How to lose weight in summer

Summer is loved by everyone, without exception. This is the warmest time of the year, the time for vacations, vacations, travel and new adventures. As soon as really hot money comes, many women start thinking about how to get rid of kilograms of excess weight together with “kilograms” of warm clothes. It is so arranged by nature that without wanting it, we gain weight in the winter.
The consequences of long winter evenings spent over a cup of tea with all kinds of sweets make themselves felt in spring, when you have to completely change your wardrobe or take urgent measures in order to get back in shape by summer. But, as according to the law of meanness, such a fertile spring season for losing weight quickly flies by at work, household chores, worries and constant fuss.
Many women just have no time to think about how they will look in summer in a swimsuit on the beach, especially since a person is inclined to constantly postpone the solution of difficult problems "for later". Therefore, the vast majority of the fair sex think about how to lose weight right before the upcoming vacation. Fortunately, it is much easier to cope with excess weight in the summer than at any other time of the year. So, how to lose weight in the summer or a guide to action.
How to lose weight in summer
When asked how to lose weight in the summer, professional nutritionists and fitness instructors unanimously answer - just like at any other time of the year. For the fight against extra pounds to be effective, you need to take into account three main "whales" on which any weight loss program is built:
- Sport;
- Proper nutrition;
- Correct emotional and psychological attitude.
In principle, the above list is the answer to the question of how to lose weight in the summer. And although these simple rules are known to many, not everyone adheres to them. As the saying goes: “Repetition is the mother of learning”, so it will not be superfluous to recall once again the rules of healthy eating and physical activity, especially when the vacation is very soon.
Summer is the best time for sports. Even if there is no extra money for a gym, you can play sports right on the street. The weather in summer is good, and physical activity in the fresh air will help maintain not only a slim figure, but also strong health. Long walks on summer evenings or cycling are also equivalent to physical activity.
You see, in order to get in shape, it is not at all necessary to get up early in the morning for a run. By the way, this is a very good idea, and most importantly an effective way if you need to lose weight quickly, for example, a week before a trip to the sea.
How to lose weight in the summer in a week
Answering the question of how to lose weight in the summer in a week, experts, first of all, recommend adhering to a strict daily regimen, which takes into account the individual characteristics of the body - weight, age, health, and so on. In addition to losing weight quickly and without harm to health, you should include mandatory physical activity in your daily routine.
For fast weight loss, it would be ideal to do daily morning jogging, after which a set of simple exercises for all muscle groups, and then take a contrast shower. Not only running, but also swimming is considered a great way to maintain a beautiful figure and excellent physical shape. Moreover, on hot summer days it is so pleasant to refresh yourself in cool water.
If you are lucky enough to spend warm summer days next to the sea, then swimming automatically turns into not only a great way to lose weight, but also a way to have a pleasant pastime.
A few tips on how to lose weight at sea:
- Swimming daily, this sport promotes the development of the muscular corset, as well as relieves stress on the spine and stimulates blood circulation. In addition, swimming helps to improve digestion;
- Go for a run or hike every day. It is advisable to run or walk on the seashore in order to inhale the sea smell and simultaneously saturate the body with a mass of useful compounds, for example, iodine;
- Eat as much fresh fruits and vegetables as possible, as well as fish and seafood, which are always abundant in seaside resorts;
- Try to move as much as possible.
Of course, this is not an exhaustive list of recommendations on how to lose weight at sea. In any case, in order to lose weight both at sea and in any other place, you will have to adhere to a certain diet and do not forget about physical activity. In fact, losing weight at sea turns out much faster, apparently not only swimming, but also sea air, fresh fruits and, of course, the atmosphere contributes.
After any kind of morning physical activity, you will definitely have an appetite. Nutrition plays an important role in the process of losing weight. Therefore, before tormenting yourself with the question of how to lose weight in the summer in a week, analyze your diet and exclude or replace unhealthy and high-calorie foods with healthy ones.

Moreover, in the summer there are all the possibilities for this. To increase efficiency and speed up the process of losing weight, experts advise not only to adhere to a strict daily regimen, but also to eat at a certain time. A full three meals a day with two additional meals (snack) should become a habit. In summer, you should give preference to fresh vegetables, berries and fruits, juices, as well as cereals and fermented milk products.
It should not be forgotten that in the hot season the human body needs more water. To quench your thirst, plain water is best; you can also drink fresh juices, herbal teas, or mineral water. In the summer, fasting days will bring tangible benefits in losing weight. Compared to any other season, it is really easier to lose weight in summer.
In hot weather, the body works in a completely different way, appetite dulls, and you don't want to consume chocolate at all, because the sun is shining outside and produces its own, albeit not a hormone, but a "vitamin of happiness" D. It is in the summer that everyone has a great opportunity spending time in the fresh air not only with health and well-being benefits, but also for the figure.
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