Fast Acting Sleeping Pills

Fast Acting Sleeping Pills
Fast Acting Sleeping Pills

Fast acting sleeping pills

Barboval - fast-acting sleeping pills in drops
Barboval - fast-acting sleeping pills in drops

Insomnia … Probably every person at least once in his life has come across this phenomenon, when he really wants to fall asleep, but it does not work out. Needless to say how painful it is? Especially if in the morning you need to get up early for work or do some business. Moreover, each person has his own remedy for insomnia. Someone considers sheep, someone meditates. However, if the problem is fairly regular, then all these techniques may be ineffective. Even falling asleep for a short time, a person tends to wake up early and suddenly, without getting enough sleep, feeling overwhelmed and tired. And someone said that you also need to work the whole day? Oh…

What to do in this case? First, it is undoubtedly to see a doctor to identify the cause of insomnia. It is known that insomnia can occur due to both physiological health problems and psychological ones. For its treatment, it is very important to identify the true cause.

And while the doctors are looking for her, this very reason, you need to sleep, right? In this case, a quick-acting sleeping pill comes to the rescue.

Sleeping pills

Modern sleeping pills are divided into the following groups:

  • Aliphatic drugs (bromizoval, chloral hydrate);
  • Barbiturates (ethaminal, phenobarbital);
  • Antihistamines (suprastin, diphenhydramine);
  • Benzodiazepine derivatives (diazepam).

All of these drugs have the same principle of action - they relax the activity of the brain and relax the muscles of the body, slowing down brain waves and relieving anxiety and tension.

All these groups differ from each other in the time of assimilation and excretion from the body. If you need a quick-acting sleeping pill, then you should know that you will fall asleep quickly, but also wake up faster. It should be added that all hypnotics greatly lengthen the stage of REM sleep, while reducing the phase of deep sleep.

According to the degree of effect, hypnotics are divided into light, moderate and strong. Chloral hydrate and methaqualone can be classified as strong fast-acting hypnotics, and flurazepam, phenazepam as moderate ones. Bromural belongs to mild hypnotics.

The action of barbiturates lasts on average 7-8 hours. They have a calming effect on the central nervous system, but they are highly addictive and negatively affect the structure of sleep. After taking the drug, a person, as a rule, does not rest, wakes up broken and lethargic.

Benzodiazepine derivatives significantly shorten the period of falling asleep and have a calming effect. Sleep after taking such drugs is physiologically similar to natural, and these drugs are not addictive.

As a rule, all of the above drugs are dispensed with a doctor's prescription, and it is almost impossible to purchase them at a pharmacy on your own.

Fast acting sleeping pills without a prescription

There are several types of fairly simple and well-known quick-acting sleeping pills in drops that can have a positive effect on insomnia. Such drugs include Corvalol, Barboval, as well as sedative tinctures of valerian, motherwort and hawthorn.

All these quick-acting hypnotics in drops can help a person suffering from insomnia without resorting to the help of a doctor. They have a sedative effect on the body, relieve anxiety and can significantly reduce stress. You can apply these funds for several weeks in a row.

With especially severe sleep disorders for an adult, the number of drops of any of the above drugs should not exceed thirty.

These drops can be mixed with each other. So, for example, the following mixture has a good effect: 10 drops of valerian tincture and 10 drops of Barboval. They must be diluted in a small amount of water and drunk without drinking.

It should be noted that the use of these drugs can cause allergic reactions, so monitor your body and react to the slightest side effects.

If we consider fast-acting sleeping pills in tablets, which can be purchased without a prescription, then you should pay attention to drugs such as Donormil or Sonmil. If you have not previously used sleeping pills, then at the initial stage, half a tablet will be enough for you to fall asleep.

Donormil is available in various packages and dosages. The drug is quite effective and guarantees you 8 hours of proper sleep, while it does not significantly affect the phases of sleep. You can take this drug for no more than two weeks, after which you need to take a month break.

Donormil - fast acting sleeping pill
Donormil - fast acting sleeping pill

Sonmil, in addition to sedative and hypnotic effects, also has antihistamine properties. According to statistics, the use of this drug has an even more pronounced effect than Donormil, and the effect of its use lasts longer. However, it should be borne in mind that it can have such side effects on the body as increased sleepiness in the morning. This requires a reduction in the dosage of the drug or its withdrawal altogether.

Fast-acting sleeping pills - harm to health

Every day, millions of people take quick-acting sleeping pills in drops and tablets, completely without thinking about the consequences. But sleeping pills, especially those with a strong and quick effect, are completely contraindicated for people suffering from psychoses and cardiovascular diseases.

It should also be borne in mind that any sleeping pill should in no case be taken for a long time, since it is addictive to the body. This leads to the fact that a person is forced to constantly increase the dosage of the drug in order for it to exert its effect. In addition, sleeping pills can cause psychological dependence, when a person simply gets used to the fact that for a calm and full sleep he needs to take a "pill" in the evening.

Therefore, do not delay the visit to the doctor. After all, insomnia is not only a sign of stress or mental imbalance, but a harbinger of sometimes very serious illnesses.

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