Blood Purification - Indications, Methods And Their Features

Blood Purification - Indications, Methods And Their Features
Blood Purification - Indications, Methods And Their Features

Blood purification

Laser blood purification technology
Laser blood purification technology

The main function of blood in the human body is transport, that is, it is responsible for the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to tissues and organs. Various foods and medications can change the composition of the blood, and it is also affected by pathogenic microbes, or rather the toxins that they produce.

Harmful substances are carried with the bloodstream throughout the body, causing intoxication. This explains the malaise that occurs during any illness. When a patient is in critical condition due to reduced immunity, and the body cannot cope with the elimination of toxins and toxins, it is recommended to purify the blood in a hospital or at home.

Hardware methods of blood purification

The most effective, according to reviews, blood purification by medical apparatus methods, among which hemosorption, plasmapheresis, autohemotherapy and laser treatment are popular.

  • Hemosorption is the most common method of removing toxins from the blood, indicated for patients who are allergic to medications. It is carried out as follows: blood is taken from a person's vein, passed through a special filter, and then, with the help of a dropper, is again introduced into the body;
  • Plasmapheresis is an equally popular method recommended for pregnant women with toxicosis, as well as everyone else with diabetes, hepatitis, psoriasis, lupus erythematosus, pancreatitis and immunodeficiency. The essence of plasmapheresis: about 500 ml of blood is taken from the patient's vein and the same amount of saline is injected. Then the blood is placed in a centrifuge, where it is split into plasma and cell mass. Plasma containing toxins is removed and the cell mass is diluted with saline and injected into a vein. Cleaning the blood by this method significantly increases immunity, and the positive effect lasts throughout the year;
  • Autohemotherapy - is used when it is necessary to quickly restore the defenses of the human body, having suffered a serious illness of a viral nature, or suffering from various forms of dermatitis and furunculosis. The essence of the method: a small amount of venous blood is injected into the muscle tissue to the patient, which leads to a sharp mobilization of the body's forces, increased immunity and self-purification of the blood from toxins. The course of treatment is 10 to 15 procedures. Autohemotherapy is contraindicated in people with nephritis.

The method of laser blood purification, or ILBI (intravenous laser blood irradiation), deserves special attention.

Laser blood cleaning

The ILBI method is based on the effect of laser photons on blood through an optical waveguide. The quanta of light are sent to the vein and have their cleansing effect in the vascular bed.

Specialists prescribe a procedure for laser blood purification, both separately and in conjunction with other techniques, but in any case, its effectiveness is stunning. In addition to getting rid of toxins, the laser has a positive therapeutic effect on:

  • Cardiovascular system - relieves spasms and dilates blood vessels;
  • Hormonal background - activates the ovaries, thyroid and adrenal glands. The procedure is also used to stimulate lactation and treat the mammary glands;
  • Lungs - promotes the expansion of the bronchi and improves respiratory function;
  • Fermentation - reduces the secretion of gastrointestinal juice and normalizes the production of pancreatic secretions;
  • Foci of inflammation - quickly removes signs of inflammation, eliminates swelling and redness, and helps to quickly relieve pain.

Among the numerous reviews about blood purification by the ILBI method, there are practically no negative evaluations, since the sessions of the procedure helped all patients to one degree or another. The only thing that raises concerns is the moment of insertion of the fiber-optic needle into the vein, which causes discomfort.

Drip-infusion detoxification

In addition to hardware methods, infusion-drop therapy is widely used in medicine, especially in case of alcohol intoxication of the body.

Droppers for blood purification are included in the treatment of withdrawal symptoms, as they facilitate the work of the kidneys, liver and cardiovascular system. Thanks to infusion-drip therapy, blood pressure normalizes, tremors and convulsive syndrome go away, anxiety decreases, and symptoms of intoxication such as vomiting, nausea, headache and dizziness disappear. Due to the sedative components, aggression decreases, sleep and the patient's well-being in general are normalized.

The dropper for purifying blood from alcohol includes many components that vary in composition, but the main components always remain unchanged:

  • Physiological solution or 5% glucose solution;
  • Angiotensive drugs;
  • Antiemetic drugs;
  • Preparations to improve cerebral circulation;
  • Preparations for the relief of convulsive syndrome;
  • Medicines to support the myocardium;
  • Antidepressants;
  • Sleeping pills;
  • Magnesium, potassium and calcium preparations;
  • Antihistamines.

The type of dropper is selected individually by the narcologist, the existing symptoms and the general condition of the person are taken into account. First, the loss of fluid is replenished and the water-salt balance is restored, and then the phenomena of intoxication are removed.

Blood purification with folk remedies

Along with medical methods, there are many ways to purify blood with folk remedies. Here are just a few of them:

  • Horse chestnut tincture. Wrap dry fruits in cheesecloth and crush with a mallet, then place in a container for ¾ volume. Pour in vodka and close tightly. Leave to infuse for three weeks in a dark place, then strain and take a tablespoon, diluted with water, 3 times a day before meals for a month;
  • Blood purification - reviews, advantages and disadvantages
    Blood purification - reviews, advantages and disadvantages

    Tincture of honey, dill and valerian. You need to take 2 cups of honey, 2 tablespoons of chopped valerian root and a glass of crushed dill seed. Then pour all the ingredients of the tincture with two liters of boiling water and leave for 24 hours in a thermos. Use the resulting blood purifier 30 minutes before meals, a tablespoon for a month;

  • Tincture of garlic, milk and honey. Grate 3 cloves of garlic, pour a glass of milk over them and leave for 7 minutes. After that, add a tablespoon of buckwheat honey to the resulting tincture. The product should be taken every morning on an empty stomach for a week;
  • Grated horseradish. Eating horseradish helps to cleanse the blood perfectly. To do this, the root of the plant is passed through a meat grinder and consumed 1 teaspoon every day. Horseradish can also be salted, dried and added to various dishes as a seasoning.

When the human body is slagged, the spleen and lymph nodes cannot fully perform their functions, which leads to various diseases. That is why purification of blood and lymph using folk methods or in a hospital environment has a beneficial effect on people with renal, pulmonary, cardiovascular diseases, as well as on patients with chronic fatigue syndrome.

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