Man-barometer: How To Live With Weather Dependence?

Man-barometer: How To Live With Weather Dependence?
Man-barometer: How To Live With Weather Dependence?

Man-barometer: how to live with weather dependence?

Man, like all other creatures on our planet, feels the changes in the weather. This is normal weather sensitivity and not particularly troublesome. Meteorological dependence, on the contrary, is a pathological condition and is characterized by exacerbation of chronic ailments with changes in air temperature, changes in atmospheric pressure, increased wind, magnetic storms and other "surprises" for which nature is so generous.

How does the weather affect weather-dependent people?
How does the weather affect weather-dependent people?


People suffering from meteorological problems should know how to correct their condition at such moments in order to avoid serious deterioration in health.

The influence of the vagaries of the weather on well-being

Meteorological dependence is most often observed in people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, respiratory organs, arterial pressure failures, pathologies of the musculoskeletal system and allergic reactions. As a rule, the deterioration of the condition of such patients is associated with the following factors:

  • an increase in atmospheric pressure in the cold season, accompanied by a decrease in air humidity and an increase in the concentration of harmful impurities in it. Hypertensive patients, asthmatics and allergy sufferers suffer the most. In patients, the number of leukocytes in the blood decreases, which leads to a decrease in immunity, symptoms occur due to vasospasm (headache, nausea, dizziness, visual impairment, pain in the heart);
  • decrease in atmospheric pressure with high humidity and increased wind. Patients with pathologies of the respiratory system, heart and hypotension react painfully to this. The most common symptoms are a general decrease in tone, weakness, difficulty breathing, migraines, increased blood viscosity and the risk of thrombosis, numbness of the extremities, swelling, joint pain;
  • heat, especially with high humidity. It leads to breathing problems and poor circulation. The content of salts in the blood decreases, which are intensively removed from the body with sweat. This negatively affects muscle tone and heart function. Such weather is worst tolerated by heart patients, the elderly, patients with thyroid dysfunction or obesity;
  • magnetic storms. They significantly affect the condition of people suffering from pathologies of the nervous system, ischemic heart disease, angina pectoris. At times of increased solar activity, the number of heart attacks and strokes increases. Some researchers have argued that more preterm births occur on days when magnetic storms rage.

About a third of men and almost half of women suffer from meteorological dependence. In addition, some people, without any serious pathologies, react very strongly to the vagaries of the weather. This is the so-called psychological weather dependence. It is observed in 20% of patients who visit doctors with complaints of drowsiness and general loss of energy (mainly in late autumn). This condition is not considered a disease, but it still requires a little correction.

How to reduce the harm caused by weather dependence

The dependence of well-being on the weather cannot be eliminated, and the weather itself is beyond our control. But you can learn to live with meteorological dependence, minimizing its unpleasant consequences as much as possible. There are rules of conduct that are suitable for almost all patients whose condition worsens from time to time with changing weather conditions. In unfavorable weather it is necessary:

  • remember to take your usual medications and keep on hand the emergency remedies recommended by your doctor (especially for the heart);
  • do not give up walking in the fresh air;
  • do not overeat - eliminate fatty and spicy foods, carbonated and alcoholic drinks from the diet, give preference to light vegetable and fish dishes, cereals and fresh fruits;
  • strictly observe the sleep and wakefulness regime, if necessary, use mild soothing herbal origin.
Meteorological dependence: how to reduce the harm of its impact
Meteorological dependence: how to reduce the harm of its impact


It is very important for a meteorological person to maintain peace of mind. Often, the state of health in the vagaries of the weather worsens simply because a person is waiting and is afraid of it. With a sensible approach to the problem, having familiarized yourself with the weather forecast, you can prepare for possible complications and get through bad days calmly and relatively painlessly.

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Maria Kulkes
Maria Kulkes

Maria Kulkes Medical journalist About the author

Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov, specialty "General Medicine".

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