Pumping Abs At Home: How To Avoid Common Mistakes?

Pumping Abs At Home: How To Avoid Common Mistakes?
Pumping Abs At Home: How To Avoid Common Mistakes?

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Download the press at home

Download the press at home
Download the press at home

It has long been out of fashion to be frail, or vice versa, swollen with fat. A healthy, toned body is not only beautiful, it also works more efficiently. Fitness gurus like to compare the body with a brand of a car - someone drives a broken-down "penny", and someone drives a Ferrari. Only in the case of the body, unlike cars, you do not depend on financial capabilities. In order to have a pumped up abs, it is absolutely not necessary to visit an expensive sports club. Almost everything that is done in the gym can be successfully done at home. It will take a little time and discipline from you, because everyone started to pump the abs, and very few have beautiful abs.

It is important to know how to properly swing the press at home, because you do not have a coach at home, and no one will point out any mistakes, you will have to follow the technique of execution yourself. But believe me, the game is worth the candle: the weather will not hurt, and you will not have to stand in traffic jams on the roads. And so, we swing the press at home. Let's focus on the most common mistakes.

1. Excessive zeal of beginners. There is a saying: "too good, this is also bad." Usually beginners try so hard and drive themselves so hard that their ardor drops very quickly, and it ends with the fact that even for a fifteen-minute workout there is never enough time, because something will always be more important. In fact, you just really don't want to go back to unpleasant sensations. Start training gradually, without doing them until exhaustion. The first week should be training in the light version, especially if you last played sports about 15 years ago;

2. Choosing a set of exercises, choose those that load different muscle groups. This will keep you from feeling exhausted throughout your workout;

3. The main problem when we pump the press at home is that someone is constantly distracting. Let the workout be 10-15 minutes, but this is only your 10-15 minutes, and nothing should stop you. Choose a time to exercise so that you can avoid answering phone calls or other distractions.

How to pump the press at home
How to pump the press at home

4. Perhaps you have a carpet at home. But it is not intended for exercise, especially for abs. So take the money and buy yourself an exercise mat. It costs little, but there are a lot of benefits from it. In addition to its main functions, it will serve as a silent reproach if you decide to abandon the abs swing at home.

Actually, that's all. You know how to properly pump the press at home - without fanaticism, but methodically and conveniently. Success is guaranteed, you will see, all that remains is to select the program and start.

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