How To Avoid Flare-ups Of Eczema: 7 Rules

How To Avoid Flare-ups Of Eczema: 7 Rules
How To Avoid Flare-ups Of Eczema: 7 Rules

How to avoid flare-ups of eczema: 7 rules

Eczema is a non-contagious skin lesion characterized by severe itching, redness, weeping, crusting and scaling. This is a very common disease: eczema of various origins accounts for almost 40% of all skin diseases.

One of the most unpleasant properties of the disease is its recurrent nature. There is no radical way to treat eczema: the patient has to periodically deal with exacerbations, but, as a rule, there is no complete cure. Fortunately, you can reduce the frequency of flare-ups of eczema. Let's talk about the measures that will help in this.

Basic rules on how to avoid exacerbation of eczema
Basic rules on how to avoid exacerbation of eczema


Carrying out water procedures

For an eczema sufferer, a daily shower is a vital necessity. However, it is important to limit yourself to dousing with warm water, without using alkaline soap, coarse brushes or washcloths. You can cleanse your skin with gentle cosmetics (balm or milk) no more than 2-3 times a week.

How to avoid exacerbation of eczema: water treatments
How to avoid exacerbation of eczema: water treatments


Moisturizing the skin

Skin affected by eczema needs constant gentle hydration. For this purpose, a cream (for children or hypoallergenic for adults) or cosmetic petroleum jelly is used. The skin of the hands must be treated after each wash, and the surface of the face and body at least 3 times a day. Cosmetic preparations should be selected carefully, pre-testing them and taking into account the possibility of individual intolerance.

It is contraindicated for patients with eczema to use products containing alcohol (lotions, eau de toilette, etc.), since they dry the skin.

How to avoid flare-ups of eczema: moisturizing your skin
How to avoid flare-ups of eczema: moisturizing your skin


Skin protection against irritation

All stages of the disease are accompanied by obsessive itching, but you cannot comb the affected areas. If the patient ignores this rule, his skin will be covered with small wounds and cracks, which will contribute to the addition of a bacterial or fungal infection.

To reduce the discomfort, use a cream or menthol ointment. The patient may involuntarily scratch the affected skin during sleep. In this case, it is advised to wear special cosmetic gloves at night.

How to avoid flare-ups of eczema: protecting skin from irritation
How to avoid flare-ups of eczema: protecting skin from irritation


Choosing the right clothes

An eczema patient should not wear tight-fitting underwear and clothing. It is important to choose loose-fitting outfits made from soft, hypoallergenic fabrics, giving preference to fine natural silk, cotton and varieties of woolen yarn designed for knitting children's clothes.

New clothes should be washed with baby soap or detergent and rinsed thoroughly several times before wearing. It is recommended to use special hypoallergenic rinses and fabric softeners.

How to avoid flare-ups of eczema: choosing the right clothes
How to avoid flare-ups of eczema: choosing the right clothes


Lack of contact with allergens

According to modern concepts, eczema is the result of a number of factors, in the list of which a hereditary predisposition to allergies and an increased susceptibility to allergens occupy a prominent place. There is even a separate type of the disease - occupational eczema, which affects people working in chemical, pharmaceutical and food industries.

A patient with eczema should avoid contact with objects and substances that can aggravate the manifestations of the disease: highly allergenic food, household chemicals, building materials, tissues, pollen, animal hair, etc. You must inform your doctor about the tendency to allergies, who will select an antihistamine …

How to avoid exacerbation of eczema: no contact with allergens
How to avoid exacerbation of eczema: no contact with allergens


Compliance with temperature conditions

Skin affected by eczema is extremely sensitive to temperature changes. With hypothermia or overheating of the body, the symptoms of the disease intensify. Therefore, the patient must carefully monitor the microclimate in the living room and the temperature of the water used for showering and washing (it should be slightly higher than room temperature). Before going outside, apply a protective cream to the skin.

How to avoid exacerbation of eczema: keeping the temperature
How to avoid exacerbation of eczema: keeping the temperature


Coping with stress

Anxiety, nervousness and depressed mood negatively affect the state of the body's defense system: sleep worsens, appetite decreases, and eczema increases. People suffering from this ailment should, if possible, avoid stressful situations, and, if necessary, seek help from a psychologist.

Avoiding a flare-up of eczema: dealing with stress
Avoiding a flare-up of eczema: dealing with stress


Eczema often accompanies hormonal and immune disorders, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, infectious diseases, neuroses and depression. Therefore, a patient with eczema requires a comprehensive examination, and as a result - specialist advice.

For topical treatment of eczema, ointments and creams containing steroid hormones are usually prescribed. It is important to know that such products, with prolonged use, can worsen the skin condition. As a general therapy, antihistamines and sedatives (including those of herbal origin) are recommended. People suffering from eczema are shown a diet that excludes fatty, spicy and fried foods, highly allergenic foods, canned food and alcohol. The diet should be enriched with vitamins (especially group B), trace elements (cobalt, zinc and sulfur) and high quality proteins.

A patient with eczema must follow the rules that help reduce the likelihood of relapses, and during periods of exacerbations, follow the doctor's instructions exactly. Only in this case will he be able to maintain his ability to work and ensure himself a sufficiently high quality of life.

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Maria Kulkes
Maria Kulkes

Maria Kulkes Medical journalist About the author

Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov, specialty "General Medicine".

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