6 Common Flu Mistakes

6 Common Flu Mistakes
6 Common Flu Mistakes

6 common flu mistakes

Millions of people around the world are affected by the flu every year. It is not so much the disease itself that is dangerous, but its complications: it is they that most often cause long-term disability and even death of patients. Health authorities in most developed countries are making significant efforts to popularize anti-influenza vaccinations and inform the population about the rules for treating the disease.

Despite this, some people infected with the flu virus ignore medical advice, thereby worsening their condition and complicating treatment. Today's article focuses on the most common patient errors.

Common flu mistakes
Common flu mistakes

Source: depositphotos.com

Transfer of the disease "on legs"

Many people of working age strive to get the flu on their feet. There are several reasons for this phenomenon. Firstly, absenteeism, even for a good reason, is negatively perceived by employers. Of course, such a situation cannot be the reason for the dismissal of an employee, but the risk of deteriorating relations with superiors is sometimes quite real. Secondly, the illness often begins with malaise (headache, weakness, drowsiness), which is not taken seriously. Finally, it is widely believed that the flu does not require medical attention at all. Almost everyone has heard that "the disease goes away in a week if it is treated, and in 7 days if it is not treated." This statement (undoubtedly dangerous) actually has some real grounds. The human body actually produces antibodies within 5-7 days,depressing the vital activity of the influenza virus. But it does not at all follow from this that the patient can go to work, since ignoring bed rest leads to the development of complications. In addition, a person infected with the influenza virus almost immediately (even before the appearance of a cough and runny nose) becomes a carrier of the infection, and the risk of spreading the disease among colleagues increases many times over.

Refusal to call a doctor

People who do not need sick leave, having contracted the flu, make another common mistake: they treat themselves by refusing to call a doctor. The desire to do without the help of a qualified specialist is actively fueled by not always conscientious advertising of "miraculous" medicines.

Doing so can cause a life-threatening situation. Indeed, in the first days after infection, a patient with influenza needs bed rest, light food, plenty of fluids and (sometimes) antipyretic drugs. All this he can provide for himself. Unfortunately, the flu is one of those diseases that develops very quickly. It is characterized by the lightning-fast attachment of a bacterial infection that affects the respiratory system, so constant medical supervision is necessary. Only a specialist can notice the first manifestations of bronchitis or pneumonia in time and adjust the treatment.

Taking antibiotics

Influenza is a viral disease. Its pathogen is insensitive to antibiotics. Moreover, taking antibacterial agents weakens the immune system, thereby complicating the course of the disease.

In the case of bacterial infection, the appointment of antibiotics is necessary, but requires a professional approach. Only a doctor can determine which pathogenic microorganisms have to be fought with, choose the most suitable antibiotic, taking into account the patient's condition, his age, chronic ailments, individual tolerance and many other factors.

You should not take antibiotics that have been preserved in your home medicine cabinet "from the last epidemic" or take into account the advice of friends who have been helped by this or that antibacterial drug, so as not to get serious health problems.

Warming up the body and the patient's room

Most people who get the flu have an increase in body temperature during the first days of illness, accompanied by attacks of chills. The patient's desire to wrap himself up and keep warm is quite understandable. From the above, however, it does not follow that the patient should be kept in a room with tightly closed windows. The patient's room should be ventilated as often as possible: this will help ease breathing and improve sleep. In moderate heat, a warm shower for 3-5 minutes is helpful. Hot baths, including foot baths, are not recommended, as they can create increased stress on the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

Hot drink

A person with the flu needs plenty of fluids. Fruit drinks and compotes made from fresh or frozen black currants, cranberries and other berries with a high content of vitamin C are the best to ease the condition. Tea with lemon and ginger is also good. Drinks should be warm, not hot.

Alcohol intake

There is a widespread misconception among Russians that in the first hours the flu can be stopped by drinking a substantial portion of alcohol. In fact, this method of "treatment" is not only useless, but also dangerous. Ethyl alcohol does not affect the pathogen, but it creates unnecessary stress for the patient's body. Alcohol reduces the protective function, overloads the heart and blood vessels, already suffering from high fever and viral intoxication. Alcohol poisoning is added to the disorders caused by the influenza virus. For an elderly or a person suffering from chronic ailments, such a combination can be deadly.

In the season of the spread of influenza and SARS, it is reasonable to refuse to visit places of large crowds. If this is not possible, you should think about preventive vaccinations in advance. Such activities significantly reduce the risk of virus infection.

If you feel unwell, do not tolerate the disease "on your feet." Stay at home, call your doctor and follow his recommendations - this will help you heal faster and avoid serious complications.

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Maria Kulkes
Maria Kulkes

Maria Kulkes Medical journalist About the author

Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov, specialty "General Medicine".

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