Is It Possible To Swim In The Sea During Menstruation

Is It Possible To Swim In The Sea During Menstruation
Is It Possible To Swim In The Sea During Menstruation

Is it possible to swim in the sea during menstruation

Swimming in the sea during menstruation - doctors do not recommend
Swimming in the sea during menstruation - doctors do not recommend

During menstrual bleeding, women are discouraged from doing many things, such as vigorous exercise, sunbathing, lifting weights, and more. But is it possible to swim in the sea during menstruation? Let's try to understand this issue.

Is it possible to swim in the sea during menstruation: a doctor's opinion

In the cervical canal there is a special mucous plug that prevents the penetration of pathogens into the uterine cavity. During menstrual bleeding, a slight expansion of the cervical canal occurs, and the mucous plug comes out of it, ceasing to perform its protective function. As a result, microbes can easily enter the uterine cavity and cause the development of endometritis. In addition, during menstruation, the mucous membrane (endometrium) is rejected and, in fact, the internal cavity of the uterus is a bleeding wound, which further increases the risk of developing infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genital organs.

Considering all of the above, gynecologists answer the question of whether it is possible to swim in the sea during menstruation negatively.

If you know that during your vacation at the sea you should start your period and do not want to lose a single day from your vacation, then the onset of menstruation can be somewhat postponed. For example, in cases where a woman is taking oral contraceptives, she can start taking pills from the next pack as soon as she finishes the previous one. In this case, you do not need to take a seven-day break between taking the medication.

There are some other ways to artificially delay menstrual bleeding. However, they are all based on the use of hormonal drugs, which cannot be called absolutely safe for women's health. Their uncontrolled intake can lead to the development of hormonal imbalance and cause various menstrual dysfunctions, which will require long-term and expensive treatment in the future. But if you still decide on one of these methods of delaying menstruation, then be sure to consult your doctor. You should never use the advice of friends or relatives!

You can't! But I really want to

We have found out the opinion of doctors regarding whether it is possible to swim in the sea during menstruation. But, unfortunately,

When asked whether it is possible to swim in the sea during menstruation, gynecologists answer negatively
When asked whether it is possible to swim in the sea during menstruation, gynecologists answer negatively

many women do not always listen to him. And how to resist on a hot summer day on a hot beach from plunge into the warm and inviting sea waves.

If you cannot deny yourself the pleasure of sea bathing during your period, then try to take all the necessary personal safety measures so as not to pick up any infection and then not regret your rash act, ruining your entire vacation. We suggest you use our tips to make swimming in the open water during your period as safe as possible:

  • Immediately before entering the water, put a new hygienic tampon into the vagina with maximum absorption power;
  • As soon as you get out of the water, immediately remove it and throw it away;
  • Take a shower and wash yourself thoroughly using an antiseptic soap or gel;
  • Put on clean underwear or swimwear.

However, on the days when you experience particularly heavy bleeding, you should still refrain from bathing. And on the other days of menstruation, you should swim quickly enough. Be patient for a few days, and then enjoy the sea water in full without fears and fears!

Women who have reduced immunity or have chronic gynecological diseases and who do not want to give up swimming in the open water should ask the doctor in advance whether it is possible to swim in the sea during menstruation and how to protect themselves. In these cases, the doctor may advise them, immediately after bathing and removing the tampon, to douche the vagina with a solution of some mild antiseptic.

Of course, at your own peril and risk, you can swim in the sea during your period. But is it worth going into the water, in which hundreds of other people swim in addition to you and which can become potentially dangerous for you? You decide!

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