How To Remove Bruises Under The Eyes At Home Quickly

How To Remove Bruises Under The Eyes At Home Quickly
How To Remove Bruises Under The Eyes At Home Quickly

How to remove bruises under the eyes: folk and cosmetics, prevention

The content of the article:

  1. Reasons for the appearance
  2. How to quickly remove bruises under the eyes at home using folk remedies

    1. Parsley mask
    2. Cucumber mask and lotion
    3. Potato mask
    4. Green tea
    5. Infusion of cornflowers
  3. Cosmetics for bruises
  4. Gymnastics
  5. Prevention
  6. Video

How to remove bruises under the eyes? This question arises for many women and men who look at themselves in the mirror in the morning. Bruises can occur not only in adults, but also in children and adolescents.

Bruises under the eyes may indicate lack of sleep, poor diet, or the presence of serious pathologies
Bruises under the eyes may indicate lack of sleep, poor diet, or the presence of serious pathologies

Bruises under the eyes may indicate lack of sleep, poor diet, or the presence of serious pathologies.

The skin around the eyes is very sensitive, so it reacts quickly to any adverse factors such as malnutrition or chronic sleep deprivation.

If bruising is caused by heart, kidney, or liver disease, getting rid of them is difficult. In this case, serious treatment is required. Diuretics or medications are often prescribed to improve blood flow to the brain. Antibiotics are used to treat sinusitis, and antihistamines are used to eliminate an allergic reaction.

Reasons for the appearance

Possible causes of bruising under the eyes:

Cause Description
Diseases Diabetes mellitus, kidney, cardiovascular, eye, allergy, sleep disorders, anemia, sinusitis
Lifestyle Prolonged work at the computer or reading, alcohol abuse, smoking, unhealthy diet, as a result of which the body receives an insufficient amount of vitamins and microelements
Others Chronic stress or depression, hyperpigmentation of the periorbital region, trauma, use of low-quality cosmetics

How to quickly remove bruises under the eyes at home using folk remedies

In order to eliminate the problem, it is necessary to improve blood circulation in the eye socket area. Ice cubes will help to quickly cope with this task. They are prepared in advance and stored in the freezer.

Ice cubes are often used to fix the problem
Ice cubes are often used to fix the problem

Ice cubes are often used to fix the problem.

To do this, mix one teaspoon of chamomile and sage, pour boiling water over the raw material and let it brew for two hours. The infusion must be filtered and poured into ice molds.

Such a remedy will not only help get rid of bruises, but also improve the condition of the skin, eliminate fine wrinkles and reduce inflammation. The procedure can be performed daily.

Parsley mask

This method allows you to lighten the skin, and also helps to remove both bruises and age spots from the skin of the face. In order to prepare it, a bunch of parsley is chopped using a blender, and the resulting gruel is applied to the problem area. After a quarter of an hour, the mask is washed off with warm water. To improve the condition of the skin, after using such a product, a greasy cream is applied.

The mask can be made with fresh parsley
The mask can be made with fresh parsley

The mask can be made with fresh parsley

You can also eliminate bruises with the help of parsley infusion. To prepare 2 tablespoons of chopped parsley, pour 200 ml of boiling water and let it brew for forty minutes. The product is filtered and stored in a cool place for a week.

Cotton pads are moistened in the infusion and applied to the eyes for 10-15 minutes. The infusion can be frozen and used to wipe the skin.

Cucumber mask and lotion

The product whitens the skin well and allows you to deal with the problem in a short time. To make the lotion at home, pour 2 tablespoons of chopped cucumber pulp with 70 ml of vodka and set aside for a week. Then the product is filtered and stored in the refrigerator. Apply as needed.

Cucumber is used to prepare lotions and masks
Cucumber is used to prepare lotions and masks

Cucumber is used to prepare lotions and masks

After use, a moisturizer is applied to the eye area. Since the product contains alcohol, which dries the skin severely, this method should not be abused. The lotion allows you to remove age spots.

