Yogurt Diet - Benefits, Features, Sample Menu, Reviews

Yogurt Diet - Benefits, Features, Sample Menu, Reviews
Yogurt Diet - Benefits, Features, Sample Menu, Reviews

Yogurt diet

Features of the yogurt diet
Features of the yogurt diet

Thanks to a yogurt diet, you can lose weight by 4-5 kilograms per week. With all this, the yogurt diet is balanced, and following it will not harm your health.

The author of the yogurt diet is the doctor Zeik, who in the 1930s helped patients of an elite Swiss sanatorium get rid of extra pounds using this diet. The duration of the yogurt diet is ten days.

The benefits of yogurt

In addition to promoting weight loss, yogurt also has beneficial effects on the health of the whole body and overall well-being. It has the following beneficial properties:

• Helps the body fight fungal infections;

• Increases immunity;

• Saturates the body with protein;

• Contains a lot of calcium, which helps to strengthen bones and reduces the risk of osteoporosis;

• Contains minerals and vitamins important for the human body: phosphorus, iodine, vitamin B2 (riboflavin), tryptophan, vitamin B12, molybdenum, potassium, vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) and zinc;

• Has anti-inflammatory properties;

• Reduces the symptoms of skin diseases;

• Helps fight eating disorders;

• Saturates the stomach and intestines with beneficial bacteria, which are able to displace "bad" bacteria;

• Removes toxins from the body;

• Prevents heart and vascular diseases, stroke, diabetes and some cancers;

• Is the prevention of dysbiosis when using antibiotics.

Yogurt diet

Diet of the yogurt diet
Diet of the yogurt diet

The diet of the yogurt diet for every day:

• For four or five meals, you should eat five hundred grams of natural yogurt;

• Eat four hundred grams of fresh fruit (make salads from them and season salads with yogurt). It is forbidden to eat sweet fruits: pears, grapes, melons and watermelons. Best of all - citrus fruits and apples;

• Drink mineral and drinking water, green or black tea. The volume of liquid per day is not less than 1.5 liters;

• For lunch or dinner, in addition to yogurt, you need to eat one hundred grams of lean meat and salad made from tomatoes, cucumbers and fresh herbs;

• Between meals, it is advisable to drink small quantities of freshly squeezed juices: pomegranate, unclarified apple, grapefruit, orange. Before use, juices are diluted with boiled chilled water in proportions 1: 2. If you want to buy juices at the store, make sure that they do not contain dyes and preservatives.

Sample menu for a yogurt diet for one day:

Breakfast: warm unsweetened tea (half a cup), yogurt along with pieces of fruit (dried fruits) or berries, diluted pomegranate juice (half a glass).

Lunch: warm tea (half a cup), yoghurt soup with cucumbers and chopped herbs, olive oil, boiled meat (one hundred grams), a salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, herbs and lemon juice, diluted pomegranate juice (half a glass).

Afternoon snack: yogurt with fruits or vegetables (add chopped vegetables and mustard to yoghurt), mineral water.

Dinner (no later than 3.5-4 hours before bedtime): warm tea (half a glass), yogurt with stewed vegetables, diluted pomegranate juice.

You can follow a yogurt diet for two weeks, then be sure to take a break for at least two to three months.

A yogurt diet is contraindicated for people who are allergic to the staple foods in the diet - yogurt and citrus fruits, as well as those who have gastrointestinal disorders.

Reviews of the yogurt diet

According to reviews, the yogurt diet is one of the most delicious. The results are actually overwhelming, and following the recommendations is not difficult at all, since there is no constant feeling of hunger.

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