A surgeon is a medical specialist who provides surgical treatment, operations, diagnostic and restorative procedures.

History of the profession
The first attempts at surgical intervention and treatment using operations were recorded in Ancient Greece, Egypt and China in the 1st century BC. The founder of medicine, Hippocrates, was the first to develop the doctrine of the treatment of fractures and injuries through operations.
Surgery became widespread in the 19th century, and in the 20th it became a complex science with established methods and techniques.
The development of this science continues at the present time, the latest types of surgical equipment, computer diagnostics, laser devices for operations, etc. have appeared. The science is based on the works of famous scientists, including D. Simpson, V. Roentgen, N. Pirogov, etc.
The surgeon performs surgical interventions, uses surgical methods and techniques, performs the operation and controls the postoperative period.
The specifics of the medical activity of a surgeon
In order to become a highly qualified surgeon, it is necessary to obtain a higher medical education, master new methods and techniques of surgical treatment, and also gain extensive practical experience in performing operations.
The surgeon must know the basic principles of physiotherapy, anesthesia, asepsis, radiology, and also have a high knowledge of anatomy. This specialist uses surgical instruments and equipment for treatment.
During the operation, the surgeon is in complete control of the process, gives instructions to assistants, anesthesiologist and nurses. The outcome of the operation and the patient's condition directly depend on the responsibility, competence and correct decisions of the surgeon.
The activities of a surgeon are divided into several categories and have degrees of severity. The high-risk category includes pediatric and emergency surgery.
The pediatric surgeon has a special responsibility, uses special, gentle surgical techniques and carefully selects anesthesia.
Surgeon's appointment and types of treatment
The surgeon accepts every day, conducts examination, prevention, treatment, hospitalization and rehabilitation of patients.
The surgeon in the polyclinic conducts a medical examination, maintains the patient's medical record, and also determines the need for surgical intervention and appoints its date. The surgeon prescribes the operation only when absolutely necessary, if other methods of treatment are unsuccessful.
Routine surgery involves sequential preparation procedures for the operation, and emergency surgery is performed urgently, as there is a threat to the patient's life.
The surgeon in the clinic prepares medical reports, conducts sanitary and educational activities.
The types of surgery depend on the type of surgery. There is specialized and general surgery. Specialized surgery is a narrowly focused field, which includes microsurgery, endoscopic, laser, etc. In this area, the surgeon performs operations using special technologies.
The general includes traumatology, abdominal and acute surgery.
Pediatric surgery is an independent area that deals not only with the treatment of acquired injuries and diseases, but also eliminates pathological and hereditary disorders. A pediatric surgeon can perform operations on children immediately after birth if there is a threat to their lives and an emergency operation is needed.
Responsibilities and professional qualities of the surgeon
The surgeon carries out medical activities in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on healthcare, sanitary and epidemiological standards. This specialist provides qualified medical services, conducts recovery and rehabilitation procedures.
The surgeon must be a competent, tactful, highly ethical, attentive and accurate specialist. He must know the fundamental and modern methods of prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation, as well as master the basics of complex surgery, be able to use surgical and other medical equipment, maintain documentation and plan treatment activities.
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