuccessful, then the doctor may prescribe one of the medicines to treat obesity.
Components "Bombs" are usually recommended for those who have a body mass index of more than 27-30 kg / m². The use of dietary supplements is possible only against the background of a diet.
The drug is contraindicated for everyone with arterial hypertension, arrhythmias, coronary heart disease, depression, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Pregnancy and age up to 18 years are also considered a contraindication for Bomba treatment.
Mode of application

The tablets can be used to combat obesity. To avoid side effects and complications, consult a competent professional before using any medication.
"Bomb" is assigned in courses of 30 days. You need to drink two capsules of the drug per day. One capsule is taken 20-30 minutes before breakfast with a glass of clean drinking water. The second capsule is drunk before dinner. If you have problems with falling asleep after taking the drug "Bomb" in the evening, then reschedule the appointment for the daytime (until 18.00). After a month, the drug should be stopped. It is allowed for another 2-3 months to take 1 capsule in the morning every 2-3 days for a supporting effect. If your weight corresponds to severe obesity, it may be necessary to repeat the "Bomb" treatment for burning fat.
According to reviews, "Bomb" is a strong drug that affects the body from the first days of administration. The weight is really going down. Many people report a complete lack of appetite.
From negative reviews about the "Bomb" for burning fat, you can glean information about the most common side effects. Most people believe that this drug disrupts sleep, dizziness, headaches. Also, there are regular complaints of severe dry mouth, heart palpitations, and digestive disorders.
Information about the drug is generalized, provided for informational purposes only and does not replace the official instructions. Self-medication is hazardous to health!