
Cryosauna is equipment that exposes the skin to temperatures below zero degrees Fahrenheit for three minutes or less, for a healing effect on the entire body. Aerocryotherapy was developed in Japan in 1978 and later came to Europe, where it was improved.
Cryosauna corrects physiological processes, restores natural balance, stimulates metabolism and the body's immune system. According to reviews, the courses of treatment in the cryosauna are short, but they provoke a quick positive reaction. The result of cryotherapy can be seen 5-10 minutes after the course of treatment, and it lasts at least 6 hours.
The cryotherapy procedure lasts from 60 seconds to 3 minutes and is carried out in a closed cryosauna, where cryogenic gas is supplied with a temperature drop from -25 to -150 ° C for 30 seconds. The general course is on average 15-20 procedures, during which the duration of the procedure itself is gradually increasing. For the procedure, patients wear non-synthetic underwear, and shoe covers or socks on their feet.
The benefits of cryotherapy
Exposure to cold causes the body to increase its metabolic rate in order to generate heat. This effect lasts an hour after the procedure, as a result of which the body burns about 500 calories. After several treatments, the increase in metabolic rate tends to last longer between sessions.
The cold air activates an increase in collagen production in the deeper layers of the skin, as a result of which the skin becomes smoother, elasticity is restored and the overall condition of the skin is significantly improved.
According to reviews, cryosauna is an effective procedure in the fight against skin aging, cellulite and obesity, at the same time, the procedure helps to speed up postoperative recovery and relieve pain from diseases such as arthritis and fibromyalgia.
The beneficial effects of cryosauna are energy boost and sleep improvement. With each session, the body releases endorphins, which create a euphoric effect, which helps in the treatment of depression and other mental illnesses. The purpose of the procedure is to reduce cell metabolism, increase cell survival, reduce inflammation, pain and spasms, it promotes vasoconstriction, and when extreme temperatures are used, it destroys cells by crystallizing the cytosol.
Cryosauna for weight loss

If you are overweight, the cryosauna procedure for weight loss lasts 3 minutes, during the course of 25-30 procedures. Usually, to achieve the best result, it is necessary to carry out 2-3 courses with a break of one month between them.
Weight loss occurs after the procedure for 4-5 hours, due to the accelerated burning of carbohydrates and the breakdown of fats. In addition, cryosauna speeds up metabolism, improves blood circulation, increases muscle tone, which leads to passive weight loss. On average, after one course of 10 to 20 sessions, weight loss is from 3 to 10 kilograms, however, a cryosauna for weight loss sometimes helps only in the second or third course.
Cryosauna is not only a powerful accelerator of metabolic processes, but also has a strong effect on the normalization of hormonal balance and burns fat. It is best to combine cryosauna with a strict diet and exercise such as swimming, fitness, shaping, pilates, aerobics or dancing.
Indications for cryosauna
Indications for cryosauna are chronic fatigue syndrome, stress, depression and arthrosis. After completing a course of cryotherapy, patients usually stop taking medications completely and get rid of their ailments. Also indications for cryosauna are:
- Insomnia;
- Diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
- Allergies;
- Skin diseases;
- Metabolic problems;
- Impotence;
- Prostatitis;
- Menstrual irregularities;
- Ovarian dysfunction;
- Increased intracranial pressure;
- Radiculitis;
- Obesity;
- Diabetes.
Contraindications to cryosauna are:
- Cardiac pathology;
- Hypertonic disease;
- Fever and fever
- Heart failure;
- Cerebral stroke;
- Myocardial infarction.
Also contraindications to cryosauna are the general grave condition of the patient, thrombophlebitis, hypertension of the II degree, malignant tumors, pulmonary tuberculosis, individual cold intolerance and hysterical neurosis.
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