Doctor Occupational Pathologist - Conclusion, Specifics Of The Profession

Doctor Occupational Pathologist - Conclusion, Specifics Of The Profession
Doctor Occupational Pathologist - Conclusion, Specifics Of The Profession

Occupational pathologist

Occupational pathologist is a doctor who studies the impact of occupational characteristics of work and unfavorable working conditions on human health. Also, the scope of duties of an occupational pathologist includes the development of methods for early detection, medical and social rehabilitation, prevention and treatment of patients with occupational diseases.

Occupational pathologist - a doctor who studies the influence of occupational characteristics of work and unfavorable working conditions on human health
Occupational pathologist - a doctor who studies the influence of occupational characteristics of work and unfavorable working conditions on human health

Occupational pathologist is a fairly young profession that has emerged from various areas of medicine. It appeared in Russia in 1994. Prior to this, research institutes and some medical universities were studying the impact of occupational factors on human health.

Tasks of the occupational pathologist

Occupational pathologists work in occupational pathology centers and in other medical and preventive institutions, working closely with the state sanitary and epidemiological service.

As a result of the analysis of the health status of people working in harmful and dangerous working conditions, the occupational pathologist draws up a conclusion. The opinion of the occupational pathologist usually contains a plan for taking measures to reduce the risk of developing dangerous occupational diseases. Also, the duties of an occupational pathologist include:

  • Assistance in the implementation of comprehensive health-improving and preventive measures aimed at reducing labor losses caused by diseases and disabilities;
  • Taking measures to reduce the level of exposure to both general and occupational health risk factors;
  • Referral of injured and sick people to the state service of medical and social expertise and control over their determination of the degree of loss of professional and general working capacity;
  • Preparation of recommendations for the management and treatment of patients in medical institutions;
  • Implementation of organizational and methodological assistance to health care institutions.

Occupational diseases treated by an occupational pathologist

Occupational diseases, which are observed and treated by an occupational pathologist, are:

  • Acute, which occur during or immediately after exposure to factors harmful to human health;
  • Chronic, arising from constant exposure to harmful factors.

The main task of the conclusion of an occupational pathologist is to establish a connection between the action of harmful production factors on the human body. The doctor is responsible for the accuracy and validity of the conclusions drawn up, and the timeliness of sending injured persons at work to medical institutions for the necessary treatment.

To draw up a conclusion, the occupational pathologist conducts preliminary and periodic medical examinations of employees of enterprises.

A large group of people whose work is associated with exposure to dust factors is susceptible to lung diseases. As a result of inhalation of industrial dust, normal lung tissue is replaced with fibrous tissue. Doctors occupational pathologists distinguish, depending on the type of dust inhaled:

  • Metalloconiosis - siderosis, beryllium, aluminosis;
  • Silicatosis - talcosis, asbestosis, cementosis;
  • Carboconiosis - graphitosis, anthracosis;
  • Pneumoconiosis from mixed and organic dust of flax, cotton, books, grain.

In case of diseases resulting from exposure to chemical factors, the conclusion of an occupational pathologist should include not only the type of metal that caused the disease (mercury, lead, manganese), but also recommendations for preventive measures.

Various physical factors lead to a wide range of disorders in the body and diseases, the traces of which:

  • Vibrations that cause vibration sickness;
  • Noise that leads to occupational sensorineural hearing loss;
  • Atmospheric pressure, which can lead to the development of decompression sickness or altitude sickness;
  • Electromagnetic radiation;
  • Ionizing radiation that causes radiation sickness;
  • High or low temperature, which can lead to overheating of the body, heat stroke, convulsions, hypothermia or frostbite.

Also, diseases fall into the circle of attention of the occupational pathologist:

  • Caused by the impact of biological factors on health - anthrax, tuberculosis, glanders, brucellosis, tick-borne encephalitis;
  • Associated with overstrain of the systems of the human body and various organs - varicose veins of the lower extremities, myofibrosis, periarthrosis, radiculopathy.

How to get the profession of an occupational pathologist

In order to work as an occupational pathologist, it is necessary to graduate from a medical university with a degree in General Medicine, and then undergo postgraduate training, including special vocational and educational programs of primary specialization in internship and clinical residency.

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