Diet 5: 2 (Fast Diet) - Menu, Reviews, Results, Tips

Diet 5: 2 (Fast Diet) - Menu, Reviews, Results, Tips
Diet 5: 2 (Fast Diet) - Menu, Reviews, Results, Tips

Diet 5: 2 ("Fast diet")

The author of the 5: 2 diet is an English physician and journalist Michael Mosley. His dietary system is also called intermittent fasting. It assumes 5 days of normal nutrition (about 2000 kcal / day) and 2 fasting days (500-600 kcal / day). As a result of a significant decrease in the caloric intake of the diet twice a week, the body experiences stress. Such an uneven schedule of energy intake increases metabolism, including the process of burning fat. The author claims that short-term low-calorie stresses are more beneficial for the body than long diets: with prolonged dietary restrictions, addiction occurs and weight loss slows down.

Fast Diet Rules:

  • fasting days should not be spent one after another. It is better to stick to the 3: 1 scheme (3 regular days and 1 fasting) or 2: 1;
  • on a fasting day, the break between breakfast and dinner should be strictly 12 hours. For example, breakfast at 8.00, dinner at 20.00;
  • dishes are prepared in gentle ways (boiling, baking, steaming, grilling);
  • on ordinary days, food should be healthy - a complete diet in terms of nutrients, the absence of harmful and high-calorie foods, eating five to six times a day in small portions, and it is also forbidden to eat before bedtime;
  • during the day, you must drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water.

After reaching the desired weight, in order to maintain the result, it is recommended to adhere to the 10: 1 or 7: 1 scheme, that is, 1 unloading should fall on 10 or 7 normal days.

Diet 5: 2 (Fast diet): nutritional rules
Diet 5: 2 (Fast diet): nutritional rules

Benefits of a 5: 2 Diet

Diet 5: 2 helps to get rid of 1-2 kg per week, this rate of weight loss is considered the most natural. The diet includes all healthy foods, so as you lose weight, your well-being improves, vigor appears, and minor ailments disappear.

This food system does not require strict control of the diet and any special conditions and products, it is simple. Fasting days can be spent at a convenient time, psychologically they are easily tolerated and without disruption.

Disadvantages and contraindications of the 5: 2 diet

On fasting days, weakness, malaise and fatigue are sometimes felt, especially at the beginning of the diet (after 1-2 weeks the body adapts). Not eating for 12 hours can lead to an upset stomach.

The diet is contraindicated in chronic diseases of the digestive system.

What foods are allowed?

The 5: 2 diet should contain only healthy foods:

  • lean meats and fish;
  • dairy and lactic acid products;
  • cereals;
  • fresh vegetables, fruits and berries.

What foods are prohibited?

  • Fatty, fried foods.
  • Flour products.
  • Fast food.
  • Sweets.
  • Alcohol.

Diet menu 5: 2

Sample menu for 2 fasting days of the "Fast diet":

First day (490 kcal)

Breakfast (190 kcal) - oatmeal, 40 g of wholemeal bread, an apple.

Dinner (300 kcal) - chicken fillet with olive oil, orange.

Second day (500 kcal)

Breakfast (290 kcal) - an omelet of two eggs with a tomato and 30 g of cheese.

Dinner (300 kcal) - 100 g of lean fish, half an orange.

Useful Tips

Advice 1. Occasionally, not more than once a week, on a normal (not fasting) day, you can afford to deviate from the diet, for example, drink a glass of natural wine, eat a slice of cake or one or two chocolates.

Tip 2. On days with a limited diet, strength training should be excluded. It is better to give preference to cardio loads.

Diet characteristic final grade
Duration: from 7 days

3.5 out of 5

An effective diet aimed at enhancing metabolism. You can stick to it for as long as you like, the diet promotes recovery.

Recommended frequency: any
Weight loss rate:
Variety of products:

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