Male and female compatibility

In order to build an ideal relationship, a man and a woman overcome many obstacles. Typically, couples work by trial and error. However, there is a way to help you know in advance whether the union will be strong. Even before entering into a legal marriage, it is important to determine the compatibility of a man and a woman in different aspects of life.
Affiliate Compatibility
This is a factor that assesses the ability of spouses to manage the family budget. Moreover, this item includes not so much making money as spending it. If a man and a woman plan their expenses differently, this can lead to serious disagreements in the family.
For example, if the family budget of one of the partners consists of expenses exclusively for themselves, this is unlikely to please the other half. Psychologists in this case recommend drawing up individual spending plans, and then comparing them, focusing on similarities, not disagreements.
Partner compatibility of a man and a woman is the key to successful relationships and a strong family in the future.
Psychological compatibility of men and women
This concept includes the possibility of long-term communication between partners when it is not influenced, or the character traits of both have a positive effect. Psychological compatibility is important not only in marital relationships, but also in business, friendships, etc.
To check this quality, psychologists advise to carry out the following procedure:
- Take a piece of paper, divide it in two. Then, in one column, list the positive qualities of the partner, and in the other those that annoy;
- Estimate which of the lists is longer;
- Seriously think about what qualities you can put up with, and what character traits you cannot accept, even in spite of great and passionate love.
To determine the psychological compatibility of a man and a woman, it is also recommended to conduct a survey of the moral values of future spouses. On a piece of paper, each partner needs to write the main life goals and prioritize them (family, money, career, recognition). Then, in the same way, you should list the possible responsibilities of each family member. Finally, you need to compare the above: the more similarity in the listed points, the better the compatibility of partners. If spouses have different priorities in life, this can cause serious disagreements in the future.
Sexual compatibility of man and woman
This factor is far from the last place in family life, since it often turns out that a person who is spiritually close, delights in his actions, turns out to be not the best partner in bed. The reason usually lies in poor physical compatibility between men and women.
There are three different types of sexual temperament: strong, medium and weak. Each person from birth has a certain level of sex hormones, so the degree of sexual activity is different for everyone and remains unchanged throughout life.
People with a strong sexual temperament are characterized by early sexual development. For them, sex is very important and takes a certain place in the worldview. Daily sexual relationships are the norm for this type of person. Physically, they are characterized by short or medium height and increased body hairiness, which is explained by high testosterone levels.

People with a weak sexual temperament begin to have a sex life much later than their peers with high sexual activity. The physical compatibility of a man and a woman of strong and weak temperaments is practically zero. The latter are usually monogamous, their families are strong, and the number of divorces in such marriages is minimal. Those with a weak temperament have enough sex once a week, while the rest of their strength is spent on sincere conversations and creating a romantic mood. Most often these are tall men and women of thin build. The girl, as a rule, has narrow hips and small mammary glands, while the guys have feminine figures with a slight degree of hairiness.
People with an average sexual temperament have different sex preferences and range between the types described above.
Determining sexual compatibility is very important, since problems in personal life begin precisely when partners build their relationship without considering this.
In conclusion, it should be noted that full compatibility of a man and a woman is possible only with mutual efforts and the unification of the interests of the spouses. Taking small daily steps in this direction allows you to get a long and happy relationship between two people in the future.
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