Asthenic syndrome
The content of the article:
- Causes and risk factors
- Forms of the disease
- Asthenic syndrome symptoms
- Diagnostics
- Treatment of asthenic syndrome
- Possible complications and consequences
- Forecast
- Prevention
Asthenic syndrome (asthenia, asthenic reaction, asthenic state, chronic fatigue syndrome) is a pathological condition in which the patient experiences constant fatigue that does not disappear after rest and gradually leads to a decrease in mental and physical performance.

Constant fatigue is a leading symptom of asthenic syndrome
Asthenic syndrome refers to the nonspecific manifestations of many pathological processes, while it can precede another disease, accompany it, or accompany the recovery period.
In recent years, experts have noted an increase in the frequency of asthenic syndrome, including due to its connection with psychoemotional overstrain inherent in residents of large cities. Asthenic syndrome is recorded in people of different age groups, most often observed in patients aged 20–40 years. Women are more susceptible to it.
The main distinguishing features of asthenic syndrome in comparison with ordinary fatigue, which is caused by physical and / or mental stress, irrational daily routine, changing climatic conditions and / or time zone, is a gradual increase in symptoms, a long course and the need for medical correction of this condition.
Causes and risk factors
The main causes of asthenic syndrome are metabolic disorders, insufficient intake of nutrients, as well as excessive consumption of energy, which can occur against the background of any factors that cause depletion of the body.
Risk factors include genetic predisposition, frequent stress, psycho-emotional disorders, unfavorable life circumstances, unbalanced diet. In addition, asthenic syndrome is included in the clinical picture of many pathological processes, in particular:
- diseases of the digestive tract (acute and chronic gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, enterocolitis):
- infectious diseases (acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, viral hepatitis, tuberculosis, foodborne infections, etc.);
- cardiovascular pathology;
- blood diseases;
- endocrine disorders;
- organic brain damage (craniocerebral trauma, demyelinating diseases, cerebrovascular accident);
- the recovery period after injuries, operations, childbirth, serious illnesses.
The development of asthenic syndrome in children can be facilitated by an uncomfortable environment in the family, psychological pressure from other children and other unfavorable factors in the immediate environment of the child.

Asthenic syndrome is often a consequence of endocrine disorders
In addition, asthenic syndrome is often diagnosed in people who live in ecologically unfavorable areas (high level of environmental pollution, increased background radiation, etc.).
Forms of the disease
Distinguish between organic asthenic syndrome (associated with somatic pathology) and functional (which is the body's response to excessive mental or physical stress, stressful situations, etc.).
Depending on the etiological factor that caused the development of asthenic syndrome, its main forms are distinguished:
- somatogenic;
- post-traumatic;
- post-infectious;
- postpartum.
Depending on the characteristics of the clinical picture, the following forms of asthenic syndrome are distinguished:
- hyposthenic - accompanied by a decrease in susceptibility to external stimuli;
- hypersthenic - accompanied by increased susceptibility to external stimuli.
Depending on the duration of the asthenic syndrome, it is classified as acute and chronic.
Asthenic syndrome symptoms
The clinical picture of asthenic syndrome depends on the etiological factor that caused its development, as well as on the individual characteristics of the patient.
Rapid fatigue, one of the main signs of asthenic syndrome, is accompanied by a decrease in labor productivity, especially with intellectual activities, forgetfulness, decreased attention, irritability, rapid mood swings, tension and anxiety. Patients easily lose their composure, anxiety, depression, pessimistic mood, periodic depression, intolerance and irritability towards the people around arise. It can also be difficult for patients to concentrate, find the right words. After a short rest, the patient's condition does not improve.

Fatigue is one of the signs of asthenic syndrome
In the clinical picture of asthenic syndrome, autonomic disorders are often present: tachycardia, discomfort and pain in the region of the heart, fluctuations in blood pressure, hyperemia or pallor of the skin, a feeling of heat or chilliness at normal body temperature, increased sweating (local or generalized). Often, patients complain of dyspeptic disorders (abdominal pain, loss of appetite, spastic constipation), heaviness and pain in the head, decreased libido.
Sleep disturbances are manifested by difficulty falling asleep, disturbing dreams, awakening in the middle of the night, after which it is difficult to fall asleep, as well as early awakening. After sleep, the patient does not feel rested, and as the pathological process progresses, drowsiness appears in the daytime, which increases against the background of mental and physical stress. Sometimes it seems to patients that they practically do not sleep at night, but in reality this is not the case.
Usually the symptoms of asthenic syndrome intensify in the afternoon, in the morning the patient's general condition may be satisfactory.

