Calorie Content Of Sausages Depending On The Variety

Calorie Content Of Sausages Depending On The Variety
Calorie Content Of Sausages Depending On The Variety

Calorie content of sausages

How to calculate how many calories are in a sausage
How to calculate how many calories are in a sausage

Sausages are a special topic. Their biggest advantage, in my opinion, is their quick preparation. But this is a superficial observation. If you think carefully, it turns out that you can cook extremely tasty dishes from sausages, provided that they are of high quality. And, of course, you should know the calorie content of sausages, especially if you follow the slimness of your figure.

Sausages have been produced for many years, and the relevance of their use remains high. A great variety of sausages are produced - these are magnificent Bavarian sausages, Viennese, hunting, old Russian, Milanese, with cheese, horseradish and a large list of various names. Naturally, different types of sausages will contain different amounts of calories. And also they all differ in taste. Everyone willingly eats them - both adults and children. And for pupils and students to intercept a hot dog at recess is a common thing. We rarely think about the topic, but how many calories are in sausages and, by chance, is it because of them that we gain weight?

Sausages: calories

Let's try to figure out how much the calorie content of sausages can harm us in maintaining a slim figure. It is natural to assume that sausages contain as much calories as they are in the products that make up them.

Sausages are usually prepared from pork, beef, poultry. Of course, there are also various other delights - venison and other delicacies. But back to the average life. Of course, pork sausages have the highest calorie content, because pork itself contains 350 calories per hundred grams of product. The calorie content of beef is 218 calories. Chicken meat is a completely dietary product, its calorie content is only 137 calories per 100 grams of product. But this is pure meat. You know that in modern sausages, in order to improve their appearance, increase shelf life, and you never know for what, there is still a lot of all sorts of things - when considering the composition, you can find chemical elements, nitrates, phosphates, food additives, flavor enhancers in them And so on. Therefore, it is rather difficult to calculate calories in sausages due to the heterogeneity of their composition.

So, before we answer the question of how many calories are in sausages, first let's think about which meat this product is healthier. Let's deal with pork. Let's start with the fact that pork sausages are rich in vitamin B. Therefore, using pork sausages, you will gain, in addition to satiation, vigor, and forget about fatigue. In addition, pork is almost completely absorbed by the stomach and has a beneficial effect on the entire digestive system, is a natural antidepressant, helps men cope with potency problems, and normalizes the cardiovascular system. Therefore, pork sausages are healthy. But the calorie content of pork sausages is the highest. And if you are overweight or do not want to gain it, then you should less often feast on them, because the calorie content of pork sausages ranges from 250 to 350 kcal for every 100 grams of raw product.

Beef sausages also have a rich taste. Beef meat is rich in iron, proteins, minerals. These substances are necessary for the synthesis of hemoglobin, maintaining the function of the musculoskeletal system. The presence of zinc in it helps in wound healing. Beef sausages with a calorie content of 240-280 kcal will not be burdensome to maintain a stable weight balance.

Poultry sausages - chicken, turkey - are considered dietary. How many calories are in poultry sausages? Little, about 190-250 kcal. Poultry meat is good for everyone. It contains phosphorus, potassium, zinc, glutamic acid; vitamins C, PP, B, E, A. It is recommended for weakened immunity, for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and improvement of metabolic processes.

Calorie content of pork, beef, poultry sausages
Calorie content of pork, beef, poultry sausages

A separate conversation about dairy sausages. They got their name from the fact that skimmed milk powder is used in their preparation. Everyone loves dairy sausages. They are delicate and delicious. At the same time, the calorie content of dairy sausages is quite low and amounts to approximately 230-250 kcal per 100 grams of raw product. Previously, due to its low calorie content, dairy sausages were widely used in baby and diet food. But, unfortunately, now almost all manufacturers add soy protein and starch to them, which is not very favorable for our body.

So, we figured out what calorie sausages contain and whether they are healthy. Now let's think about how high in calories such a favorite dish as a sausage baked in dough is.

Sausages in dough: calorie content

Sausages in dough are one of the most common dishes on the fast-foot chain. But at home, of course, they are much tastier. Making them is pretty simple. And if you also use ready-made puff or yeast dough, then there is only one problem - so that they do not burn. But from what kind of dough you use, the final calorie content of the sausage in the dough will differ in one direction or another. It is usually believed that a sausage baked in a dough has a lot of calories. One bun usually contains at least 330-350 kcal.

In conclusion, I would like to remind you that when choosing sausages, take a closer look at their appearance, ask them to show the packaging on which their composition is indicated. Most importantly, share the sausage with your cat. The cat will never, eat low-quality sausages.

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