No less effective, but more gentle, is a water-based lotion. To do this, pour the cucumber pulp with boiled chilled water, filter after 3 hours and add one spoonful of vodka (as a preservative). The product is stored for no more than two weeks. It can be used up to three times a day.

If there is not enough time for the preparation of such cosmetics, you can grate the cucumber, divide the mixture into two equal parts, which must be wrapped in gauze. Tampons are applied to the affected area and left for 15 minutes.

Potato mask

A raw potato mask will help get rid of bruises quickly. For this, the tubers are cleaned, rubbed on a fine grater, and the resulting gruel is applied to the eyes. Beforehand, it can be wrapped in a bandage or gauze.

Potatoes are often used for cosmetic purposes
Potatoes are often used for cosmetic purposes

Potatoes are often used for cosmetic purposes

After a quarter of an hour, rinse off the product first with warm and then cool water and apply a nourishing cream.

Green tea

You can get rid of bruises at home in a short time with green tea. For these purposes, sheet raw materials are suitable. Green tea leaves are brewed with boiling water. In the resulting infusion, cotton swabs are moistened, which are applied to the eyelids and kept for 15 minutes.

The use of cotton swabs dipped in infusion of green leaf tea is effective
The use of cotton swabs dipped in infusion of green leaf tea is effective

The use of cotton swabs dipped in infusion of green leaf tea is effective

Swollen sheets can also be wrapped in gauze and applied to the eyes.

Infusion of cornflowers

A good effect can be obtained by making a compress from cornflowers. To prepare the product, 2 g of dried flowers are poured with boiling water and insisted for 20 minutes. Then the infusion is filtered, cotton pads are moistened and applied to the eye socket for 10 minutes.

Infusion of cornflowers is one of the most commonly used remedies to eliminate bruises under the eyes
Infusion of cornflowers is one of the most commonly used remedies to eliminate bruises under the eyes

Infusion of cornflowers is one of the most commonly used remedies to eliminate bruises under the eyes.

To enhance the effect, cotton pads can be held in the freezer for 5 minutes. The finished infusion can be used to make ice.

Cosmetics for bruises

If bruises appear regularly under the eyes, it is worth purchasing special cosmetics that help eliminate the problem. You need to pay attention to creams with caffeine, as this substance improves skin tone and reduces swelling.

Convenient to use ready-made pharmaceutical cosmetics
Convenient to use ready-made pharmaceutical cosmetics

Convenient to use ready-made pharmaceutical cosmetics

If there are no special cosmetics available, a regular moisturizer can cope with the problem. Cut a cotton pad in half, apply the product on both halves and place it in the freezer for a few minutes. Then they are applied to the eyes for 2-3 minutes.


Another method that allows you to remove bruises under the eyes is lymphatic drainage massage. It improves blood circulation, eliminates excess fluid and tones the skin. Anyone can do it at home. First you need to wash and dry your skin.

Drainage massage can be done at home
Drainage massage can be done at home

Drainage massage can be done at home

Then a small amount of nourishing cream is applied to the skin and "hammered" it in with light patting movements. With two fingers (index and middle), you need to draw a figure eight around the eyes, converging on the bridge of the nose. Such movements are repeated 10-15 times.

In the next step, you need to close your eyes, put your fingertips on your eyelids and press lightly. The eyeballs should be massaged in gentle circular motions, first clockwise and then counterclockwise.


In order to prevent the appearance of bruises under the eyes, you must:

  • get rid of bad habits;
  • be sure to remove makeup at night;
  • sleep at least 7 hours a day;
  • ventilate the room before going to bed;
  • eat right so that the body receives a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals;
  • wash your face in the morning with cool water;
  • monitor your health, consult a doctor in time to prevent the development of chronic forms of diseases.

If, despite trying to get rid of bruises under the eyes at home, the problem persists, you should consult a doctor.


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Anna Kozlova
Anna Kozlova

Anna Kozlova Medical journalist About the author

Education: Rostov State Medical University, specialty "General Medicine".

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