Sleep disorders are characteristic of asthenic syndrome
With asthenic syndrome, diffuse muscle pain is often noted, most often it has an aching or pulling character and is almost constant, muscle weakness often appears. Pain in large joints may occur. Sometimes there is an increase in lymph nodes and pain in them.
Young people often have an indication of a history of frequent colds, as well as a history of chronic tonsillitis or at the time of going to the doctor for asthenia. At the same time, the rehabilitation of the palatine tonsils does not have a positive effect, even after it, the patients retain weakness and subfebrile body temperature.
In some cases, patients with asthenic syndrome experience a significant decrease in body weight, accompanied by a decrease in skin turgor.
Asthenic syndrome in children is usually accompanied by lethargy, as well as changes in behavior (irritability, resentment, indecision, fearfulness and shyness) and emotional lability.
During the diagnosis of asthenic syndrome, first of all, they collect complaints and anamnesis of the patient. In this case, it is necessary to establish the correspondence or inconsistency of the objective and subjective signs of the disease, to determine the features of night sleep, to trace the patient's behavior during the examination, his adherence to therapy. The history should look for reasons that could explain the presence of asthenic syndrome (metabolic disorders, malignant neoplasms, radio- and / or chemotherapy, immunodeficiency states, alcohol abuse, drug addiction, etc.).
Since asthenic syndrome is not an independent disease, during the examination for it, it is necessary to direct efforts to detect the pathology that caused it. For this purpose, a laboratory and instrumental examination is carried out.
Laboratory examination includes: general and biochemical blood test, general urine test, coprogram. Determination of a possible infectious pathogen is carried out by the culture method, as well as using the polymerase chain reaction. If necessary, immunodiagnostics is carried out to detect a decrease in cellular immunity by intradermal tests with infectious antigens, a decrease in the number of T-lymphocytes and their proliferative activity, a violation of the ratio of the immunoregulatory index, and a decrease in the function of NK cells (natural killer cells). In some cases, additional tests may be required to clarify the diagnosis.

To find out the cause of asthenic syndrome, a comprehensive diagnosis of the body and anamnesis are carried out
Instrumental diagnostics: ultrasound of the abdominal cavity organs, ECG, gastroscopy, duodenal intubation, X-ray examination of the chest organs, magnetic resonance and computed tomography, etc.
Differential diagnosis is carried out with hypochondriacal or depressive neurosis, as well as with hypersomnia.
Treatment of asthenic syndrome
Treatment of asthenic syndrome primarily requires therapy for the underlying pathology and depends on the course of the underlying disease. An important condition is lifestyle modification: adequate organization of work and rest, sleep restoration, regular moderate physical activity, walks in the fresh air. It is necessary to minimize the effect on the body of unfavorable factors, to normalize the situation at home and at work and / or in an educational institution. Shown are spa treatment, tourist trips. The diet is selected depending on the underlying disease.
The appointment of fortifying drugs and vitamin complexes is shown, if necessary, drug therapy for asthenic syndrome includes nootropics, antidepressants, sedatives, stimulating neuroleptics, psychostimulants. In some cases, herbal preparations that have an immunostimulating and tonic effect (Chinese lemongrass, ginseng, licorice root, Echinacea purpurea, Eleutherococcus, Rhodiola rosea, etc.) have a positive effect.

An important condition in the treatment of asthenic syndrome is strict adherence to the daily routine.
There are cases of spontaneous cure of patients with asthenic syndrome, but usually they are associated with an improvement in living standards, working conditions, moving to an ecologically friendly region, long rest and proper nutrition.
Possible complications and consequences
In the absence of adequate treatment, asthenic syndrome can persist for a long time, aggravating the patient's condition. Complications of asthenic syndrome are difficult to predict. There are cases when patients developed neurasthenia, depression, and even schizophrenia against the background of this condition.
The prognosis largely depends on the correctness of the selected treatment of the disease, against which this pathology arose. When the patient is cured, the signs of asthenic syndrome, as a rule, disappear. With prolonged remission of a chronic disease, the signs of asthenia also significantly decrease until they completely disappear (however, with an exacerbation, a relapse may occur).
In order to prevent the development of asthenic syndrome, it is recommended:
- timely and adequate treatment of diseases against which asthenic syndrome may develop;
- avoidance of stressful situations, development of stress resistance;
- avoidance of physical and mental overload;
- rational work and rest regime;
- sufficient physical activity;
- balanced diet;
- rejection of bad habits.
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Anna Kozlova Medical journalist About the author
Education: Rostov State Medical University, specialty "General Medicine".
The information is generalized and provided for informational purposes only. At the first sign of illness, see your doctor. Self-medication is hazardous to health!