What You Need To Know About IVF?

What You Need To Know About IVF?
What You Need To Know About IVF?

What you need to know about IVF?

The content of the article:

  1. What is the essence of the method?
  2. What is the likelihood that the first attempt will be successful?
  3. What examination should be done before IVF?
  4. What vitamins should you start taking?
  5. What are the stages of the IVF procedure?
  6. Can you improve your chances of success?

The first child conceived in a laboratory was born in 1978. Since then, thanks to the use of assisted reproductive technologies, millions of people who have faced infertility have become parents. Over the past decades, the effectiveness of procedures has significantly increased and the list of indications for IVF has expanded greatly.

What is the essence of the method?

IVF implies the fertilization of an egg not in a woman's body, but under laboratory conditions. Then the resulting embryos are grown for several days in special incubators, after which one or two of them are transferred into the patient's uterus.

IVF: features of the method
IVF: features of the method

What is the likelihood that the first attempt will be successful?

Not a single doctor will be able to guarantee that pregnancy will surely come from the first attempt, because the origin of life is an extremely difficult process. Let's say, in natural conditions, the probability of successful conception in one menstrual cycle is only 25%. And this is provided that both partners are young and completely healthy. The chances of pregnancy in the IVF program are almost twice as high.

What examination should be done before IVF?

First of all, both spouses need to sign up for a consultation with a fertility specialist. The doctor, in turn, will prescribe a preliminary examination, which will help to timely detect all violations that can interfere with the onset of pregnancy and normal bearing of the fetus.

The necessary basic research, which must be completed without fail, is spelled out in a special order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. In addition, after interviewing and examining patients, the doctor can expand the scope of the examination.

If you have any chronic pathologies, be sure to make an appointment with a specialized specialist.

What examination should be done before IVF?
What examination should be done before IVF?

What vitamins should you start taking?

3 months before the planned pregnancy, both expectant parents should start taking folic acid, since it helps to improve the quality of sperm and prevents serious pathologies in the unborn child.

What are the stages of the IVF procedure?

  1. Stimulation of ovulation with hormonal drugs, which is needed to initiate the maturation of several oocytes in the ovaries at once.
  2. Follicle puncture.
  3. In vitro fertilization of oocytes, which can be carried out by different methods. So, if there is a serious decrease in spermogram indices, ICSI is recommended. This technology involves the preliminary selection of the best male germ cells and their introduction directly into the cytoplasm of oocytes.
  4. A day later, experts evaluate the results of fertilization. The resulting embryos are placed in special incubators, where they develop over the next several days.
  5. Embryo transfer.
  6. Taking certain medications that your doctor recommends. 2 weeks after the transfer, you need to take a blood test to determine the level of ß-hCG to find out if pregnancy has occurred.
What are the stages of the IVF procedure?
What are the stages of the IVF procedure?

Can you improve your chances of success?

It is in your power to increase the chances of success of the attempt. To do this, give up bad habits in advance, try to avoid any stressful situations, get more rest and strictly follow the doctor's recommendations.

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