Is It Possible To Have Sex During Menstruation

Is It Possible To Have Sex During Menstruation
Is It Possible To Have Sex During Menstruation

Is it possible to have sex during menstruation

Can you have sex during your period?
Can you have sex during your period?

The female body undergoes a kind of test in the form of menstruation every month. Menstruation is a natural physiological process associated with some discomfort.

Can you have sex during your period?

There is no unequivocal answer to the question "is it possible to have sex during menstruation." Sexual intercourse during the menstrual cycle is frowned upon in many faiths and cultures. More recently, having sex during menstruation was considered unacceptable. Today, many gynecologists talk about the benefits of having sex during this period. Sex during menstruation is considered completely healthy and completely normal.

Sexologists conducted a number of studies and came to the conclusion that the sexual desire of every woman directly depends on the phase of the menstrual cycle. Every woman has a completely different sexual desire during her period. In some women, during menstruation, attraction to a man is completely absent, and in someone there is an urgent need for sex. Since the sensitivity of a woman during menstruation increases markedly, she may experience those sensations that she did not experience during normal intercourse. Due to the fact that the vagina is highly moisturized during the menstrual cycle, a woman does not experience those unpleasant sensations that sometimes appear during intercourse on any other day. Sexual intercourse promotes the production of endorphins (a hormone of pleasure) in a woman's body, which improves mood and dampens pain. Many women confirm that intercourse during the menstrual period can actually help reduce cramps and menstrual pain. Orgasm relieves menstrual discomfort. After intimacy, most women feel energized and relieved. Contractions of the uterus during orgasm significantly reduce the menstrual period, contribute to the displacement of the endometrium and its exit through the vagina.

But it should be remembered that the cervix is slightly open during menstruation, so any bacteria from the vagina can easily penetrate into the uterine cavity. In this case, the blood will act as a favorable environment for the reproduction of pathogens. Therefore, it is best to use a condom during intercourse during this period. It is not recommended to use a cervical cap or diaphragm during intercourse during menstruation. Contraceptive methods such as these will cause menstrual blood to accumulate, which can lead to toxic shock syndrome in a woman.

Common myths

Sex during menstruation: is it dangerous?
Sex during menstruation: is it dangerous?

There are many myths about whether it is possible to have sex during menstruation. For example, there is an opinion that it is impossible to get pregnant during menstruation. The onset of pregnancy during the menstrual cycle is possible, but unlikely. During menstruation, the mucous membrane of the uterus, which was formed in preparation for pregnancy, is removed from the female body. If pregnancy has not occurred, the unused endometrium and the unfertilized egg are excreted from the uterus through the vagina. And this means that there is no mucous membrane and an egg for fertilization.

However, it should be remembered that sperm in a woman's reproductive system can exist for about three days. And since in some women ovulation can occur at the very end of the menstrual cycle, sperm during this period may still be able to fertilize an egg.

It should also not be forgotten that if a woman is a carrier of an STD, her vaginal discharge and menstrual blood will contain pathogenic bacteria that cause various sexually transmitted diseases. During menstruation, many women also activate the herpes virus, and therefore the risk of transmitting this virus to a sexual partner increases significantly.

Reasons for not having sex during your period

Algomenorrhea is a good reason for not having sex during menstruation. Algomenorrhea is a violation of menstrual function. This violation is accompanied by severe malaise, cramping or aching pains in the lower abdomen, in the lumbar, sacral region. In 60-80% of women with algomenorrhea, pain is moderate. In 10%, the pain is severe enough. They affect the ability to work and the general well-being of a woman.

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