Diet 10 Days 5 Kg - Menu, Types, Reviews

Diet 10 Days 5 Kg - Menu, Types, Reviews
Diet 10 Days 5 Kg - Menu, Types, Reviews

Diet "10 days 5 kg"

Features of the diet 10 days 5 kg
Features of the diet 10 days 5 kg

Diet "10 days 5 kg" is a balanced diet containing all the necessary macro - and micronutrients to maintain the normal functioning of the body during the period of weight loss. Like any other diet "10 days 5 kg" is designed to improve metabolism in the body, to normalize the gastrointestinal tract.

Any diet requires careful preparation of the body before changing the diet and diet. The preparation for losing weight is based on examining the body for diseases in which diets are contraindicated, or specialized diets are shown. Each diet is designed not to harm the body, but to tone it up. The consequences of an incorrectly selected diet or improper adherence may require further long-term treatment. So, excessive fasting can lead to the following disorders:

  • Amenorrhea (cessation of menstruation in women);
  • Infertility (female and male);
  • Violation of nervous activity (psychological stress, neuroses);
  • Exhaustion of the body;
  • Hormonal disbalance;
  • Decreased libido;
  • Impaired liver and kidney function;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Skin problems.

In order to avoid the unwanted effects of the diet, it is necessary to consult with a therapist or nutritionist.

Diet "10 days 5 kg": a description of the principle of the diet

What is the norm for losing weight? What weight loss will not harm the body? Various sources provide conflicting information. The rate of weight loss, according to various sources, ranges from 2 kg per week to 2 kg per month (according to WHO).

So, following the "10 days 5 kg" diet, a person can presumably lose up to 5 kg in 10 days, subject to strict adherence to the proposed diet and diet. This diet involves significant weight loss in a very short period of time. If a person does not undergo a doctor's examination before starting the 10 days 5 kg diet, it is recommended to support the body with vitamin complexes during the period of weight loss. Fast weight loss diets are extremely harsh, which can lead to vitamin deficiencies in the body.

Diet rules "10 days 5 kg":

  • The diet cannot be continued for more than 10 days to avoid damage to the body;
  • During a diet, you need to listen to your body, carefully monitoring the stool, urination, general reactions of the body to the changed diet and diet;
  • The diet should be stopped immediately at the first signs of exhaustion (headaches and dizziness, nausea, loss of consciousness).

The basic principle of the "10 days 5kg" diet is mono-nutrition. The entire period of the diet is divided into days with protein food and days with carbohydrate food, which will help balance the intake of essential macro- and micronutrients, as well as exclude "harmful" foods from the diet. The diet is based on the use of raw vegetables and fruits and boiled foods (eggs, meat, fish). The diet consists of fresh fruits and vegetables (70% of the diet) and lean boiled meat and fish (30% of the diet).

Diet for weight loss 10 days: indications for compliance

Diet ration 10 days 5 kg
Diet ration 10 days 5 kg

Diet for weight loss 10 days is not suitable for every person trying to lose weight. There are clear indications for the ten-day diet:

  • Diet for weight loss for 10 days is indicated only for those patients whose body mass index exceeds 25;
  • A ten-day diet can be used only if the person does not suffer from gastrointestinal diseases, otherwise it is necessary to consult a nutritionist and select an individual menu;
  • Absence of mental disorders, one of which is body dysmorphic disorder (pathological dissatisfaction with one's own appearance).

Diet for weight loss 10 days is an effective method of losing weight, subject to strict adherence to the diet and diet. The proposed menu and meal regimen are for guidance only.

Diet for 10 days: menu, fasting day, additional foods

The diet for 10 days, the menu of which provides for mono-nutrition, is based on two principles of product selection: carbohydrate and protein.

Protein mono-nutrition day suggests:

  • A glass of water on an empty stomach;
  • Breakfast - 1 boiled egg with herbs or fresh cucumber;
  • During the day - boiled chicken (in the second broth) or fish without salt and spices. The skin is removed from the boiled chicken, the meat is distributed for a day, depending on the needs of the body;
  • The last meal is possible until 19.00;
  • 2 liters of water during the day.

The menu is not supplemented with bread, cereals. If desired, lemon juice can be added to water, chicken, fish.

The day of carbohydrate mono-nutrition involves:

  • A glass of water on an empty stomach;
  • Fresh vegetables - cabbage, carrots, beets, cucumbers. Vegetables can be eaten in the form of salads, seasoned with lemon juice.
  • The last meal is also possible no later than 19.00;
  • 2 liters of water a day.

During the diet, fermented milk products, honey, nuts, chocolate, which are allowed in other diets, are not consumed. The 10-day diet, the menu of which is quite strict, is not suitable for everyone. Before starting a diet, it is recommended that you first change the diet, gradually introducing more vegetables into it and reducing the consumption of flour products, salt, spices, and fried foods.

The ten-day diet can be supplemented with fruit if the desire for sweets arises. For this purpose, grapes, apples, peaches are perfect. It is advisable to consume seasonal fruits. In winter, it is better to give preference to citrus fruits and apples. However, it should be remembered that citrus fruits can significantly increase the acidity of the stomach, which will negatively affect in conditions of limited food consumption. When following a diet, fruit consumption should also be limited.

Diet for 10 days: reviews, recommendations

Stopping your choice on a diet for 10 days, reviews of people who have tried this diet can be very useful, but you should not judge the effectiveness of the method only by the results achieved by other people. The effectiveness of the diet will completely depend on the individual characteristics of the organism, the severity of obesity (excess weight), as well as on the desire of the person himself to lose weight. Reviews will help you choose the best products without upsetting the balance of proteins and carbohydrates. Many people share successful experiences with product replacement.

The diet recommended by the 10-day diet, reviews of which can be found on the Internet, contributes to weight loss in itself. A significant decrease in food intake activates the metabolism of body fat to produce the amount of energy the body needs.

Nutritionists strongly discourage a 10-day diet on condition of a weakened organism (second half of winter, spring months, after illness). The best times to use the 10 days 5 kg diet are summer and early fall. Seasons rich in fruits and vegetables will make this period easier to move.

Doctors warn that the "10 days 5 kg" diet is not a panacea for obesity. This is just one of the techniques for losing weight. The main task after the end of the diet is to consolidate the results achieved.

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