The general practitioner is one of the key figures in modern clinical medicine. This is a wide-profile specialist with a rich medical outlook and deep encyclopedic knowledge, possessing a number of special knowledge and skills that help him competently carry out primary diagnostics, prescribe preventive measures, analyze the results of additional studies and prescribe correct, effective treatment.

The need to consult a therapist
In the life of almost every person, sooner or later health problems arise, which entail the need to obtain qualified advice or even medical assistance. If there are ailments complicated by pain in the abdominal cavity or chest, fever, insomnia, joint aches, weakness or other discomfort, and it is difficult to determine the nature of these phenomena, it is necessary to go to see a therapist. In this situation, it is the consultation of a therapist that is the right choice, since his duties include conducting primary diagnostic measures, prescribing extended diagnostics if necessary, analyzing the results obtained and deciding on further actions. Timely consultation of a therapist will allow to identify the causes of ailments and prevent the transition of the disease into a protracted chronic or complicated phase.
At the reception, the therapist performs an initial examination and collects an anamnesis, that is, finds out the details of the patient's lifestyle, the individual characteristics of his body, hereditary predispositions, clarifies the details of the occurrence and course of the disease. Based on the information received during the initial consultation, the therapist makes a preliminary assessment of the patient's state of health and prescribes an appropriate examination, if necessary, sends it for consultation to specialized specialists. As an additional examination, the therapist may prescribe the following procedures: clinical and biochemical blood test; X-ray of bones, joints and organs of the chest, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, FGDS, ECG and some other diagnostic measures. Based on the test results,the obtained survey data and the conclusions of specialized specialists, the therapist makes a diagnosis and prescribes a course of drug and physiotherapy treatment, or directs the patient for treatment to a specialized specialist.
Subsequent consultations with a therapist are carried out as needed in order to monitor the course of treatment and subsequent rehabilitation.
Local therapist
A special category of doctors is represented by district therapists. These are doctors "number one", specialists who are the first to encounter manifestations of ill health in most people in our country. From this point of view, such a physician therapist is the most important, key link in the health care system.
The circle of their patients for a long time includes approximately the same people. To some extent, district therapists are family doctors, as they know the medical history of most patients who permanently reside in their areas. As a rule, the district doctor is familiar with the living conditions of patients, their lifestyle, hereditary predispositions and other factors that can complicate the patient's condition, and therefore, faster than an ordinary general practitioner, he can assume the causes of the disease and take measures to eliminate them.
The local therapist keeps a systematic record and observation of patients with chronic diseases (dispensary records), monitors the timeliness of preventive measures, promotes the referral of those who need it to sanatorium treatment.
The competence of the district therapist includes the primary diagnosis of the disease, the appointment and implementation of therapeutic and preventive measures necessary for the treatment of seasonal infectious diseases of mild and moderate severity, as well as some other diseases, the treatment of which is carried out at home and does not require hospitalization. After the patient recovers, the local therapist assesses the degree of his ability to work and issues a sick leave - a document certifying the fact of illness and provided at the patient's place of work.
Duties of the local therapist
The duties of the district doctor include:
- be well prepared to perform the main functions of a local therapist: organizational, diagnostic, advisory, preventive, curative and rehabilitation;
- competently combine thorough theoretical training with practical therapeutic skills, continuously engage in self-education, improving and increasing their professional competence;
- navigate modern sources of scientific and technical information and use the knowledge gained in practice;
- as necessary, prescribe additional special research methods: laboratory tests, fluoroscopy, functional studies;
- if necessary, refer the patient for consultations to specialized specialists;
- determine the degree of disability of the patient or send him to the examination of temporary disability;
- organize rehabilitation measures for patients in need;
- identify infectious diseases in the early stages, notify about the infection in the SES and take the necessary anti-epidemic measures;
- the therapist must establish the indications for hospitalization of the patient and take organizational measures for its implementation;
- in accordance with the established procedure, the district doctor must organize and carry out preventive vaccination and deworming of residents in the area entrusted to him;
- must organize and implement a set of measures for prophylactic medical examination of adults living on its site, i.e. carry out preventive examinations, determine the need for medical and preventive measures, draw up and maintain medical documentation, timely make reports on the work done;
- a general practitioner working at the site must be able to make a preliminary diagnosis and provide feasible first aid in case of emergency conditions of patients specified in the job description;
- at the initial appointment, the therapist should be able to correctly prescribe a set of necessary therapeutic and prophylactic measures;
- the local therapist must have strong skills to carry out a number of manipulative procedures specified in the job description.
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