10 Effective Diets - The Basics Of The Diet, A Sample Menu, Effectiveness, Reviews

10 Effective Diets - The Basics Of The Diet, A Sample Menu, Effectiveness, Reviews
10 Effective Diets - The Basics Of The Diet, A Sample Menu, Effectiveness, Reviews

10 effective diets

10 effective diets allow you to lose from 3 to 10 kg in 7-14 days
10 effective diets allow you to lose from 3 to 10 kg in 7-14 days

Obesity is an increase in body weight due to the deposition of fat, due to metabolic disorders. Being overweight can be due to various factors. Identifying the causes of excess weight is a paramount task that determines the choice of weight loss methods.

One of the most effective methods of losing weight is diet - a special diet, the purpose of which is to speed up the metabolism of body fat. The proposed 10 effective diets will allow you to choose the most optimal and appropriate for your lifestyle.

10 effective diets: description of diets, effectiveness, diet

It is extremely difficult to choose the most effective and easy diet among the available diets. The most effective diets are characterized by strict and restrained diets. Most of the 10 effective diets are based on a significant reduction in the diet and the amount of food consumed, or on mono-nutrition (the use of one type of food).

The most popular for quick and easy weight loss are the following 10 effective diets:

  • The freshly squeezed juice diet is one of the most stringent mono-diets based on the consumption of freshly squeezed juices for 3 days. During the period of the diet, you can not eat hard food, fermented milk products. The diet is contraindicated for people with gastrointestinal diseases. You can lose up to 3kg;
  • The kefir diet is one of the mono-diets, which is based on the use of kefir. A strict kefir diet involves the use of only this product for 3 days. A simple version of the diet suggests the use of fresh fruits and vegetables (up to 1.5 kg per day) and kefir (up to 1.5 liters per day). The most optimal diet option is the "striped" diet, in which the days of regular meals alternate with fasting days on kefir. You can lose up to 4-6kg;
  • Cabbage diet involves the use of the main product (cabbage) in unlimited quantities and in any form: salads, soups, casseroles. Adhere to this diet should be from 7 to 14 days, depending on the desired result. The diet can be supplemented with stale bread, lean boiled meat, eggs (1 egg every 2-3 days). You can lose up to 5kg;
  • The Hollywood diet involves the use of fresh fruits, vegetables, eggs, low-fat boiled fish, meat. The main idea of the diet is to limit each portion. Such a diet can be adhered to for up to 14 days and lose up to 7kg;
  • The Japanese diet is one of the 10 effective diets, the diet of which contains boiled seafood cooked without salt and spices, fresh vegetables and fruits. The duration of the diet varies from 7 to 14 days, the effectiveness - up to 5 kg;
  • The Interval Diet is one of the lightest of the 10 effective diets, offering meals in three-day cycles. In the diet of each cycle, one product (rice, buckwheat, boiled potatoes without adding salt and spices) and water. Duration of the diet - from 9 to 18 days, effectiveness - from 7 to 9 kg;
  • The soup diet suggests eliminating solid food from the diet and eating exclusively vegetable broths for 7 days. One day, let's say a meat broth. The effectiveness of the diet - up to 4 kg of excess weight;
  • The Brazilian diet offers unlimited quantities of vegetables and fruits, as well as vegetable broths. All other foods are excluded from the diet. Duration of the diet - up to 14 days, efficiency - up to 4 kg;
  • The top model's diet is the strictest of the 10 effective diets. The ration of the day includes 1 egg and 300 g of low-fat cottage cheese. Duration of the diet - 3 days, efficiency - up to 3 kg;
  • Buckwheat diet is one of the variations of mono-diets, in the diet of which there is buckwheat porridge cooked without adding spices. The number of meals a day is unlimited. The diet lasts from 7 to 14 days, the effectiveness is up to 10 kg.

10 most effective diets: what is the foundation of success?

The process of losing weight and choosing one of the most effective diets is purely individual, largely depends on the reasons for the appearance of excess weight. So, in case of hormonal disruptions, dysfunction of the endocrine system, gynecological diseases, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is recommended to adhere to special medical diets.

The 10 most effective diets are based on significantly reducing the diet and actually depleting the body. They do not contribute to the restructuring of the body, but accelerate the process of fat metabolism. The main result of the 10 most effective diets is to cleanse the intestines and reduce the amount of food consumed. These are fast diets. However, after a dramatic weight loss, if one of these diets is followed, the likelihood of rapid weight gain is high.

Are diets effective for sustainable weight loss?

The main task of following any of the 10 effective diets is not weight loss, but consolidation of the achieved result. Most fast diets do not allow you to consolidate the achieved result due to its short-term nature. When wondering if diets are effective, the following criteria need to be evaluated:

  • Range of products;
  • Number of meals;
  • Duration of the diet.
Buckwheat diet is one of the best and most effective diets
Buckwheat diet is one of the best and most effective diets

Lifestyle, baseline data, desired results should be taken into account when determining whether diets are effective. The effectiveness of the diet will also be predetermined by the person's BMI.

Best and Effective Diets: Diet Basics

The best and most effective diets always offer a balanced diet that will not lead to depletion of the body and vitamin deficiency. Fast diets are dangerous because of the high likelihood of equally rapid weight gain after they are completed. The best and most effective diets allow the body to easily adapt to a new diet without causing stress.

So, mono-diets are the most harmful and dangerous for the body, but the effect is achieved much faster. The best and most effective diets offer the optimal balance of protein, fat and carbohydrates that the body needs to function properly. The optimal diet should last from 7 to 14 days, do not exclude the necessary macro- and micronutrients, and also offer an optimal diet to avoid discomfort.

Effective diets: reviews, recommendations of doctors

Choosing one of the proposed effective diets, user reviews will evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed diet. When choosing a diet, doctors recommend considering:

  • The availability of products on which a particular diet is based;
  • Taste Preferences - Eating a diet based on foods that you don't like to taste is extremely difficult. With such a diet, the body is exposed to severe stress at every meal;
  • Ease of cooking - the less time spent on the cooking process, the less stimulation of receptors occurs;
  • Among the 10 effective diets, preference should be given to the one that suits the lifestyle in terms of diet. This diet is easier to combine with your work schedule.

The diets of effective diets, reviews to them and recommendations of nutritionists can be found on the Internet, are purely advisory in nature. To find the optimal effective diet, you need to consult a dietitian.

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