Abortive Pills - Types, Terms Of Their Use And Indications

Abortive Pills - Types, Terms Of Their Use And Indications
Abortive Pills - Types, Terms Of Their Use And Indications

Abortion pills

Abortive pills have been very popular in recent years. Every woman can face the problem of unwanted pregnancy.

Abortive pills - terms and reviews
Abortive pills - terms and reviews

Contraception is not always effective. Even more often, couples recklessly neglect all methods of protection. Most unplanned pregnancies end in abortion. If the woman has made such a decision, then the question arises about the method of medical abortion.

Methods of artificial termination of pregnancy

In Russia, an artificial abortion is carried out up to 12 weeks at the request of a woman. Further, the procedure can be performed only if there are medical or social indications. Currently, abortion is carried out at the earliest possible time with the help of abortive pills, that is, medicinal. Also, at the beginning of the term, a mini-abortion can be performed using vacuum aspiration of the contents of the uterine cavity. In the period from 7 to 12 weeks, a classic medical abortion is most often performed, consisting of the expansion of the cervix and curettage of its inner layer. Most experts believe that a properly performed drug abortion is the safest for a woman's reproductive health. However, abortion pills should only be used after examination and under medical supervision.

Timing for abortion pills

There are clear timelines for abortion pills. Their use in the later stages of pregnancy is ineffective and is associated with a number of severe complications. The approved maximum time limit for medical abortion is 42 days from the first day of your last menstrual period. There is enough data in the world that abortion pills are effective for terminating pregnancy up to 63 days of amenorrhea. Early use of these drugs is considered optimal. At a gestational age of 4-6 weeks, abortion is performed on an outpatient basis, that is, without hospitalization. If the doctor decided to use abortive pills to terminate pregnancy at a later date, then the procedure is carried out in a gynecological hospital. Until when do abortion pills have the maximum safety and efficacy profile? Any specialist will confirm that it is optimal to use this method of abortion before 6 weeks. This means that only after learning about pregnancy and deciding to have an abortion, a woman should immediately seek medical help. Medical abortion is carried out on a paid basis in public and private clinics that have an appropriate license. Taking abortion pills on your own is dangerous at any stage of pregnancy.licensed. Taking abortion pills on your own is dangerous at any stage of pregnancy.licensed. Taking abortion pills on your own is dangerous at any stage of pregnancy.

What abortion pills are used in Russia

Abortion pills for abortion
Abortion pills for abortion

Abortive pills are not sold in a retail pharmacy, as the use must always be monitored by a gynecologist. Medical abortion is performed in two stages. On the first day, the woman takes 600 mg (3 tablets) of mifegin (mifepristone) in the presence of a doctor. After 48 hours, she takes 400 mcg of cytotec (misoprostol), repeating it 3 hours later at the same dose. The rejection of the inner layer of the mucous membrane of the uterus and the embryo occurs after the first or second intake of cytotec. This drug is an analogue of prostaglandin E1. This substance causes the uterus to contract and the expulsion of the dead fetus. Mifegin abortion pills are an antiprogestogenic drug that realizes activity at the level of the uterus and ovaries, blocking the action of progesterone. It is mifegin that creates an unfavorable hormonal background for the continuation of pregnancy and causes fetal death in the first trimester. The same drug in later stages is used to induce labor.

Abortive pills do not significantly harm the regulation of the woman's reproductive system. Their influence on the central endocrine glands - the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus is minimal. This means that a woman's ability to give birth to a healthy child is preserved. Ovulation and conception are possible already in the next menstrual cycle. Gynecologists always warn a woman about this, since the onset of the next pregnancy should be postponed for at least 3 months.

Reviews of abortion pills

Currently, abortion pills are used quite often. Many gynecologists note their safety when used correctly. However, the doctors' own reviews of abortion pills are not always positive. At a gestational age of more than 7 weeks, most specialists give preference to classical artificial termination, since the risk of bleeding and inflammatory complications after the use of abortive pills in this period is quite high. Women who have experienced drug abortion have differing opinions about it. In part of the reviews about abortion pills, there is profuse and painful uterine bleeding, followed by a violation of the menstrual cycle. Most patients still favor this method, since it is relatively safe for reproductive and psychological health.

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