Hangovers - Reasons To Avoid And Remove Quickly

Hangovers - Reasons To Avoid And Remove Quickly
Hangovers - Reasons To Avoid And Remove Quickly


A hangover is understood as an unpleasant condition that occurs after an abundant intake of alcoholic beverages. Its main symptoms include headache, nausea, severe thirst, weakness, chills and fever, changes in blood pressure.

Folk remedies for a hangover
Folk remedies for a hangover

How to get rid of a hangover? This is an urgent question that worries many, since a serious physical condition in the morning can occur not only after heavy doses of alcohol, but also if very little alcohol is drunk.

Hangover cure

Based on an understanding of the mechanism of action of alcohol on the human body, the following stages of hangover treatment can be distinguished:

  • Elimination of toxins. Physical methods help to cope with intoxication - gastric lavage and enema, as well as pharmaceutical sorbents - preparations of liferan and lignosorb based on lignin and activated carbon. In order to quickly get rid of poisons, you can take a tincture of Eleutherococcus (20-40 drops before meals) or succinic acid (one tablet per hour - no more than six times a day);
  • Elimination of dehydration. With a hangover, it is important to monitor the correct redistribution of fluid in the body. First, it is necessary to restore the balance of electrolyte salts by drinking mineral water, cabbage or cucumber pickle. Secondly, take a diuretic and at the same time a sufficient amount of liquid (for example, water and natural coffee);
  • Normalization of the nervous system. The most effective hangover remedy is glycine, which should be taken every hour by placing the tablet on the cheek or under the tongue, but no more than five times a day. The drugs Pantogam, Panangin, Mexidol and Picamilon help to normalize the work of both the nervous system and the heart. In addition, you can take hangover pills or enterosgel, which effectively removes alcohol breakdown products from the body.

How to quickly remove a hangover at home

The following program will help to cope with a hangover in the morning:

  • Cold compress. Take out ice and apply it to your temples for a few minutes. Pain relief occurs immediately, after which recovery can be continued;
  • Contrasting shower and bath. This method helps to relieve fatigue and relax. In addition, water helps to eliminate toxins;
  • The right drinks. To combat the alcohol remaining in the blood, ordinary mineral water or fructose lemonade is suitable. You can also brew a strong tea with lemon and lemon balm;
  • Light breakfast. You can not load the stomach with hearty snacks and dishes. When treating a hangover, preference should be given to fresh fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C, as well as meat broth, which normalizes metabolism and gives strength;
  • Relaxation. It is necessary to lie down, close your eyes and put a terry towel soaked in warm water on your face. It helps to get rid of nausea and dizziness, regain strength and get a healthy and fresh look on the face.

Thanks to the presented program, you can recover quickly enough even without taking hangover pills.

How to avoid a hangover

How to relieve hangover symptoms
How to relieve hangover symptoms

The easiest way is not to drink alcohol, but if you cannot do without alcoholic beverages, you should adhere to the following tips:

  • Do not drink alcohol on an empty stomach. It is recommended to have a snack before any meal. Otherwise, a hangover cannot be avoided;
  • Give preference to foods containing proteins and carbohydrates. Pasta, rice and potatoes will act as an absorbent. Protein-rich meat and fish will slow down the absorption of alcohol and normalize metabolism. But fatty food is undesirable, since it overloads the already suffering liver;
  • Do not lean on sweets, as it enhances the absorption of alcohol;
  • Take breaks between drinks for at least half an hour;
  • Do not mix different alcoholic beverages.

Observing the culture of drinking alcohol, you can forget about the hangover and get only pleasure from friendly and family feasts, and not a headache in the morning.

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The information is generalized and provided for informational purposes only. At the first sign of illness, see your doctor. Self-medication is hazardous to health!
