Muscles Of The Lower Extremities - Structure, Injuries

Muscles Of The Lower Extremities - Structure, Injuries
Muscles Of The Lower Extremities - Structure, Injuries

Lower limb muscles

The muscles of the lower limbs are located in the lower part of the human body and are divided into the muscles of the buttocks, thighs, lower legs and feet. Also, all muscle groups of the lower extremities are divided into two general types - the waist and free muscles.

Lower limb muscles
Lower limb muscles

The structure and location of the muscles of the lower extremities

The muscles of the lower leg include the anterior, posterior and lateral muscle groups. The largest is the triceps muscle, which consists of the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles, which are united by a single tendon. The triceps muscle of the calf, thanks to its musculature, creates the main elasticity and volume of the calves.

The calf muscle is a posterior biceps muscle, which has symmetrically located heads. These heads are fixed over the femur and in the middle of the lower leg are combined into one muscle, fixed on the back surface of the calcaneus.

The soleus muscle is a broad, flat muscle that sits above the calf muscle. This muscle of the lower limbs is attached to the fibula, and its bottom is connected to the calf muscle by the Achilles tendon.

The muscles of the foot include the dorsum and plantar muscles of the lower extremities. The largest plantar muscle starts from the femoral condyle and the capsule of the knee joint, and ends by connecting to the Achilles tendon. The dorsal muscles are the extensors of the toes.

The main functions of the leg and foot muscles are:

  • Giving support to the legs;
  • Ankle flexion;
  • Supination;
  • Knee flexion;
  • Strengthening the position of the foot.

Thanks to the triceps muscle, a person can keep the body upright.

The muscles of the thigh are composed of the quadriceps, which is subdivided into the rectus, medial, medial, and lateral broad muscles.

The quadriceps is the most powerful muscle that forms the front of the thigh. All the muscles in the quadriceps come together to form a single tendon.

The rectus quadriceps muscle has four heads and starts from the ilium. This muscle is located on the front of the thigh and has a narrowing towards the end.

The medial quadriceps muscle is a broad and flat muscle of the lower extremities, which starts from the thigh line and goes into the patellar ligament. The broad middle muscle is the weakest and runs along the upper surface of the thigh, attaching to the intermediate muscle. The external quadriceps muscle is located on the outer surface of the thigh and has a flat shape.

The main functions of the thigh muscles are:

  • Knee extension;
  • Implementation of a pelvic tilt;
  • Hip flexion.

The muscles of the posterior thigh group include the biceps muscle, which consists of two heads attached to the ischial tuberosity. The biceps muscle ends in a tendon and fuses with the head of the fibula.

The main functions of the muscles of the posterior thigh group are:

  • Flexion of the lower leg at the knee;
  • Hip extension;
  • Fixation of the pelvis.

The muscles of the buttocks include the large, medium and small muscles. The buttocks are shaped by the gluteus maximus muscle, which starts from the gluteal surface of the ilium and tailbone. The gluteus minimus and mediasis, located underneath the large muscle, allow you to lift your legs to the side and give your buttocks a toned look.

The main functions of the gluteal muscles of the lower extremities are:

  • Movement of the hip joint;
  • Legs to the side;
  • Straightening the torso.

Lower limb muscle injuries

The most common injuries to the muscles of the lower limbs are sprains, partial and complete lacerations.

The main cause of stretching is muscle overload in the lower extremities. The most serious injury is rupture of the Achilles tendon, the main treatment for which is surgery. The symptoms of a rupture are sharp pain, muscle stiffness, edema, and swelling of the leg. Basically, the rupture of the Achilles tendon occurs due to a strong blow, fall or severe overload of the muscle.

Injuries to the hamstrings occur with intense strength training, falls, and sudden squats. Twisting movements are also dangerous for these muscles, which can lead to injuries to the hamstrings and tendons.

With intense exercise, stretching of the quadriceps and biceps muscles can occur. Therefore, you should warm up the muscles before exercise with workouts and massage.

In order to reduce the risk of injury to the muscles of the lower extremities, it is necessary to gradually strengthen these muscles with sports exercises in a gentle mode. The selection of exercises is carried out individually by a professional trainer. During the exercises, you should wrap your knees with an elastic medical bandage, which will prevent muscle sprains and tears.

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