9 Dietary Mistakes That Cause Metabolic Slowdown

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9 Dietary Mistakes That Cause Metabolic Slowdown
9 Dietary Mistakes That Cause Metabolic Slowdown

9 dietary mistakes that cause metabolic slowdown

The metabolism of each person proceeds in its own way. However, everyone still has a relationship between the speed of this process and getting rid of excess weight. Unfortunately, people who are inclined to try numerous "miraculous" diets on themselves do not always take this circumstance into account and, with the most determined intentions, begin to eat in such a way that artificially inhibit their metabolism instead of speeding it up. In addition to quite understandable disappointment, an incorrectly selected nutritional system can cause significant harm to health. In this article, we will look at the most common mistakes associated with such a poor choice.

Fasting is one of the mistakes that slows down the metabolism
Fasting is one of the mistakes that slows down the metabolism

Source: depositphotos.com

Refusal of tea and coffee

These drinks for those wishing to lose weight are associated with "snacks", which are traditionally part of any tea or coffee drinking. In addition, many people prefer tea or coffee with sugar. In fact, baked goods, sweets and other sweets (including sugar) contribute to weight gain, while drinks themselves, on the contrary, tend to spur metabolism. It has been found that one cup of coffee speeds up metabolism by 5-8%, and a cup of strong tea - by 12%.


Supporters of diets usually explain the complete refusal of food by the need to cleanse the body of toxins. But prolonged fasting leads to two equally harmful consequences. On the one hand, the organs and tissues of the body seem to lose the skill of assimilating nutrients. This is fraught with the development of a deficiency of muscle mass, dehydration, hormonal imbalance and inhibition of metabolism. On the other hand, the body perceives the cessation of food intake as force majeure and when leaving the "hungry" diet begins to urgently accumulate energy sources (namely fats) in case of a repeat of the stress just experienced. Both options are fraught not with weight loss, but with weight gain.

Drinking warm water

Our body in any situation must receive a sufficient amount of fluid, and with a diet - even more so. For weight loss, it is best to drink plain water. Everyone knows this, but few people know that the liquid consumed during the day should be predominantly cold. It is in this form that it helps to accelerate metabolism, and warm water in this sense is useless.

Protein limitation

This is one of the most dangerous mistakes a person who dreams of losing weight can make. With a protein deficiency, the work of almost all organs and systems is disrupted, hormonal disruptions occur, the absorption of nutrients stops, and the metabolic rate decreases. In addition, the recovery of muscle tissue, which is almost entirely composed of protein, is inhibited. In practice, this means not only a decrease in working capacity, but also problems with the transfer of physical exertion. And since to speed up the metabolism, you need to engage in physical education, swimming, walking in the fresh air, a diet with a low protein content is contraindicated for losing weight.

When forming a diet, it should be remembered that its protein component should be as diverse as possible. The transition exclusively to proteins contained in plants (nuts, legumes, etc.) can have a bad effect on health: these products do not contain amino acids necessary for a person.

Avoiding carbohydrates

Most diets are based on severely reducing the proportion of carbohydrates in the diet. But you cannot refuse all products containing these substances. Only simple carbohydrates, which are rich in flour and confectionery products, sugar, sweets, preserves, and grapes, slow down the metabolism. Whole grain cereals, special types of bread, pasta made from durum wheat, vegetables and fruits deliver complex carbohydrates to the body, including fiber, without which normal intestinal function is impossible, which means metabolic problems are provided.

Complete rejection of carbohydrates is allowed only for a few days and under the supervision of a doctor. If carbohydrate fasting continues for more than a week, a serious metabolic failure can occur, which subsequently requires long-term treatment.

Avoiding iron-rich foods

Iron is found in foods that are often excluded from the menu due to their high calorie content (for example, legumes, meat, liver). This is not worth doing, because it is this trace element that accelerates metabolic processes in the body. In addition, with iron deficiency, the hematopoietic function is inhibited, which can greatly weaken the body and interfere with active sports, which is necessary for losing weight.

Limiting the use of dairy foods

A normal metabolism requires enough calcium, and a person gets much of it from dairy products. Limiting their consumption is harmful, but it is possible, without any consequences for the figure, to give preference to low-fat varieties that have a minimum calorie content.

Avoiding dairy products is another dietary mistake that slows down metabolism
Avoiding dairy products is another dietary mistake that slows down metabolism

Source: depositphotos.com

Artificially creating vitamin D deficiency

This vitamin is rich in fatty fish (tuna, salmon), chicken eggs and seafood. Vitamin D deficiency leads to a weakening of the immune system and a decrease in the concentration of calcium in the blood, which, in turn, reduces the metabolic rate. Chronic lack of this substance can lead to the development of Crohn's disease, which manifests itself as an inflammatory process that invades most of the intestine.

Alcohol consumption

Alcoholic drinks are very high in calories. When consumed, the body uses the fast carbohydrates it receives as fuel instead of burning fat stores. And libations are also accompanied by the uncontrolled consumption of various snacks, which, as a rule, have nothing to do with healthy and low-calorie foods.

So, when drawing up a diet that promotes weight loss, it is necessary to take into account not only the amount and calorie content of foods, but also the effect of the substances they contain on the metabolic rate. In this case, the diet will be more effective and not harmful to health.

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Maria Kulkes
Maria Kulkes

Maria Kulkes Medical journalist About the author

Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov, specialty "General Medicine".

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