An andrologist is a doctor who treats various diseases, functional disorders and pathological processes of the male reproductive system.

History and features of the profession
Andrology as a complex science was formed in the 20th century. This discipline is actively involved in the study and treatment of male genital diseases. It is closely related to urology, endocrinology, sexopathology, venereology and dermatology.
The main task of andrology is to maintain and preserve the reproductive health of men. An andrologist is a specialist in diagnosing, preventing and treating diseases of the male genital area.
Andrologist not only provides medical care, but also deals with social adaptation. And also receives the andrologist reviews and complaints from patients.
In the 19-20 centuries, the main methods of andrology were formed in world medical practice. The professional sphere of the andrologist began to include not only the problems of adult men, but also children. Children's andrologist deals with problems of sexual development in children and adolescents. This specialist must have extensive knowledge of fundamental medicine and its disciplines.
The children's andrologist provides consultations, diagnoses and treats diseases in boys. The main task of such a children's andrologist is the prevention of male infertility and the promotion of the correct sexual development of adolescents.
The specifics of the medical activity of an andrologist
The andrologist provides consultations mainly on the problem of erectile dysfunction, which is a violation in maintaining an erection, decreased sexual activity and lack of intercourse.
A good andrologist can identify the causes of diseases, as well as prevent the further development of sexual dysfunction and restore the normal functioning of the male reproductive system.
Men of various age groups apply for an andrologist's consultation, but most often between the ages of 40 and 65 years. The problems of this age group are based not only on diseases, but also on psychological disorders.
The specifics of the andrologist's activity includes determining the degree of risk and likelihood of developing diseases of the genital area. Such factors include diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, hypertension, liver failure, hormonal disorders, renal failure, and thyroid disease. Also, the main risk factors include the use of alcohol and psychotropic drugs, smoking.
Treatment methods
Currently, there are several treatments that an andrologist uses. These include the following methods:
- injection method of introducing drugs into the corpora cavernosa, that is, into the vessels of the male genital organ in order to improve erection;
- drug therapy, which includes drugs that increase blood flow in the vessels of the penis;
- psychotherapy, in which drugs are used to treat psychogenic dysfunction, and treatment is carried out along with the prescription of a psychotherapist;
- vacuum erection therapy is a painless technique using vacuum erectors to restore an erection;
- surgical methods, including surgery on the penis, prosthetics, surgery to limit venous outflow of blood.
A good andrologist must determine the optimal treatment method for each patient, identify their disadvantages and advantages. The andrologist will receive positive reviews from patients if the treatment has high results, a full examination and diagnostic procedures have been carried out.
Duties of the doctor andrologist
The andrologist carries out inpatient, outpatient and consultative reception, as well as maintains medical records and studies diagnostic methods of research. The duties of this doctor include conducting small surgical interventions (wound treatment, suturing, removal of foreign bodies, novocaine blockade, etc.), ultrasound and cystoscopy.
If necessary, a good andrologist can remove catheters, distill the bladder, ligate the testicular vein, and eliminate the hydrocele.
Features of andrologist consultation
You can consult an andrologist for the treatment of inflammatory and infectious diseases of the genitourinary system in men, infertility, genital disorders, pathological changes in menopause and congenital abnormalities of the genital organs.
Your doctor can provide counseling about sexually transmitted diseases and help with contraception issues.
Before an appointment with a doctor, you must carry out hygiene procedures and put on clean linen. At the reception, the doctor listens to the patient's complaints, examines his medical history and prescribes diagnostic procedures, examines the genitals, and also takes into account the andrologist's feedback and wishes of patients during treatment.
As an additional examination, the doctor may prescribe a spermogram, an ultrasound examination of the vessels of the genitourinary organs, determination of the prostatic antigen and a smear from the urethra.
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