Massage for coughing in a child: drainage, percussion, cupping and others
The content of the article:
- How to do drainage massage for children when they cough
- How to do percussion massage for children when they cough
- Cupping massage
Other types of cough massage
- Acupressure
- Honey massage
- Stone massage
A cough massage for a child is often recommended in addition to the main treatment. When coughing, massage helps to remove phlegm, improves blood and lymph flow, increases rib mobility, strengthens respiratory muscles, and enhances the effect of drugs.
There are many methods of massage for diseases accompanied by cough - drainage, percussion, cupping, acupressure, honey, etc. Some types of massage for coughing in children at home can be done independently. You can get acquainted with the technique of therapeutic massage by looking at the corresponding photos and videos, however, it is preferable that the instruction was conducted by a specialist.
Drainage massage, like percussion massage, promotes better sputum discharge Drainage massage, like percussion massage, promotes better sputum discharge
It is necessary to consult with your doctor about whether it is possible to perform massage in a particular case and which massage technique should be chosen.
Contraindications for massage in children:
- increased body temperature;
- skin diseases;
- low body weight.
Also, the procedure is not performed immediately after eating and if the child experiences discomfort in the prone position.
How to do drainage massage for children when they cough
Drainage massage is one of the most popular and affordable massage techniques and is performed to strengthen the respiratory muscles in addition to drug therapy. According to doctors, a drainage massage for a child for sputum discharge when coughing demonstrates good effectiveness. In some cases, it can be a good alternative to expectorants (especially in patients aged 1-3 years). As a rule, it is prescribed for patients with severe and / or prolonged cough. This type of massage is indicated for colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, emphysema, bronchial asthma. In the acute period of the disease, drainage massage is not performed.
To carry out the drainage massage, the child is placed in such a way that the chest is above the head; for him, a roller or pillow is placed under the patient's stomach. After that, stroking and rubbing in the direction from bottom to top until slight reddening of the skin is performed. For this type of massage (as opposed to percussion), the main movements are precisely rubbing and stroking, vibration movements take about 1/4 of the entire time of the massage.
The procedure ends with light pats on the back, after which the child needs to clear his throat. Patients under the age of one year should clear the oral cavity of mucus and apply pressure to the root of the tongue to induce a gag reflex.
Usually, 8 sessions of drainage massage are prescribed for 8 minutes.
How to do percussion massage for children when they cough
Percussion massage, also called vibration massage, is also often prescribed for respiratory problems. Percussion massage is usually used in conjunction with expectorant drugs to increase its effectiveness. The procedure should be painless, if painful sensations appear, the massage should be stopped.
The child is laid on his stomach, placing a roller or pillow under the pelvis so that the lower body is above the head. After that, light strokes are performed in the area of the lungs, then a vibration technique is applied - light and quick tapping with the pads of the fingers or the edge of the palm. When performing percussion massage, exposure to the kidney area should be avoided, as this can lead to the development of disorders of the urinary system.
After completing the massage, the patient should clear his throat.
Percussion massage takes 10 minutes for infants and up to 15 minutes for older patients.
Doctor Komarovsky focuses on the fact that during treatment with this method, the child should be provided with a plentiful drinking regime, and it is also necessary to humidify the air in the room where the patient is.
Cupping massage
Cupping massage for the treatment of cough is carried out by medical banks, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. This type of massage is indicated for tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy after the acute phase of the disease subsides. Cupping massage helps to remove phlegm from the respiratory tract and get rid of a lingering cough. Only a specialist should conduct it.
Cupping massage should be done very carefully so as not to burn the child Cupping massage should be done very carefully so as not to burn the child.
For a can massage, the back should be lubricated with petroleum jelly or oil to improve the sliding of medical cans. The cans are smeared with alcohol from the inside, brought to the skin, set on fire inside, making sure that the edges of the cans do not heat up, and with a sharp movement are placed on the back. Do not allow alcohol to drip from the can onto the skin. Two banks are installed at the level of the 2nd thoracic vertebra, after which movements are performed with the banks along the spine down and up 6-8 times on each side. After that, a spiral movement along the spine is performed, also 6-8 times. In conclusion, the intercostal lines are massaged, 2 times up and down along each of the lines. After that, light stroking is carried out in the area of the procedure, after the massage, the child should be covered with a blanket for 20-30 minutes.
Cupping massage is not performed on young children.
Other types of cough massage
Acupressure massage for coughing is performed in accordance with the location of the acupuncture points on the human body. To combat cough, the impact is carried out on the points of the paired lung meridian, which contains 11 points. The massage starts from the chest, rises to the collarbone, shoulder, and reaches the big toe of the upper limb.
Acupressure massage for getting rid is performed using kneading, acupuncture, moxibustion of biologically active points. It is not recommended to carry it out on your own.
This type of massage is used for choking, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, edema of the laryngeal mucosa, pharyngitis, laryngitis, and a number of other conditions accompanied by cough and / or sore throat.
Honey massage
The technique of honey massage is quite simple. The procedure begins with stroking and rubbing the chest, after which honey is applied to the skin (it is recommended to use lime), which is smeared over the skin with massaging movements. After that, the palms carry out peeling and sticking movements. They can be painful, this cannot be allowed - if the child is in pain, such movements stop.
In no case should massage be painful for the child In no case should massage be painful for the child.
To increase the effectiveness of the procedure, it is recommended to put a honey compress on the child for 10-15 minutes after the procedure. After that, the honey is wiped off with a damp towel or washed off in the shower. Honey massage is not performed if the patient is allergic to bee products.
Stone massage
When coughing in children, stone therapy can be used, which consists in massaging the active zones of the back with stones heated to a temperature of 40-45 ° C. The method is used for dry cough, it promotes deep warming and the speedy resolution of inflammation. For the procedure, absolutely smooth stones from the river or sea shore are used, thoroughly washed and boiled beforehand.
The procedure begins with the preparation of the skin (rubbing, stroking) using essential oil. The stones are warmed up and placed on the chest in the area of the lungs, covered with a towel and kept for 10-15 minutes. After that, the stones are shifted and left for the same time, which contributes to uniform heating of the breast. After the stones are removed, cover the chest with a towel or blanket.
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Anna Aksenova Anna Aksenova Medical journalist About the author
Education: 2004-2007 "First Kiev Medical College" specialty "Laboratory Diagnostics".
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