Development of children with cerebral palsy

Cerebral palsy is not a disease with clearly defined symptoms, rather it is a group of diseases that are very different both in manifestations and for reasons of occurrence, which are united by brain damage in the prenatal period of development or during the neonatal period, and related disorders of muscle movement. Cerebral palsy can have varying degrees of manifestation, from mild to very severe, as well as several forms that have their own characteristic symptoms. Therefore, it is impossible to talk about the development of children with cerebral palsy in a unified manner.
Some children with cerebral palsy develop in much the same way as normal children, with the exception of abnormal motor skills. While in other children, brain damage is more common, and causes not only muscle spasms, but also impaired intelligence. Of course, the development of children with cerebral palsy with such extreme forms will differ, and very significantly. In fact, the treatment of cerebral palsy is an aid in the development of the child and his adaptation, as well as in alleviating the symptoms, since eliminating the cause of the disease in this case, unfortunately, is not possible - disorders in the structure of the brain that occurred at such an early age are irreversible.
Since the disease is so different, the program for the development of children with cerebral palsy is compiled individually, after a comprehensive examination. It should be said that classes with a child aimed at alleviating the symptoms of cerebral damage should be started as early as possible, as this allows for the greatest success. The second principle is continuity. Classes on the development of children with cerebral palsy should not stop for a day, and therefore, how successful they will be depends largely on the child's family. Specialized medical care in this case consists in teaching parents the methods of rehabilitation, which are based on massage and physical therapy techniques.

These measures help in the physical development of children with cerebral palsy. As for mental development, it all depends on how much intellectual abilities are preserved. At an early stage, it is not always possible to determine this, and therefore such a baby needs to be developed in the same way as a healthy one - you need to talk to a child, show him various objects and name them, sing children's songs, achieve contact, etc. Then, as soon as it is possible to find out the true state of affairs, adjustments are made to developmental classes and rehabilitation treatment of cerebral palsy.
In cases where the intellect has not suffered, and sufficient attention has been paid to the development of the mental abilities of a child with cerebral palsy, it is quite possible to receive a good education that will allow such a person to find his place in life. In other cases, the difficult situation can be significantly alleviated.
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