Aneurysm - Types, Symptoms, Treatment

Aneurysm - Types, Symptoms, Treatment
Aneurysm - Types, Symptoms, Treatment


Brief description of the disease

Cerebral aneurysm
Cerebral aneurysm

When diagnosing an aneurysm, a patient has a local expansion of blood vessels (arteries or veins), the walls of the vessels begin to protrude. This can be both a congenital disease of the walls of blood vessels, and the result of the development of arterio- or atherosclerosis. Aneurysm can also be caused by trauma, mycotic or syphilitic vascular lesions. Most often, aneurysm occurs in the area of the aorta. Cases of cardiac aneurysm development are quite common.

Aneurysms can be both true and false. True are formed by all layers of the blood vessel wall. They are observed in atherosclerosis, syphilis. False aneurysms occur with vascular injuries. In case of injuries, blood is poured into the tissues, and after a lapse of time, the walls of an aneurysm begin to form around this blood - the so-called "aneurysmal shock". The walls of the vessels gradually bulge out, and this, in turn, can lead to compression of the surrounding organs.

Cerebral aneurysm

Very often, cerebral aneurysm is manifested as a result of congenital pathology of the walls of blood vessels. It is also diagnosed in people with genetic disorders in the body. It can be connective tissue diseases, circulatory disorders, polycystic kidney disease.

In addition, this type of aneurysm can occur after a head injury, due to high blood pressure, during infection with an infection, with a tumor, as well as with other diseases of the vascular system. Smoking and drug use can also cause cerebral aneurysms.

This type of aneurysm is quite dangerous. It can lead to cerebral hemorrhage, cause serious complications such as stroke, damage to the nervous system, or be fatal. If the aneurysm bursts once, it can burst a second time. This can lead to repeated cerebral hemorrhage. New aneurysms may develop.

Abdominal aortic aneurysm

Blood flows through the abdominal aorta to the lower body. If the aorta has a weak part, it can either expand or start to bulge. This is the abdominal aortic aneurysm. The blood that flows under pressure through the aorta causes it to bulge out and look like a balloon. This aneurysm is very dangerous and poses a risk to human health. It can simply rupture, leading to internal bleeding, and in the worst case, death.

In addition, with an abdominal aortic aneurysm, there is a high likelihood of blood clots forming. Blood clots can break off the walls and block smaller vessels, leading to arterial thrombosis. This causes severe pain and can lead to such complications that the person will eventually lose a limb.

Aneurysm symptoms

Symptoms of an aneurysm depend on its location, on whether there are complications of this aneurysm, on the type of its development. It can go on for years without symptoms. Statistics show that 25% of patients suffer from episodic manifestations of aneurysm, which they initially took for migraine.

Asymptomatic aneurysm can only be detected by chance. If it is unexploded, then it is characterized by a feeling of compression of the brain, cranial nerves, which leads to chronic headaches, disruption of the organs of vision, smell, can cause epileptic seizures, and can also lead to strabismus.

If the aneurysm has ruptured, internal bleeding begins, which will cause the symptoms described above.

Aneurysm of the abdominal aorta can also be asymptomatic. But throbbing and pressing pain in the chest, abdomen or between the shoulder blades is also possible. Breathing may be difficult, hoarseness, coughing will appear. If you have sudden pain in the head, chest, abdomen or any of the other symptoms described above, then you need to see a doctor immediately!

Aneurysm treatment

Aneurysm treatment
Aneurysm treatment

In modern medicine, there is only one way to treat aneurysm - this is surgery (operation). Complications can arise at any time, therefore, the treatment of aneurysm is carried out by removing the diseased vessel, and an artificial one is put in its place.

This can be done using an open operation. In the abdomen, the surgeon makes an incision and through it removes the enlarged part of the abdominal aorta, and puts a prosthesis in its place. Also, aneurysm treatment can be carried out by endo prosthetics. A small incision is made in the patient's groin. Through it, in the cavity of the aneurysm, a synthetic prosthesis is placed.

There are a number of restrictions on this operation. It can be done to a small percentage of patients. Unfortunately, after such an intervention, there is a very large percentage of reoperations than after open surgery.

But there are no contraindications for such operations due to age and other diseases. These prostheses are not rejected, in the overwhelming majority it is unnecessary to change them and they serve until the end of a person's life.

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The information is generalized and provided for informational purposes only. At the first sign of illness, see your doctor. Self-medication is hazardous to health!
