Paramedic Profession - Work, Instruction, Duties

Paramedic Profession - Work, Instruction, Duties
Paramedic Profession - Work, Instruction, Duties


A paramedic is a medical specialist with a secondary education. The profession is trained in a medical school. The homeland of the term "feldscher" is Germany. For the first time in the years of the First World War, a field doctor was thus named. The work of a paramedic is to provide qualified first aid medical assistance to a patient.

Paramedic - a medical specialist with secondary education
Paramedic - a medical specialist with secondary education

Paramedics work in various institutions, both as assistants to doctors, and independently where a doctor is not required by the state - and this is their difference from nurses. In particular, the post of paramedic is provided for:

  • Ambulance (ambulance paramedic);
  • In health centers of large organizations (medical assistant of a health center);
  • In military units;
  • On large vessels for various purposes and ships;
  • At railway stations (paramedic of the station's health center);
  • At airports (paramedic of the airport health center);
  • At feldsher-obstetric points in villages, abbreviated as FAP.

The profession of a paramedic is not much different from an ambulance doctor and a local therapist. These positions have a lot in common and have almost the same responsibilities.

Responsibilities according to the instructions of the paramedic

The instruction of a paramedic includes the following duties:

  • Reception of patients in polyclinics, as well as services for adults and children at home with appropriate reporting;
  • In case of threat to life or health, provision of first aid to the victim;
  • Observing patients being treated at home;
  • Carrying out physiotherapy procedures as prescribed by a doctor;
  • Participation in the clinical examination of patients;
  • Monitoring the condition of patients at risk;
  • In the absence of an obstetrician, patronage of pregnant women, as well as children from birth to the age of one year;
  • Observation of children from 1 to 2 years old who are at risk;
  • Medical participation in the life of disadvantaged families, control over the sanitary condition of their homes;
  • Carrying out measures for the timeliness of vaccinations;
  • Carrying out various sanitary and hygienic procedures on the instructions of doctors of medical and preventive organizations;
  • Implementation of measures to prevent industrial injuries;
  • Participation in mobile sanitary posts;
  • Control over attached grocery stores, schools, hairdressers and other institutions in matters of compliance with sanitary standards and other duties established by the head in the framework of legislative acts approved by the Ministry of Health.

Ambulance paramedic

One of the most responsible is the profession of an ambulance paramedic.

Many paramedics in the history of medical practice, making the right decision and providing first aid, saved the life of the victim.

Arriving at the scene, the paramedic in the first seconds assesses the condition of the injured person, determining the amount of assistance needed, and immediately proceeds to provide it.

The primary responsibility of the paramedic, according to the instructions, is to receive an answer to two main questions:

1. who is the victim;

2. what is the reason for the call.

Then the remaining issues are clarified and the patient's complaints are discussed.

Behavioral factors in the work of a paramedic

Despite the nature of the often difficult environment (nervousness of the surrounding people, their screams, vanity or, on the contrary, unnatural calmness), an ambulance paramedic should behave calmly and friendly, acting clearly, quickly, with professional confidence. This will help the patient feel in safe hands and calm down.

While waiting for how the victim's body will respond to the injections or the medication taken, the ambulance paramedic should talk to the patient about abstract topics. This will further calm and liberate the patient. Thus, the profession of a medical assistant also presupposes the presence of the skills of a psychologist.

Medical assistant

The work of a paramedic in a health center differs from working in an ambulance only in that in this case he does not need to come to the call, patients usually come to him themselves or they are taken to the point of assistance.

Adequately provide first aid, arrange, if necessary, the transportation of the patient to the nearest or emergency hospital, issue a certificate of dismissal from school or work by the end of the working day, organize a medical examination, conduct sanitary and educational activities and the like - this is an incomplete list of duties of a paramedic of a health center …

The job description of a paramedic of a health center includes duties similar to those of an ambulance paramedic, as well as other requirements for work in accordance with the characteristic features of the employing organization.

Thus, if you feel the need to provide medical care to people and support them in difficult moments of life - welcome to the profession of a medical assistant.

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