Is It Possible To Have Sex With Cystitis

Is It Possible To Have Sex With Cystitis
Is It Possible To Have Sex With Cystitis

Is it possible to have sex with cystitis

Cystitis: Can You Have Sex?
Cystitis: Can You Have Sex?

It is women who most often suffer from inflammation of the bladder - cystitis; whether it is possible to have sex during this disease without causing further harm to health is an important question that requires a scientifically based answer.

Love and cystitis: is it possible to have sex

Symptoms of cystitis are excruciating discomfort in the lower abdomen, a feeling of fullness and frequent urge to urinate, nagging pain and burning sensation when emptying the bladder. The anatomical structure of the female genital organs, namely the close proximity of the urethra and the anus, is a favorable factor for the ingress of E. coli, which causes this disease of the urinary tract.

Wearing thongs and non-observance of the principles of hygiene, including during intercourse, can contribute to the occurrence of cystitis in women. Postcoital cystitis that occurs soon after proximity can develop as a consequence of a genitourinary anatomical anomaly. In this case, during sex, the mucous membrane of the urethra is irritated and injured, and bacteria enter the inner surface of the epithelium, causing inflammation.

Bacterial cystitis after intercourse can occur due to alternating anal and vaginal sex. This disease can also develop due to insufficient lubrication, leading to damage to the mucous membranes of the urethra during intercourse. The microflora of the penis and vagina mix and, entering the bladder, cause inflammation. Various diseases of the genital tract can also contribute to the development of cystitis.

Treatment and prevention of cystitis

To alleviate the condition with an attack of cystitis, you can put a warm heating pad on the lower abdomen. Moreover, like any other infectious disease, cystitis is treated with antibiotics. On the question of whether it is possible to have sex with cystitis, at the beginning of treatment and with an exacerbation of the disease, medical science answers negatively.

Indeed, in this case, the mucous membranes are additionally injured, the symptoms intensify, and the recovery is delayed. Sexual life can be resumed at the end of antibiotic therapy. At the same time, it is recommended to observe caution, hygiene rules and continue treatment.

Doctors answer to the question
Doctors answer to the question

If the cause of the development of cystitis is associated with an anatomical anomaly, then after each intercourse, low doses of antibiotics may be recommended. This pathology can be radically eliminated by surgery.

To prevent the onset or exacerbation of cystitis, you should make sure that there are no sexually transmitted diseases, and if they are detected, together with your partner, undergo a course of adequate treatment.

In order to prevent cystitis, it is important to wear only the right underwear. All hygiene measures must be followed regularly and rigorously. You should also avoid alternating anal sex and vaginal sex.

Condoms without lubricants, with spermicidal lubrication in some cases cause vaginal dryness and mucosal injury, so it is advisable to replace them. In turn, some postures can also irritate the entrance to the urethra.

Always empty the bladder as needed. It is especially important to observe this rule before and after sexual contact. Sometimes it is advisable to talk with your doctor about taking immunostimulating medications. If you follow these simple and reasonable recommendations, the question of whether it is possible to have sex with cystitis will never be relevant to you.

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