Obstetrician - Description Of The Profession, Specifics, Reviews

Obstetrician - Description Of The Profession, Specifics, Reviews
Obstetrician - Description Of The Profession, Specifics, Reviews


The profession of an obstetrician is both honorable, difficult and interesting. The obstetrician is the person who is the first to confirm a woman's pregnancy and the first to see the baby when it is born.

Obstetrician - a medical professional who specializes in assisting pregnant women and women in labor
Obstetrician - a medical professional who specializes in assisting pregnant women and women in labor

Ideally, an obstetrician-gynecologist advises a woman even during pregnancy planning: prescribes examinations for her, studies test data, prescribes treatment, if necessary, and monitors its effectiveness.

After pregnancy occurs, the obstetrician, depending on whether he participated in the planning or not, recommends to undergo additional examinations to exclude infections, genetic and other pathologies. If a woman trusts an obstetrician-gynecologist, then after he confirms her pregnancy, she is registered with him. The doctor conducts routine examinations, monitors the condition of the mother and child throughout the entire period of pregnancy. It is the obstetrician who raises the issue of pre-term birth, declares the need for a cesarean section. And it is he who accompanies the woman in labor during childbirth: monitors how the delivery proceeds, makes the necessary emergency decisions, accepts the child and provides him with first aid if necessary.

After the birth has been successfully completed, the obstetrician-gynecologist is responsible for accompanying the mother and the child for some time after childbirth: to advise, to conduct routine examinations, to prescribe supportive therapy.

What else does an obstetrician-gynecologist do?

The profession of an obstetrician requires a doctor to have skills in diagnosing and treating sexually transmitted infections, diseases of the uterus, such as endometriosis, endometritis, myoma, fibroma, etc., diseases of the fallopian tubes (salpingitis), pathologies of the cervix and ovaries.

Also, an obstetrician-gynecologist, when planning a pregnancy, deals with the problems of infertility: identifies the causes, prescribes treatment, monitors its results, and, if necessary, adjusts the appointment.

Examinations that an obstetrician may order

During pregnancy planning or after its onset, the following studies may be prescribed:

  • blood chemistry;
  • tests for the presence of sexually transmitted infections;
  • tests, which determine the presence of antibodies in the blood to bacteria, viruses;
  • study of the hormonal composition of the blood;
  • general urine analysis;
  • general blood analysis;
  • genetic research.

How to choose an obstetrician-gynecologist

In the national health system, it is established as follows: a woman planning a pregnancy or has already become pregnant is registered with the obstetrician who "serves" the area to which the place of her permanent registration belongs. But since reviews of midwives, both good and bad, are difficult to hide from the public, most women seek to bypass bureaucratic barriers and seek a doctor on their own.

And here the already mentioned reviews about obstetricians play a big role. A doctor with many years of practice, experience of internship abroad or in a good hospital, as well as one who has a good reputation among staff and former women in childbirth should be credible.

How to become obstetricians

The profession of an obstetrician can be obtained by graduating from medical school, or college. But after three years of training, despite the fact that future specialists undergo preclinical (theoretical) and clinical practice, first-stage obstetricians are obtained, that is, those who help obstetricians-gynecologists to deliver.

In order to obtain a higher qualification and have the right to engage in family planning, treatment of infertility and other pathologies, accompany pregnancy and deliver childbirth, one should graduate from a higher medical institution, undergo an internship.

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