Anti-cellulite diet
The anti-cellulite diet, as the name suggests, aims to reduce the appearance of cellulite. Thanks to a special menu, which is based on fruits, vegetables, cereals and a large amount of water, it is possible to remove excess fluid from the body, which is the cause of the skin lumpiness. Minimally processed products improve digestion, are well absorbed, the body gets rid of toxins and toxins. As a result, the skin becomes firmer, smoother, its color and condition improve.
The anti-cellulite diet should be followed for 10 days. There is no information on how many kilograms during this period you can lose.
The diet can be called tough: apart from plant foods, there is almost nothing in the diet. It is better to observe it in summer, when a rich assortment of fresh vegetables and fruits is presented in shops and markets.
Breakfast, lunch and dinner are clearly separated. At least two hours should pass between meals, optimally four hours. During the day, you need to drink plenty of water: about 1.5 liters.

Benefits of an anti-cellulite diet
The diet of an anti-cellulite diet is rich in vitamins, other nutrients and fiber. Fresh vegetables and fruits significantly improve intestinal peristalsis, promote digestion, eliminate toxins and toxins.
The diet involves the exclusion of foods that have undergone a different heat treatment than boiling or steaming. Basically, the anti-cellulite diet is a toned down version of an increasingly popular raw food diet. Eating unprocessed foods reduces the strain on the intestines and liver. In addition, the body rests from artificial additives, flavors, and foods that are difficult to digest.
Disadvantages and contraindications of the anti-cellulite diet
While vegetables, fruits, grains, and nuts are extremely healthy, they are not believed to meet your daily protein needs. Even if you do not go into controversy about the benefits and harms of a raw food diet, but consider it exclusively as a good or bad option for losing weight, it is important to note: diets without protein will really help you lose weight, but muscles will go away along with weight, and with them beautiful forms. In a word, the anti-cellulite diet is not balanced and is not capable of acting on the body in a complex manner, ensuring the preservation of muscles during the loss of fat reserves.
None of the sources indicate the calorie content of the daily menu for an anti-cellulite diet, but it is rather difficult to gain the necessary calories (according to WHO recommendations - at least 1500 kcal) on vegetables and fruits. Consequently, the likelihood of a slowdown in metabolism and a quick return of weight lost through diet is high.
There are few thermally processed foods on the diet menu, so a person who is accustomed to a warm lunch and dinner will feel uncomfortable.
What foods are allowed?
The anti-cellulite diet consists of vegetables (raw, steamed or boiled) and fruits (excluding bananas). The most effective in the fight against cellulite are pineapples, kiwi, mango and papaya, they are recommended to be consumed in the first place. You can make fresh juices from fruits and vegetables.
Allowed sprouts of wheat, soybeans, as well as almonds, sesame seeds, pumpkin and sunflower seeds.
Olive oil and low-fat yogurt are acceptable in limited quantities.
Porridge, among which buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, lentil porridge are especially welcome, are also presented on the menu.
What foods are prohibited?
All products that are not included in the list of permitted are prohibited, including bananas, milk, sugar, salt, tea, coffee, alcohol.
Anti-cellulite diet menu
The anti-cellulite diet menu alternates between days when it is allowed to eat thermally processed vegetables (even), and days when vegetables and fruits should be eaten raw (odd). Serving size is not limited, of course, within reasonable limits.
All odd days |
Breakfast: raw fruits. Lunch: vegetable salad. It is allowed to add nuts, seeds, olive oil (no more than 2 tablespoons), lemon juice (its quantity is not limited). Dinner: the same as lunch. You can add fruits, and include wheat germs, soybeans in the salad. |
Second day |
Only fruits. |
All even days (except the second) | The menu is the same as on odd days, but some of the vegetables can be boiled or steamed. It is allowed to eat cereals, low-fat yogurt. |
Useful Tips
Tip 1. Do not neglect the opportunity to eat boiled vegetables: processed food is essential for good health, more efficient stomach function.
Advice 2. Although it is allowed and even recommended to eat nuts during the diet, you should be careful with them: nuts contain a large amount of fat, due to which it is possible to reduce the rate of weight loss.
Diet characteristic | final grade |
Duration: 10 days |
2.5 out of 5 The diet is not aimed at weight loss, however, if you follow its rules, the reward will not only improve skin condition and reduce the "orange peel", but also part with a few pounds. |
Recommended frequency: once a year | |
Weight loss rate: | |
Safety: | |
Variety of products: |
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