Sex therapist
Physicians-sex therapists are engaged in a specialty close to sexology, but they study sexual deviations more deeply.

When do they go to a sex therapist?
Sex therapists treat sexual disorders that are found in men and women, restore sexual relations between spouses, treat impotence, problems with ejaculation.
At the reception of a sex therapist, sexual perversions and deviations, pathologies that cause disorders in the sexual sphere are treated.
Important tasks that are solved at the consultation of a sex therapist are the timely diagnosis of psychological and other abnormalities, the appointment of the correct treatment, psychological correction of behavior, the restoration of harmonious relations between a man and a woman who are sexual partners.
Questions to a sex therapist often arise from newlyweds, young people starting sexual relations - the doctor conducts conversations with them, lays the foundations for psychohygiene of sexual life.
Doctors-sex therapists work mainly with the following diseases and deviations:
- decreased interest in sexual relations;
- vaginismus is a deviation in a woman associated with convulsions and spasms of the vaginal vaults. With this pathology, a normal sex life is impossible. Most often, a disorder occurs against the background of mental abnormalities;
- rapid ejaculation;
- problems with potency;
- lack of orgasm in men and women.
What diagnostic methods does a sex therapist use?
After the consultation, the sex therapist, after having a conversation with the patient, having made the initial diagnosis, to clarify it and develop a full-fledged treatment, may recommend the following examinations:
- research of the thyroid gland;
- blood test for hormonal composition. In men, the level of testosterone is of great importance, in women - the level of estrogen, prolactin;
- a blood test for the content of nitrogenous bases, creatinine;
- Analysis of urine;
- liver examination.
In some cases, sex therapists prescribe additional examinations by a gynecologist, andrologist, endocrinologist, psychiatrist.
What methods of treatment does a sex therapist use?
After a sex therapist gets acquainted with the patient's emotional state, examines his general health, he develops a program of psychological assistance. It consists in the fact that he conducts conversations with one or both partners, identifying the causes of the disorder and creating the right attitude, correcting their sexual behavior.
If necessary, medication, reflexology, vibration drainage, vibrohalostimulation, intimate plastic are prescribed.
Of great importance for a patient who has questions to a sex therapist is the recognition of the problem, the desire to get rid of it, the involvement of his sexual partner in treatment, regular visits to the sex therapist, and the implementation of his recommendations.
It is important to trust a sex therapist, therefore such a doctor is chosen “on his own”. If psychological contact at a sex therapist's appointment did not immediately arise, it is better to find another specialist, since communication will concern the intimate sphere, it should not cause discomfort.
How to become sex therapists
Doctors-sexopathologists are specialists with higher medical education who have completed their practice. It is good if you have gained experience in psychotherapy.
Sex therapists should be proficient in psychoanalysis, know the fundamental principles of gynecology, andrology, urology, endocrinology, psychiatry, and neurology. For this reason, an ordinary psychologist cannot work as a sex therapist.
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