Fat Burning Cocktails - Reviews, Recipes

Fat Burning Cocktails - Reviews, Recipes
Fat Burning Cocktails - Reviews, Recipes

Fat Burning Cocktails

Fat Burner Shake - dry mix for preparing a drink that helps break down fats
Fat Burner Shake - dry mix for preparing a drink that helps break down fats

Fat-burning cocktails are a special group of food products, the action of which is aimed at accelerating metabolic processes in the body, as well as the natural breakdown of fats.

On the question of ready-made mixtures for fat-burning cocktails

Ready mixes for fat burning cocktails are classified as sports nutrition. As a rule, these are powder preparations containing L-carnitine, vitamins, amino acids, and minerals. The main active ingredient in ready-to-use fat-burning cocktails is L-Carnitine.

L-Carnitine (levocarnitine) is an amino acid related to B vitamins, synthesized in the human body. L-Carnitine is used in medicine to normalize metabolic processes, promote fat metabolism, and stimulate regeneration processes.

L-Carnitine is synthesized in the liver and kidneys. For the process of biosynthesis of a substance, a complex of vitamins C and group B is needed. With vitamin deficiency, L-Carnitine deficiency develops in the body. The principle of action of all ready-made fat-burning cocktails is to replenish L-Carnitine in the body. Other sources of L-Carnitine include foods. The main natural sources of L-Carnitine are meat, dairy products (milk, cheese, cottage cheese), poultry, and fish.

It should be noted that any ready-made fat-burning cocktails are only a food additive, do not replace natural food intake and show an effect only with sufficient physical exertion, in contrast to home-made fat-burning cocktails.

Fat-burning cocktail at home or ready-to-use mixture?

At home, fat-burning cocktails are based on food products that accelerate the body's metabolic processes. Products that help to activate metabolic processes include:

  • Water - a violation of the water balance in the body leads to a slowdown in metabolic processes. It has been proven that an additional 500 ml of water per day increases the rate of metabolic processes by up to 30%;
  • Pineapple - the component bromelain contained in its composition helps to reduce the feeling of hunger, accelerates the digestion of food;
  • Dairy products (excluding milk itself) - cottage cheese, curdled milk, yoghurts, kefir - contribute to an increase in the production of the hormone calcitriol, which activates the processes of burning fat in cells;
  • Green tea activates the removal of toxins from the body, speeds up the metabolic process;
  • Raspberries are a natural source of fruit enzymes that help accelerate the breakdown of fats;
  • Whey is a source of milk protein that helps to speed up the metabolism of fat in the body. Milk protein promotes the consumption of subcutaneous fats while compensating for the body's energy costs;
  • Grapefruit - the flavonoid naringin, which is part of the translucent membranes of the fetal lobules, has a powerful choleretic effect, promotes the breakdown of fats from food;
  • Red wine is a source of resveratrol, which accumulates in the skins of grapes. Resveratrol stimulates the production of a protein that blocks the receptors of fat cells, thereby facilitating the breakdown of fat deposits and the absorption of new fats;
  • Papaya is a source of enzymes that actively break down lipids. It should be remembered that enzymes retain their activity for 1.5 - 2 hours. Prepared fat-burning cocktails with papaya pulp should be consumed immediately;
  • Cinnamon helps to lower blood sugar levels and reduce body fat. Adding cinnamon to homemade fat-burning shakes can dramatically increase their effectiveness.
Recipes for making fat-burning cocktails at home
Recipes for making fat-burning cocktails at home

Fat burning cocktails at home have a slightly different principle of action than ready-made dry mixes. Homemade fat-burning cocktails are aimed at natural cleansing of the body, normalization of metabolism, enrichment of the body with natural vitamins, amino acids, micro- and macroelements. Unlike ready-made mixtures, fat-burning cocktails at home do not require active physical activity to have the desired effect on the body.

Benefits of homemade fat burning shakes:

  • Availability of ingredients - many recipes for fat-burning cocktails are based on dairy products, herbs and fruits;
  • Relative cheapness;
  • No contraindications, except for allergic reactions.

The main disadvantages of homemade fat burning shakes are:

  • Lower efficiency compared to ready-to-use fat burning cocktails;
  • Homemade fat-burning cocktails belong to the group of perishable foods;
  • Frequent allergic reactions.

Fat burning cocktails: reviews, recommendations

The main advantage of any fat-burning cocktails is their unlimited use in the components. As a rule, all fat-burning cocktails are prepared on the basis of water, green tea or dairy products (kefir, yogurt, curdled milk), freshly squeezed juices. In order to find the best recipes for fat burning cocktails, user reviews on the Internet will be very helpful. Reviews of many fat-burning cocktails are very controversial. Most people argue that homemade fat-burning shakes are not as effective as ready-to-use blends. Indeed, the effect of homemade fat-burning cocktails manifests itself somewhat more slowly, but it is worth remembering that in this case the mechanism of the components' action on the body is completely different. With a portion of the fat-burning cocktail from the ready-mix, the body receives a dose of active ingredients that are instantly ready to "start working" with fats, while natural fat-burning cocktails deliver natural enzymes to the body that must be converted into active forms before starting the burning process fat.

Homemade Fat Burning Shakes are not a dietary supplement. They are recommended to be consumed twice a day instead of snacks or evening meals. A natural fat burning shake cannot be stored for a long time. It is recommended to be consumed immediately after preparation. Do not abuse fat-burning cocktails based on citrus juices in order to avoid disturbances in the acidity of the stomach and the development of various gastric diseases against this background.

Fat Burning Cocktail Recipes

Due to the versatility and interchangeability of ingredients, there are many recipes for fat burning cocktails that differ in their effectiveness. It should be noted that many components are completely excluded.

Recipe for a light-effect fat-burning cocktail: kiwi, 2 lemon wedges, mint sprigs, parsley, pour 100 ml of water and mix in a blender. Add honey to the finished cocktail to taste.

More effective fat burning cocktail recipes are based on dairy and fruit.

A glass of kefir, 2 lemon wedges, mint, cinnamon, honey, figs are mixed in a blender. The finished cocktail is consumed immediately.

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