How To Remove Swelling From The Eyes After Crying: Quickly At Home

How To Remove Swelling From The Eyes After Crying: Quickly At Home
How To Remove Swelling From The Eyes After Crying: Quickly At Home

How to remove swelling from the eyes after crying

The content of the article:

  1. How to quickly remove swelling from the eyes after crying at home

    1. Eyelid massage
    2. Gymnastics for the eyes
    3. Medications
  2. Treatments to remove puffiness after crying
  3. Compresses for puffiness of the eyelids after tears

    1. Cold compress
    2. Tea compress
    3. Parsley compress
    4. Milk compress
    5. Compress with potatoes
    6. Masks and other products
  4. Tips for preventing eye puffiness after crying
  5. Video

Many people are interested in the answer to the question of how to remove swelling from the eyes after crying, since the face after crying can swell a lot, and the swelling can last for a long time.

To relieve puffiness after tears at home, you can use both pharmaceutical preparations and folk remedies.

Long crying leads to swelling of the face, especially the eyes. You can eliminate swelling by different means
Long crying leads to swelling of the face, especially the eyes. You can eliminate swelling by different means

Long crying leads to swelling of the face, especially the eyes. You can eliminate swelling by different means.

How to quickly remove swelling from the eyes after crying at home

After crying in the evening, it is recommended to sleep on a higher pillow, otherwise the swelling may increase overnight. If the swelling has not subsided in the morning, it is recommended to do exercises, take a contrast shower, wash with carbonated and / or chilled mineral water.

Eyelid massage

Massage the eyelids can help reduce facial swelling after crying. To do this, you need to lightly massage with your fingertips from the inner to the outer corner of the upper eyelid and in the opposite direction - the lower eyelid. The massage should be repeated several times at short intervals (for about three minutes).

Gymnastics for the eyes

Also, with edema after crying, gymnastics for the eyes can help, during which the following exercises should be performed:

  1. Rotational movements of the eyes alternately clockwise and counterclockwise.
  2. Squeeze the eyelids tightly for a few seconds, then open your eyes.
  3. Blink quickly for 15 seconds.

Each of the exercises should be done 4-5 times at short intervals to rest the eyes.


In the event that puffiness appeared after tears under the eyes, quick help can be removed:

  • eye cream with caffeine;
  • vitamin E capsules;
  • decongestant eye drops;
  • ointments with a vasoconstrictor effect.

Treatments to remove puffiness after crying

It can help with facial swelling after tears:

  1. Steam bath with infusion of birch leaves and chamomile flowers. You need to hold your face over the steam for 5-10 minutes; for greater efficiency, you can throw a towel over your head. During the procedure, it is necessary to comply with safety rules so as not to get burned.
  2. Washing with decoctions or infusions of medicinal plants: peppermint, linden, thyme, chamomile. Also, herbal ice can be made from these medicinal plants, which should be used to wipe the skin of the face.
  3. Contrast washing, which copes well with facial swelling, can be replaced with compresses - alternately apply warm and cold cotton pads moistened with water or a solution based on medicinal herbs to the eyelids.
  4. Massage with ice cubes (from ordinary or mineral water, solutions of medicinal plants) or warm tea bags, which are alternately applied to the eyelids (5-6 times), leaving for several minutes.

Compresses for puffiness of the eyelids after tears

The simplest methods for relieving eye puffiness after crying include compresses, which can be done according to several recipes.

Cold compress

This procedure can be used as ice cubes, and other objects (for example, you can cool tablespoons for a few minutes in the freezer and apply to the area of the swelling). For greater effectiveness, the cold compress is recommended to be used in combination with other methods.

You can make cold compresses with chilled mineral water, decoctions or infusions of medicinal plants (chamomile, etc.). Such compresses are even more effective than using regular ice.

Tea compress

To remove puffiness, you can also apply a tea compress to your eyes. For the procedure, it is necessary to pour boiling water over the tea leaves, leave for a while for brewing, then place them in gauze and apply to the place of puffiness. You can also use tea bags for this purpose, which need to be brewed, and then squeezed a little to remove excess liquid.

Parsley compress

A compress from parsley has proven itself well for swelling of the face. Parsley must be washed, chopped, placed on a cotton pad moistened with water and applied to the eyelids. Keep the compress for about 20 minutes, then cleanse the skin and apply a moisturizer on it.

Milk compress

You can bring a tear-stained face back to normal with a milk compress. To do this, soak cotton pads in milk, apply them to the eyelids and keep them for 10 minutes.

Compress with potatoes

Baked (in the oven or in the microwave) potatoes, which need to be allowed to cool to a warm state and applied to the eyelids for a while, can help well with swelling of the face after crying.

Masks and other products

To get rid of swelling and redness of the skin under the eyes after a long cry, you can use masks:

  1. Olive oil mask (1 tablespoon) with the addition of tea tree, rosemary or juniper aromatic oil (a few drops). The oil is applied to the face with massage movements and left for a while, after which it is washed off.
  2. A green tea mask, for which a linen napkin needs to be soaked in brewed tea, place on the face and leave for about 20 minutes.
  3. Raw cucumber mask. Wash the cucumber, grind it with a grater, apply the resulting mass to the eyes for a few minutes and rinse with water. You can also apply cotton pads soaked in juice to your eyelids, or just cucumber circles.
  4. Peppermint mask. For the procedure, 1 tablespoon of mint is poured with 1 glass of water and heated over low heat. Cotton pads are moistened with a ready-made broth and applied to the eyes.
Cucumber eye mask effectively relieves eyelid puffiness
Cucumber eye mask effectively relieves eyelid puffiness

Cucumber eye mask effectively relieves eyelid puffiness

Tips for preventing eye puffiness after crying

When a person stops crying, it is recommended that he:

  • immediately rinse your face with cold water;
  • carry out contrasting washing (with warm and cold water);
  • well ventilate the room or take a walk in the fresh air.

To avoid swelling of the eyes after crying, it is recommended to adhere to a number of measures:

Recommendation Explanation
Don't rub your eyes while crying The eyes can swell even more, it can also increase redness and even cause the development of an infectious and inflammatory process
Do not lower your head when crying down This will increase the swelling
Blot tears immediately (but do not rub your face with a cloth) Otherwise, skin irritation may occur.

It is possible to remove excess fluid from the body and reduce puffiness with the help of drinks that have a diuretic effect, which include:

  • milk with the addition of honey;
  • lingonberry compote;
  • green tea with lemon;
  • rosehip infusion.


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Anna Aksenova
Anna Aksenova

Anna Aksenova Medical journalist About the author

Education: 2004-2007 "First Kiev Medical College" specialty "Laboratory Diagnostics".

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