Diet Failures: The Most Common Diet Mistakes

Diet Failures: The Most Common Diet Mistakes
Diet Failures: The Most Common Diet Mistakes

Diet failures: the most common diet mistakes

Diet failures
Diet failures

Diet is one of the most important prerequisites for losing weight, and also the most effective way to do it. Why, then, do most dieters have to resort to this method again and again, disappointed in some, carried away by others, having difficulty shedding a few pounds and quickly returning to the status quo?

Experts believe that it is a matter of constantly making mistakes. Sitting even on a strict diet is not enough; in order for the diet to be effective, you need to sit on it correctly. Nutritionists have compiled a list of the most common mistakes that deprive us dieters of a well-deserved victory.

Fast weight loss in a short time

Diets that promise fast weight loss in a short time are called extreme diets. They do not even try to maintain the balance of nutrients, the main principle of action is a sharp restriction of nutrition. Such diets lead to the desired weight loss quickly, but the effect is lost just as quickly, and there is a physiological rationale for this. Extreme diets are very stressful, and the body directs all its forces to eliminate the effects of stress, so do not even hope - the lost kilograms will return without fail, and it is possible that with a margin.

Disruption-free diet

Having gone on a diet, you need to follow it - it would seem that this is obvious. In fact, this almost never happens, because life interferes. Holidays, socializing with friends, business lunches - often just after going on a diet, we begin to understand the important role food plays in our social life. Therefore, the correct diet must necessarily be drawn up taking into account the inevitable violations.

You need to be prepared for them, and think in advance about your eating behavior in this case, setting the range of tolerances and subsequent measures to eliminate the damage. Otherwise, sooner or later, a person will surely break down, but since his diet does not allow breakdowns, a breakdown will be the reason for its completion. Isn't it a familiar thought: “Oh, if I couldn't resist, then well, her, this diet. Next time it might work out. Don't be fooled, it won't work next time either, until you develop the right tactics for such cases.

Diet foods in unlimited quantities

It is often mistakenly believed that if the product is dietary, then you can eat it as much as you want. This is not true. No product is so dietary that it can be abused without risk to health. The same cabbage, carrots, apples, if consumed excessively, cause problems with the digestive tract: bloating, flatulence, diarrhea. Of course, having caused a digestive upset in yourself, you can lose a few pounds, but doctors warn that in this case, the kilograms, firstly, will go away along with hair, strong nails and good skin, and secondly, they will return very quickly when you start vomiting from one kind of raw cabbage and apples.

Violation of the drinking regime

The role of water in the correct metabolism is enormous. There is evidence that excess weight is often the result of chronic dehydration. Here the mechanism of creating emergency reserves is triggered - constantly receiving less water, the body begins to "hide" it in fat depots, because fat is water plus fatty acids. In such cases, the establishment of a normal drinking regime promotes weight loss, since the need to store water disappears.

An adult needs to drink about one and a half liters of clean water every day, and we are talking about water. Replacing it with other fluids is unacceptable. It is especially harmful to replace water with tea for weight loss or tonic drinks, as they contribute to the elimination of more fluid than they themselves bring in, which, in the end, increases dehydration.

Eating low-fat, "light" foods

The general trend of gaining harmony could not but affect commerce. We are offered a huge selection of low-fat products, promising that they will not be deposited on the sides in the form of nasty folds. Low-fat yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese, low-fat milk, and even low-fat sour cream and mayonnaise, which is nonsense in itself, since sour cream is milk fat, and mayonnaise is nothing more than a butter-based sauce.

Nutritionists warn those looking to lose weight against eating such "lightweight" foods for two reasons. First, the body needs fat. Excluding the adipose tissue itself, the nervous system and the brain are the most fat. It is especially harmful to eliminate fat from the diet of children, it is just as harmful as it is to abuse it. Secondly, do you think the following problem is being solved: it is required to remove the fat it contains from the product, but at the same time preserve its presentation and familiar taste? Quite right, by adding chemical ingredients: fillers, thickeners, emulsifiers, dyes, and so on and so forth. The result is harmful not only for those who are on a diet, but also for everyone else. Thirdly, a person, believing that they do not get better from such products, eats them much more than they would eat ordinary ones,not fat-free.

Excluding carbohydrates from the diet

Diet failure is caused by abrupt withdrawal from the diet
Diet failure is caused by abrupt withdrawal from the diet

Carbohydrates and fats are considered the main enemies of a slim figure. But is it? To get rid of fat, it is necessary that it oxidizes as soon as possible, rapid oxidation is called combustion. Under the conditions of the internal environment of the body, carbohydrates are needed for the oxidation of fats, which serve as fuel. Biochemists say that fats are burned in a flame of carbohydrates. But what about the fact that carbohydrates themselves are converted into fat? As always, the question is in quantity and quality. The right carbohydrates are slow, found in wholemeal flour and products from it, in the gluten of vegetables and cereals. Therefore, foods containing the right carbohydrates are essential for fat to be broken down. It is imperative to include them in the diet.

Abrupt exit from the diet

The ineffectiveness of the diet is often determined by its abrupt cessation. Everything was wonderful, the desired figure on the scales was achieved, the diet was closed. But a week after its completion, it suddenly turns out that the weight crawled up again, and a month later, your favorite jeans start to crackle again. How to be? Do you really have to go on a diet forever? Yes and no.

The diet should not be stopped immediately, the exit from the diet should last as long as it lasted. New foods and dishes should be added gradually, a maximum of two in one day, and preferably one at a time - this will not stretch the stomach, and the digestive system will be able to adapt to the changed diet.

If you tend to be overweight, or know you have a weakness for an extra piece of cake, the diet will have to be resumed periodically. But it is much more correct to develop a long-term regimen, for example, establish one fasting day a week, and stick to it all your life, introducing into the habit and remembering that, in fact, the word "diet", invented by the ancient Greeks, originally meant exactly this - the usual Lifestyle.

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