Radish With Honey For Cough: Recipes, How To Cook And Take

Radish With Honey For Cough: Recipes, How To Cook And Take
Radish With Honey For Cough: Recipes, How To Cook And Take

Green and black radish with cough honey

The content of the article:

  1. The principle of antitussive action of radish juice with honey
  2. How to make a cough radish with honey

    1. Black radish
    2. Green radish
  3. How to take a cough radish with honey
  4. Video

Radish with honey for coughing is a popular folk recipe for the treatment of respiratory diseases. This remedy helps in relieving dry and wet coughs and has anti-inflammatory effects. Another advantage is that this home remedy can be used to treat both adults and children without harm to health. What is important, especially for children, the final product tastes good.

Radish juice with honey is an effective and safe remedy for cough treatment
Radish juice with honey is an effective and safe remedy for cough treatment

Radish juice with honey is an effective and safe remedy for cough treatment

The principle of antitussive action of radish juice with honey

The remedy is a combination of two powerful natural cough suppressants - radish and honey. Thanks to this composition, it is suitable for the treatment of almost any colds. The radish contains a large amount of vitamin C, which is an antioxidant (eliminates toxic products of metabolic reactions), strengthens the immune system, and increases the body's natural resistance. In addition, the radish contains natural antibiotics and other medicinal substances, due to which it has an anti-inflammatory and even some antipyretic effect.

The second component, honey, is equally useful. Like other beekeeping products, it contains a large amount of trace elements that improve metabolic processes in the body. It also enhances the body's resistance to aggressive factors, promotes a full-fledged immune response. Honey also has a local effect - relieves irritation of the mucous membrane, has a local anesthetic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Based on the reviews, including the famous doctor Komarovsky, radish juice with honey is an effective and reliable remedy that is not inferior in effectiveness to many pharmaceutical preparations.

How to make a cough radish with honey

It is quite simple to make a radish with honey, there are several recipes - classic, modernized, simplified, etc. What is the best recipe for radish with honey for coughs for children? Any of them will do, subject to the approval of the attending physician and the absence of individual intolerance. In the case of an allergy to beekeeping products, honey is replaced with sugar - such a replacement has little effect on the therapeutic effect of the medicine.

Below are the recipes step by step.

Black radish

Recipe 1 … Prepare a fairly large black radish root vegetable. The product should be fresh, whole, without cracks, evenly colored (there should be no stains). Old radish will not work, because there is little juice in it, the same applies to unripe, green. The root crop should be thoroughly washed and cut off the top - the so-called "lid". Simply cut off a small portion of the vegetable rind horizontally at the very top. After that, they begin to prepare the "bowl". In the pulp of the root crop, you need to cut out a depression with a knife or spoon without damaging the walls. The juice will collect here. As for the size of the groove, calculate so that a tablespoon of honey will fit plus the same amount of juice obtained. It is advisable to take honey not candied, but the main thing is that it is natural. Putting a spoonful of honey insidecover with a lid and leave to infuse overnight (8-10 hours will be enough). The next morning, in a niche inside the radish, a medicinal juice is formed - it is he who benefits in the treatment of cough. The photo below shows the final stage of preparation.

Radish with honey can be cooked not only in the classic, but also in several other ways
Radish with honey can be cooked not only in the classic, but also in several other ways

Radish with honey can be cooked not only in the classic, but also in several other ways

Recipe 2. Take a washed root vegetable, peel it, cut it into small cubes. Pieces of radish should be folded into a clean glass jar, layered with honey. You do not need to screw the lid on, just one layer of bandage or gauze. Insist the remedy in a dark place for two to three days, while the honey may darken, gradually it becomes much more liquid due to the fact that the root crop gives off a lot of juice.

Recipe 3. This method allows you to quickly get the medicine, when there is no time to wait until the juice is released and infused. A small root vegetable is peeled and grated on a fine grater. The resulting gruel is wrapped in cheesecloth and squeezed thoroughly to get as much juice as possible. Add a tablespoon of honey to a bowl with squeezed juice and mix. As soon as the honey is completely dissolved and the syrup takes on a homogeneous consistency, the drug is ready for administration.

Recipe 4. To treat bronchitis, a radish compress with the addition of honey is used, which can also be used as a rubbing agent. To prepare it, you need to grate 2 large or 3 medium radishes on a coarse grater, put the resulting gruel in a clean glass jar. Then add a few tablespoons of honey, 50 ml of vodka to it and mix thoroughly. The mixture should be infused for at least 1 day, preferably 2-3. Since the product contains ethanol, it is better to lubricate the skin with a protective moisturizer before use for children. You can blot the gauze in the resulting solution, or apply directly to the skin and rub hard until redness and warmth, then wrap the patient in a towel or blanket.

Green radish

You can take not only black radish with cough honey, but also green. It differs somewhat in its composition and taste, sometimes it has even more vitamins, it has a denser pulp. But this root vegetable is also widely used in traditional medicine, and you can prepare a cough remedy from it using various methods.

Recipe 1. The remedy is prepared in the same way as from black radish. The algorithm is simple, first the top is cut off, a cavity is created, a spoonful of honey is added, and then it is infused (green radish is infused longer, 12 hours). After that, the medicine is ready for use.

Recipe 2. A variant of medicinal green radish juice with the addition of milk. The green radish cut into small cubes is poured with honey and infused for several days. After that, it is squeezed out, the resulting juice is stored in the refrigerator and used as an additive to milk. To do this, the milk is heated until it is warm enough (but not hot), a teaspoon of the product is added to it. Take a drink half an hour before meals. However, for children, such milk can replace one of the meals, for example, an afternoon snack.

Green radish also has medicinal properties and is used to make cough suppressants
Green radish also has medicinal properties and is used to make cough suppressants

Green radish also has medicinal properties and is used to make cough suppressants

How to take a cough radish with honey

You can use radish juice with honey for dry and wet coughs, inflammatory diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract, pneumonia, sore throat. The high temperature does not exclude the possibility of using this agent.

Contraindications for use - allergic reactions to components of radish juice or honey, hypersensitivity to them, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, stomach or duodenal ulcer. Can pregnant women take honey rare syrup? The answer is unequivocal - this cannot be done, since the radish increases the tone of the uterus and can cause premature contractions and provoke a miscarriage.

You need to drink the medicine prepared by any of the methods three times a day - before meals for 20-30 minutes, or 2 hours after meals, drinking plenty of liquid, this will provide an additional mucolytic effect.


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Nikita Gaidukov
Nikita Gaidukov

Nikita Gaidukov About the author

Education: 4th year student of the Faculty of Medicine No. 1, specializing in General Medicine, Vinnitsa National Medical University. N. I. Pirogov.

Work experience: Nurse of the cardiology department of the Tyachiv Regional Hospital No. 1, geneticist / molecular biologist in the Polymerase Chain Reaction Laboratory at VNMU named after N. I. Pirogov.

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