Rybets Fish - Composition, Properties, Benefits, Nutritional Value, Vitamins

Rybets Fish - Composition, Properties, Benefits, Nutritional Value, Vitamins
Rybets Fish - Composition, Properties, Benefits, Nutritional Value, Vitamins


During the mating season, the rye fish from an inconspicuous silver fish turns into a real beauty - the back becomes black, and the middle of the belly and lower fins become bright red.

The nutritional value Portion Rybets 100 g Amount per serving Calories 88 Calories from Fat 18 % Daily value * Total Fat 2g 3% Cholesterol 0 mg 0% Sodium 0 mg 0% Potassium 0 mg 0% Total Carbohydrates 0 g 0% Dietary fiber 0 g 0% Proteins 17.5 g 35% Zinc 5% * Calculation for a daily diet of 2000 kcal

The ratio of BJU in the product


Source: depositphotos.com How to burn 88 kcal?

Walking 22 minutes
Jogging 10 min.
Swimming 7 minutes
A bike 13 minutes
Aerobics 18 minutes
Household chores 29 minutes

Description of vybets

Raw (or vimbets) is a fish from the Karpov family. Originally fish from Central Europe. It lives in large quantities in the water bodies of Austria, Germany, Czech Republic, Sweden and England, but you will not find this lake and river inhabitant in France, Italy and Spain at all.

In Russia, vimba is found in the southern and southwestern regions, where it is better known as "syrt". It can be found in the lakes Ladoga, Ilmen, in the Gulf of Finland, as well as in the rivers Narva, Neva, Meta, Volga and Volkhva. Rybets also lives in Ukrainian water bodies, especially in the Dniester, Bug and Volga. In Europe, vimba is most common in the Sea of Azov and the Kuban River.

A distinctive feature of the syrti is an elongated nose that completely covers the fish's mouth. Thanks to this, vimba is difficult to confuse with other types of fish. The body of the jungle is rather high, covered with densely fitting large scales. The mouth is retractable and the head is elongated. The dorsal fin is high and short. The color of the fish changes depending on the season. So, in the spring, before spawning, the dampness turns into a very noticeable fish: the back is covered with a black tint, and the middle of the belly and lower fins become red. During the spawning period in male vimba, on the head, gill covers and along the edge of the scales, the so-called "breeding dress" is formed in the form of small granular warts. Closer to winter, the fish's back becomes bluish-gray, the lower fins become pale yellow, and the belly becomes silvery-white.

Rybets is not a big fish. On average, its length reaches 50 centimeters, and its body weight does not exceed 1.5-3 kilograms. It is caught mainly in summer or spring, sometimes in autumn. In the warm season, the vimba prefers to live in rivers, but in winter it goes to the lakes. Rybets is known for his agile and lively character. In rivers, it follows a fast current and perfectly holds on to the rifts. Rybets leads a predominantly schooling lifestyle. Numerous flocks are formed, usually from individuals of the same size and age. Damp prefers to dwell in clear waters and places with sandy or rocky bottom, and at strong depths. The fish feeds on various insects, molluscs, worms, and crayfish. Sometimes, for lack of better food, it feeds on aquatic plants.

Vybats spawns quite late - in May-June. Before this, in early spring, fish gather in large schools and from lakes and river estuaries pass up the rivers. The fish lays eggs directly in the bed with rapidly flowing water, at depths with a rocky bottom. Spawning continues for about two weeks, and spawning, presumably, occurs only at night. The fish caviar is small and numerous, the size of the eggs is about the size of a poppy seed. A female weighing 600 grams lays about 30 thousand eggs.

The gustatory qualities of the syrti are ranked among the best and most valuable among carp species. The fish meat is very juicy, white. It can be used to cook many delicious and delicious dishes. The fish is good in any form - fried, baked, stewed. You can make delicious cutlets or egg and fish dishes from it. But the most delicious fish is dried or smoked rybets. The only drawback is that cheese is one of the perishable foods, so you should not postpone cooking it on the back burner.

Useful properties and composition of vybets

Fish meat contains a lot of protein, which in its nutritional value can be compared with meat protein and even more - the fish protein does not contain harmful saturated fats, it consists of essential amino acids, without which the full functioning of the human body is impossible. These amino acids include lysine, methionine, taurine, and tryptophan. Taurine is the most useful amino acid that is needed like air for people suffering from atherosclerosis, edema, arterial hypertension and other problems with the cardiovascular system. Therefore, raw material is extremely useful for people with the above problems. In addition, the protein contained in fish is easily digestible and easily digestible.

Fried fish
Fried fish

Like other inhabitants of the depths of water, vimba contains some vitamins, macro- and microelements, among which fluoride predominates. As you know, it is necessary for the body for the strength of bone tissue and tooth enamel, as well as for the health of brain and blood cells. Fluoride prevents the development of dental caries, rickets and osteoporosis. There is a lot of chromium in fish, which promotes the absorption of carbohydrates by the body, improves myocardial metabolism and regulates glucose levels, as well as molybdenum, which helps prevent anemia.

Of the vitamins in vimba, only vitamin PP, or niacin is present. Vitamin PP takes an active part in carbohydrate and protein metabolism, normalizes the activity of the nervous system, promotes the functioning of the brain, and reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the blood.


Due to the rather high calorie content of vimba, it is not recommended for people with excess body weight. Also, do not abuse vimba meat for diseases of the liver and pancreas.

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