How To Schedule A Baby Boy

How To Schedule A Baby Boy
How To Schedule A Baby Boy

How to schedule a baby boy

How to plan the birth of a boy is a question that interests many future parents
How to plan the birth of a boy is a question that interests many future parents

Many couples, deciding to become parents, firmly decide for themselves what gender they want a baby. In this case, they face the task of finding a way to plan the birth of a child of the desired gender. They are interested in whether it is possible to "order" the sex of the baby. The reasons for such desires can be very different. These can be social influences or psychological subjective factors. Even those who say they don't care what gender their baby is, still imagine a newborn baby as a girl or a boy. For example, some women who grew up under the upbringing of a strict mother did not manage to realize themselves in their own lives, so they are sure that the girl will also find it difficult in life, and want to give birth to a son who will grow up as a confident and strong man. Some men also wish to be the father of a boy,they want to give him a good upbringing and raise a successor of the family and surname, and not a girl who, having matured, will marry and leave the family. Therefore, such families are concerned with the question: "How to plan the birth of a boy?"

Since ancient times, our ancestors followed special diets, omens, and other methods that they believed would help them plan the birth of a son. Having studied all these methods, we can nevertheless say that some of them are quite effective. But, since fertilization is a unique physiological process, in which the egg itself selects only one sperm with an indefinite set of sex chromosomes, one should not think that external factors can significantly influence its choice. The only completely effective method for solving the question: "How to plan the birth of a boy" is in vitro fertilization (IVF).

What can you do to schedule the birth of your son?

Well, no other method, except in vitro fertilization, does not guarantee one hundred percent birth of a boy. But there are methods that can increase this probability:

1. Special diet. You can plan the birth of a boy by planning your diet before conception. Two to three weeks before the planned conception, you must enrich your diet with lentils, fruits, dates, cherries, potatoes and mushrooms. But the use of dairy products, nuts, lettuce, cocoa and cabbage should be significantly limited.

2. Planning the sex of the child by blood. The date for the conception of a son will help determine the calculation method for blood renewal. It is generally accepted that in women the blood is renewed every three years, as well as after surgery and childbirth. In men, the blood is renewed every four years, and also after surgery. To calculate the date, you need to divide the age of each parent by three and four, respectively. Whoever has a higher result is likely to have a child of the same gender. If a woman has a negative Rh factor, the result is the opposite.

Planning the date of conception is one way to plan the birth of a boy
Planning the date of conception is one way to plan the birth of a boy

3. Planning the date of conception. There are days when you are more likely to conceive a boy. They can be determined by the characteristics of movement and the duration of the viability of the sperm. Sperm cells, which contain genes for conceiving a boy, are most active on the first day, so the ideal time for intercourse is the day of ovulation.

4. Planning the floor according to the Chinese table. This chart is based on the mother's age (her month and year of birth) and the estimated month of birth of the baby. Thanks to her, you can determine in which month the highest probability of conceiving a son.

5. Folk methods. For example, in Ancient Russia it was believed that the fatigue of one of the parents affects the sex of the unborn child. If the mother is very tired during intercourse, there will be a son, if the father is a daughter.

How to schedule the birth of twin boys?

The highest probability of giving birth to twin boys is in those couples who are hereditarily predisposed to this. That is, twins in the family should be celebrated every generation, for example, among grandmothers, great-great-grandmothers, and so on. But still, this does not 100% guarantee that you will have twins. Only in vitro fertilization can give an exact guarantee of ensuring their conception.

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