Diet 12 Days - Reviews, Menus, Benefits

Diet 12 Days - Reviews, Menus, Benefits
Diet 12 Days - Reviews, Menus, Benefits

Diet 12 days

What is a 12-day diet

Diet 12 days
Diet 12 days

The duration of the diet of 12 days is determined by the name itself.

The 12-day diet is an alternation of twelve mono-diets. The prerequisites for this weight loss system are careful adherence to the proposed menu, refusal of alcoholic beverages, salt and sugar, daily use of 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil. The presence of vegetable oil in the diet for 12 days is due to the body's need for monounsaturated fatty acids. One tablespoon of vegetable oil will not have a detrimental effect on the figure, but at the same time saturate the body with useful substances. In the original menu, it is recommended to use sunflower oil, however, in reviews of the 12-day diet, there are many positive examples of the use of olive and flaxseed oils. A prerequisite for the diet is also the use of herbal tea during the day and before bedtime,however, some experimenters substitute green tea for it. During a 12-day diet, the last meal should be no later than 5-6 hours before bedtime.

For the entire period of the diet of 12 days, reviews confirm, will allow you to lose about 8-10 extra pounds. However, it should be remembered that this nutritional system, like any other unbalanced diet, can cause significant harm to the body.

Diet menu 12 days

On the first day, kefir, it is allowed to drink low-fat kefir. On the second day, fruity, you should eat 5-6 medium-sized oranges. For the entire third day, cottage cheese, it is recommended to eat 500-750 g of fat-free cottage cheese. The fourth day of the 12-day diet, vegetable, involves the use of a half-liter can of squash caviar. The fifth day, chocolate, will be appreciated by those with a sweet tooth, since it is allowed to eat 100 g of dark chocolate during the day. During the sixth day, apple, you should eat 1.5 kg of peeled apples. On the seventh day of the diet 12 days, cheese, 350 g of low-fat hard cheese is allowed. During the eighth vegetable day, it is recommended to drink 1 liter of tomato juice and eat a salad of fresh vegetables. The ninth day will delight meat lovers - 500 g of boiled beef. For the tenth day of a diet, vegetable,the use of salad from fresh vegetables, such as tomatoes, cabbage, cucumbers, parsley, dill, is provided. The eleventh day, cottage cheese, is similar to the third day, with the only difference that the cottage cheese should be consumed by an order of magnitude less - 250-300 g. On the twelfth day, fruit, you can pamper yourself with 1 kg of fresh plums or 400-500 g of prunes.

Throughout the 12-day diet, remember to drink plenty of fluids and herbal tea
Throughout the 12-day diet, remember to drink plenty of fluids and herbal tea

Throughout the entire 12-day diet, remember to drink plenty of fluids, herbal tea and vegetable oil.

Favorite diet 12 days

This weight loss system is also called the actor's diet for 12 days. It consists of 4 mono-diets, each of which lasts 3 days. If you believe the reviews, your favorite 12-day diet allows you to lose about 8-14 kilograms.

During the first three days, you can drink low-fat kefir in unlimited quantities; for the next three days, you can eat apples in any quantity. From 7 to 9 days of the acting diet for 12 days, you should eat skinless chicken prepared in your favorite way - stewed, fried or boiled. Chicken can be substituted with fish if desired, but remember that both types of dishes must be unsalted. In the last three days, it is recommended to drink red dry wine and eat cheese, at the rate of 1 glass of wine per 30 g of cheese.

Some girls are confused by the last stage of the diet, so some of them independently replace the last three days with kefir, others dilute wine with water in a 1 to 1 ratio, and still others replace wine with orange or apple juice.

Favorite diet of 12 days is a big enough test for the body, so it is not recommended to repeat it earlier than after 1.5-2 months.

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